Should UAL do the unthinkable with their "premium" seats?

UA is making a lot of money monthly from upgrades to E+. The figures come out monthly to the stations. I think they are available on Skynet under the SSI's. You would be surprised at the figures. Each station has a $ amout to shoot for when it comes to this extra revenue. For the post that said E+ is always empty, you have to remember that we try not to assign anyone next to our premiers. If there is going to be open seats, csr's are supposed to use the blocked seats last when assigning. Even when a non-rev is onloaded, they are onloaded into E- automatically unless you specify. I don't think UA has any intention of removing the E+ section. From what I have heard, E+ and premium cabin upgrades are making more $ than expected. Something has to pay the rent on Wacker.
I don't know. Perhaps having a fortress hub in DFW = more profits and higher average yields? I'm not sure I'd attribute that to those extra first class seats. There is little doubt in my mind that if we had a TRUE fortress hub like Continental has in EWR or AMR has in DFW that our yields would be higher (IMO DEN doesn't count, it's a connecting hub more than anything else). Imagine what our yields would look like if we "owned" ORD like AMR and Continental own DFW and EWR. Our average yields would definitely be higher, and I wouldn't attribute that to E+ or our first class seating. In fact, I'll take the fortress hub over either of those if I could choose which UAL got to have!

IAD. SFO. EWR has to deal with LGA and JFK same as SFO has to deal with OAK and SJC. IAD has BWI much like DFW has LUV.

The hub structure is not the problem.
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IAD. SFO. EWR has to deal with LGA and JFK same as SFO has to deal with OAK and SJC. IAD has BWI much like DFW has LUV.

The hub structure is not the problem.

I don't think the hub structure is a problem, either. But CAL and AMR, in my opinion, have better fortress hubs than we do (we don't even really have one IMO), which will allow them to have average yields that will be higher than ours. Of course, I realize that's one component of a bigger picture, but I think that's one advanatage those two airlines will always have over us. Plus, wholesale jet fuel is cheaper at EWR and DFW than it is in ORD, but I digress.....

Iflyjetz, every post on every thread on this entire forum is mental masturbation. And you have twice as many posts as me with such exercise :) Perhaps we both need new hobbies!


P.S. I'd rather have my wife come after me with a sharp knife than a dull one.
As a recent convert to United flying - I can say that one of the reasons that I moved all of my flying to United is because of E+ - it is what makes flying United different and the reason that I will take a connection rather than a direct to earn miles on United and keep my status. If E+ wasn't there - I could fly any airline.
Iflyjetz, every post on every thread on this entire forum is mental masturbation. And you have twice as many posts as me with such exercise :) Perhaps we both need new hobbies!

I think that there are a few posts that contain information rather than try to fix issues that are out of our realm.

I just think that you're trying to attack the RASM/CASM problem in a manner that will have unintended consequences. Cutbacks in high end seating to put a few more rows on board, only to be dumped on priceline, is probably not the best solution.
United has already cut back the perks enough to chase some customers into the arms of American, Delta and Continental. Those that go to American and Delta can be wooed back, but when United loses a frequent flyer to Continental, they probably won't come back. From what I've read, Continental has the best combination of perks and treatment of Frequent Flyers.
United cannot become an LCC; their international route structure won't allow it. And have you seen the cost of a ticket to Australia or Asia? There's a lot of money to be made there, especially on business and first class tickets (not all frequent flyers upgrade).

And yes, I do need another hobby. :)
The E+ on Ted and UAL are sometimes always empty on some flights depending on the route. Everyone who didn't pay for the E+ seat try to scam and move up into those seats. You tell them NO and they get pissed off at you when you tell them no as a flight attendant.

Some of them do get pissed off but, mostly I find that after I explain that the people occupying those seats paid more for them, most people, though not thrilled, understand and cooperate.

Also if the flight is not going to be full I make the E+ announcement on the ground with the regualr boarding announcements it pretty much stops them in their tracks and they don't even ask to move up.