Sen. Roy Ashburn


Apr 7, 2003
a bar called Faces. It's a gay bar and he had a male companion in the car with him.
Ashburn, who served in the state Assembly from 1996 to 2002 before he was elected to the Senate, has voted against every gay rights measure since he became a senator, according to Project Vote Smart, a Web site that tracks voting records.

What drives a man to such self loathing and hatred to vote against everything that he is and would want if he stopped hating him self? I do not understand people like him, Haggard, Foley and others.

I think I understand why people who are not gay are afraid of it and hate it, but I do not understand being afraid and hating ones self. That is sad. I hope he finds help.

Full article
If you had to "put up with James al., you'd Stay in the closet too.

You can NOT be gay and Republican !
(well not out in the OPEN anyway)

"HYPOCRITS" to the "enth" Power !!
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Why should it be that way though? Especially for republicans. The party is supposed to be for smaller government and less intervention. Ones sexual preference should not have anything to do with government and should not be of any concern to the RNC yet if you look at virtually all of the gays who have been 'busted' they have all been republicans.

According to this CNN article in 2002 there were 223 openly gay politicians. Of the 223, only 13 were republican.

If the RNC truly wants to live up their claim of bee in tolerant and open to people from all walks of life, they need to take a serious look in the mirror and figure out how to fix this problem.
Why if it were a Dem though....its just not an issue.....have they no morals?

I don't care if GOP runs that way.....DNC are heathen fornicators then? Party of Sodom and Gomorrah?

If the dude is Joe Anti gay and he slides in the closet off and on then he got Homophobe issues. Or how gay say....trouble with your own sexuality?
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Are you implying that as a liberal I have no morals because I do not condemn someone elses life style?

Liberals tend not to care what someone else does so long as it does not adversely affect others. That is why Barny Frank can be openly gay and still get elected.

As a liberal, I do not care what your race is, religious belief is, what your sexual preference is. All I want to know is if you can do the job I have hired you to do. I do not care if you are a trans-gender muslim from India. If I think you have good ideas, I'll vote for you. Would you? From the sounds of it I would have to say no if you believe that being gay is immoral.
Liberals tend not to care what someone else does so long as it does not adversely affect others.

Until it comes knocking at their door, then call a Conservative.

Why is it always an issue with GOP then?
It's the "GD" hypocrisy that gripes me about the Repugs(as it pertains to this issue)

You've got CLOWNS like James Dobson, and his #1 flunky Tony Perkins(of focus on the family fame) extolling the virtues of the family values party...a k a .........the GOP !

Like garfield said, (many) time(s) and again, when these Closet Queen politicians get caught, they're(a vast majority) Repugs!
It's the "GD" hypocrisy that gripes me about the Repugs(as it pertains to this issue)

You've got CLOWNS like James Dobson, and his #1 flunky Tony Perkins(of focus on the family fame) extolling the virtues of the family values party...a k a .........the GOP !

Like garfield said, (many) time(s) and again, when these Closet Queen politicians get caught, they're(a vast majority) Repugs!

Like by some kind of divine intervention............they are all called on the carpet for their indiscretions.
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Of course they are. If someone condemns the gay life style and vote for all bills that restricts the rights of gays and then it turns out that they are gay, you think that does not deserve condemnation? That would be like finding out that Arpaio is a meth dealer. That just does not fly.

It's a given that all politicians are liars. We all know that. Typically though they lie about the generic stuff like not being big spenders, not liking ear marks, not going to raise taxes.... etc. But when you start in on the personal stuff I think it goes to a different level. Professing abstinence but getting knocked up, condemning gays and then being outed as being gay. That just does not fly.

If the republicans would give the family values BS and get out of peoples private lives (you know, smaller less intrusive government) then this stuff will go away. No one cares if a dem turns out to be gay because we just don't care. Their sexual preference has nothnig to do with their ability to do their job. Actually, we realize that a persons sexual preference has nothing to do with anything whether it be political or anything else. Barny Frank is gay. WGAS? No liberals do. Why do you guys care? Ashburn was fine with you guys before you knew he was gay. What changed, I mean other than the fact that he lied through his teeth and was a hypocrite?
Garfield is DEAD RIGHT on this !
To deny that, (IMHO) is an Insult to yourself. This isn't a case of Dems doing anything Right, but it sure in HECK is a case of Repugs being WRONG .

Smaller less intrusive government is the ticket unless you can't find your butt with both hands and want Obama to do it for you.

And so the Dem's are fornicating each other while Rome burns and its cool by you guys..... :lol:

Just don't let me catch any them damn Republican hypocrites doing it dad gum it.

Show me a country or culture that had any viable impact that abandoned family,morality and law.

Sodom and Gomorrah did pretty good......Don't forget Rome.

Yeah baby......

Smaller less intrusive government is the ticket unless you can't find your butt with both hands and want Obama to do it for you.

And so the Dem's are fornicating each other while Rome burns and its cool by you guys..... :lol:

Just don't let me catch any them damn Republican hypocrites doing it dad gum it.

Show me a country or culture that had any viable impact that abandoned family,morality and law.

Sodom and Gomorrah did pretty good......Don't forget Rome.

Yeah baby......


Yeah but, as these queens keep getting outed, you've gotta admit dell, is putting a damper on "practicing what you preach" !
Yeah but, as these queens keep getting outed, you've gotta admit dell, is putting a damper on "practicing what you preach" !

Just like the closet dem queens being outed via gay sexual harassment? Yah that makes perfect sense!