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Shutdown process for US?


Aug 20, 2002
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Should the worst-case-scenario come true and Chapter 11 reorganization becomes a Chapter 7 liquidation, how would this be handled?
Would we see an orderly, well-controlled shutdown of US Airways'' systemwide operations and dismissal of employees (assuming management is given advance notice of some sort), or will it be a haphazard spiral of stranded passengers, employees left without any information, and leasing companies padlocking tow bars to aircraft landing gear (like they did to MarkAir), etc?
N305AS..never say never.....but I really don't think that will happen. I realize there are a lot of people that would love to see U go away, but I really think Dave will pull this off. Sorry......
The first month would be crazy. Passengers left with tickets that are basically worthless, unless United honors them (probably for a fee). Aircraft flown out to the desert one by one. Little nick nack's like dishes, glassware, and anything with the logo would be hot property for collectors. To summarize: We wake up one day and all the airplanes are parked, then the passengers and news media go crazy, and then everything gets looted like in a riot. Then after the first month AA, UA, and DL would fill the void. Air Tran, JB, and WN would most likely help fill the void too, but not on the grand scale some might predict. I could be wrong, but I don't think U is even close to the end.
Should the situation actually deteriorate to a shutdown of US Airways and liquidation, it will be anything but orderly. The magnitude of shutting down operations for an airline of US Airways size means that there will be much chaos, especially amongst passengers. I remember Eastern and Pan Am's shutdowns well. It was probably about as orderly as you could expect, yet it did create some level of chaos and confusion.

Believe me, I'm hoping US Airways makes it. They've got great people and a good product to offer. The two reasons I was asking were:

1. to satisfy my curiosity on if a shutdown procedure is in place

2. to outline (to the let's vote no and bring the whole thing crashing down crowd) exactly what can be expected if the airline has to liquidate
N305AS said:

Believe me, I'm hoping US Airways makes it. They've got great people and a good product to offer. The two reasons I was asking were:

1. to satisfy my curiosity on if a shutdown procedure is in place

2. to outline (to the let's vote no and bring the whole thing crashing down crowd) exactly what can be expected if the airline has to liquidate

DCAflyer response:

Is it really necessary to have this thread?

FYI, the folks who fail to ratify will be off the property very soon. Had their chance and blew it. Dave is serious, gave them opportunities to stay and they played games. Virtually every one of their functions can be farmed out. I believe contracts are already drawn up with the subcontractors and ready to be signed, awaiting BK court approval.

Don't be suprised when U rebounds faster than the other majors.
N305AS, here is the mentality that we are dealing with(NOT THAT I'M CALLING ANYONE STUPID}but flying the line and nicely asking how the guys are going to vote and the hardcore response is..We brought Eastern down Boy, that was a real victory!!I love shooting myself in the foot twice.

305, have a great day...film at eleven
Eastern closed at Midnight; and it was over the next day with the empty repositioning of aircraft. Then a orderly liquidation took place over the next weeks and months. Very few people remained on the payrole the next day.