So what do you expect from a Biden win?


Aug 19, 2002
Haystack Rock
What do you think will happen when Joe Biden wins? What new thing is coming that will fix this nation? What will happen with healthcare, taxes,immigration, foreign policy? And if you can, please explain how he plans to make these things happen.
What do you think will happen when Joe Biden wins? What new thing is coming that will fix this nation? What will happen with healthcare, taxes,immigration, foreign policy? And if you can, please explain how he plans to make these things happen.

Doesn't matter who wins...this country is toast. We have had four years of "us vs them" that I don't think it can be healed, short of another terrorist attack on our shores. And that attack will have to dwarf 9/11 in scale. WE are no longer the United States. We are red states and blue states. We might as well create two separate countries, and if you are a staunch Trumpublican (the GOP will no longer exist) and live in a "socialist country", you can move to the other newly formed country and live in paradise. If you choose not to move, then shut the hell up and deal with it. Same for the lefty liberal socialists stuck in a red state. Either move to the new state or shut the hell up.

But no matter who wins....America has already lost.
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First off I don't believe he will win!....... But I'll play!....... First I don't believe he'd last six months! I really feel the real powers in charge of the left have had this planed out months ago. We'll be seeing our first female President and when that happens all hell will brake loose shortly after!
If he loses, the midterms start on November 4th.

I expect Trump to follow thru with the rumors from 2016 - that he was using the election as a way to launch a new media empire. Lots of people fed up with the likes of Chris Wallace, Facebook and Twitter. Even more during the last few months with all the censorship intended to sway the election.

I'd expect Trump will continue to tweet like mad and make life miserable for Biden. They'll shine a spotlight on every move the left and socialists make. They'll find things to sway the middle and call out weekly for impeachment hearings.

Maybe he'll use the post-election lull to combine forces with secondary platforms like Parler, and link up with maybe Glen Beck's Blaze Network and Salem & Sinclair to start up a sizeable competitor to Fox....

With the rumors of Jeff Bezos looking to buy CNN, the Dems will be in a corner regarding big tech and anti-trust. Having Amazon, the Washington Times and CNN all under common ownership could pose a huge anti-trust threat, especially when you consider just how big of a player Amazon is with cloud web service hosting and how dependent people have become on Amazon for essential supplies...
If he loses, the midterms start on November 4th.

I expect Trump to follow thru with the rumors from 2016 - that he was using the election as a way to launch a new media empire. Lots of people fed up with the likes of Chris Wallace, Facebook and Twitter. Even more during the last few months with all the censorship intended to sway the election.

Um...of those mentioned, only Chris Wallace is news media. And he's on Fox. Facebook and Tweeter are social networks, which have served to dumb down this country. And our illustrious leader is perhaps the biggest twit on Tweeter. Hell...if anything, the might put him on the board.
I expect to kick his kids out.
"IF" Trump looses, look for litigation and more convictions.
I voted for Trump, not his nepotism.
"IF" man.....I like the attitude.

Oh...Trump will once again win the electoral vote, but he will lose the popular vote by double what he lost it to in 2016. And the end of America will be in sight. God help us all.

This country has become so divided that Trumpublicans (the GOP will officially be dead) in the flyover red states will insure an electoral win. MAYBE when they finally realize that the GOP was never really about them, they might rebel and vote for the Democrat.
How many years did you schlep through your cushy union job?
I wouldn't hire an 'a&p' to fix my lawn mower.
Bunch of whining finger pointing sissies if there ever was.
Not true. when I walked the picket line at SFO for NWA, I hired A&P's to fix my Jeep..
Sorry about that....
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Ask the voters in Kentucky
No, we'll ask the people of your own State, Kansas! Next week!....... Seriously, K.C. do you really believe he'd finish his term if elected? And what do you think of his running mate, because I feel Pelosi has already figured out a way to get reed of him using the 25th Amendment if he's elected. ,,,,,,, Oh, by the way, how do you think your Vice President in waiting got where she is?......... I'll give you a hint! Willy Brown!
No, we'll ask the people of your own State, Kansas! Next week!....... Seriously, K.C. do you really believe he'd finish his term if elected? And what do you think of his running mate, because I feel Pelosi has already figured out a way to get reed of him using the 25th Amendment if he's elected. ,,,,,,, Oh, by the way, how do you think your Vice President in waiting got where she is?......... I'll give you a hint! Willy Brown!

I'm hoping against hope that Barbara Bollier wins. Little sidenote, I was in an ad for her. I happen to know her. And she's got a lead..however slight. And his campaign can do little but lie. Running ads that she wanted to ban guns in Kansas. Sounds awful, but what she really did as a state senator was introduce a bill that would formalize procedure for law enforcement to confiscate guns from someone deemed to be a threat to themselves or others. And all this time I've read from gun nuts that it's not the's the shooter. Yet this bill was "extreme" simply addressed the shooter and not the gun. FWIW - she owns guns and hunted with her dad when she was younger. But's politics.

And even if Biden doesn't finish his term - I'll take Harris over Trump in a heartbeat. And you guys have never seen a conspiracy you didn't like.