shift differential for maint

Not near enough....depending on carrier/contract, typically around .51-58c/hr for seconds and mids on the line...
what do various companies pay for shift differential regarding line maintenance??
This industry has always failed to recognize the need for shift differentials and human beings circadian rythms. While most other industries that have 24/7/365 operations consider these things and add 10% or more to the hourly wage and have schedules that are healthier for its workers the airlines typically only add around 60 cents and hour for night shift.
Crappy shift pay is nothing.
The big money is in the penny per year longevity (max 15 cents)... :lol:

I think that figure is wrong. $0.17 hr at max. I'M RICH !!!!!!

The shift pay is a joke. I was getting $1 hr 30 years ago in a factory environment. UA management gets
10% for mids and they sit on their ass or get in the way. They don't do any physical work. The mechanics
that bust ass, work in poor weather (the coldest part of the day) and are the people that really keep things
moving only get about .60 an hr. Change is needed.