Something To Chuckle About!

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!
Ill bet this is not the first time you and the company shared a great laugh!

Like everytime you sucker the membership into another concessionary contract!
Checking it Out said:
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
I guess if you call me a fool for calling your dishonorable guests, the retired iam stooges dutch dresser and brain conners liars, I'm guilty. Among the many lies, dresser spouted off how it was AMFA's fault that NWA shut down the ATL base, and everyone hit the street. Hmmm, no one got to go follow the work to MSP or take the retirement??? I surmise that they both had a few too many twu cocktails before the meeting. Then both of the iam stooges stated that they were not being paid to be liars for the twu. That's a real good one. A blatent set of lies!!!This is all the industrial unions know fear FearandMORE FEAR!!!!! I forgot to ask how dutch enjoyed his NWA retirement thanks to AMFA's negotiations doubling the iam retirement pay. I think they should reduce his retirement to the 1998 iam contract level, just for him. Apparently, he likes the former iam's reduced rate much better. I wonder if brian conners is a millionaire with the iam ESOP scam. I hear everyone did well on that superb iam deal at UAL.

Is the iam's card drive going full force at NWA and UAL??? Will they be filing soon?? :shock: :up: :shock: :up:

That is quite a chuckle!!!!!!!
Ken MacTiernan said:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer, did not jim little state that we would have a full revote? That sounds like a very big promise that was broken. [/quote]
My understanding is that it was Little's intent to re-vote with the initial information that he had obtained. Upon further facts being revealed and more accurate information being gathered it was not only his but our legal counsel's advice that the position of a re-vote would not be sustainable in a court of law. That position was upheld when your amfa brethren tried to gain an injunction and was denied by a distric court judge in NY. Which by the way is the smae district that AA would have used to file bankruptcy.

Are you advocating that we would have been better off in bankruptcy Ken??? I know that several of your amfa cohorts feel this way. I would think that you would be on that same band-wagon with them.
I always get a chuckle when I see how many cards are signed at AFW. Overnight they had almost everyone signed up. I have to give it up for the twu for going down and showing their faces at such an AMFA dominated base. Does anyone have the pics of the AFW mechanics wearing their AMFA shirts out in front of the base?? Some of my favorites from the last drive. It's a pleasure to be associated with all the AMFA supporters at AFW.

Keep the Faith........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!
Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
I guess if you call me a fool for calling your dishonorable guests, the retired iam stooges dutch dresser and brain conners liars, I'm guilty. Among the many lies, dresser spouted off how it was AMFA's fault that NWA shut down the ATL base, and everyone hit the street. Hmmm, no one got to go follow the work to MSP or take the retirement??? I surmise that they both had a few too many twu cocktails before the meeting. Then both of the iam stooges stated that they were not being paid to be liars for the twu. That's a real good one. A blatent set of lies!!!This is all the industrial unions know fear FearandMORE FEAR!!!!! I forgot to ask how dutch enjoyed his NWA retirement thanks to AMFA's negotiations doubling the iam retirement pay. I think they should reduce his retirement to the 1998 iam contract level, just for him. Apparently, he likes the former iam's reduced rate much better. I wonder if brian conners is a millionaire with the iam ESOP scam. I hear everyone did well on that superb iam deal at UAL.

Is the iam's card drive going full force at NWA and UAL??? Will they be filing soon?? :shock: :up: :shock: :up:

That is quite a chuckle!!!!!!!
You know gary you are the biggest lier I have ever seen. I called and talked to Larry Pike, what Dutch sed was that 1450 Positions were lost, over 600 amfa members transferred to Minneapolis to try to keep a job. There wasn’t any work to follow because NWA sold the JT8 engines and are now leasing the engines on a power by the hour. Most of the people that transferred have been laid off. I was told if you hadn’t been screaming into the microphone and making a total jackass out of your self you would have been able to hear the answer to your question. But I guess that is kind of like when you were at the Brady, if you hadn’t been standing there screaming obscenities at everyone you would have known you were holding your sign upside down
James T. Kirk said:
Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
I guess if you call me a fool for calling your dishonorable guests, the retired iam stooges dutch dresser and brain conners liars, I'm guilty. Among the many lies, dresser spouted off how it was AMFA's fault that NWA shut down the ATL base, and everyone hit the street. Hmmm, no one got to go follow the work to MSP or take the retirement??? I surmise that they both had a few too many twu cocktails before the meeting. Then both of the iam stooges stated that they were not being paid to be liars for the twu. That's a real good one. A blatent set of lies!!!This is all the industrial unions know fear FearandMORE FEAR!!!!! I forgot to ask how dutch enjoyed his NWA retirement thanks to AMFA's negotiations doubling the iam retirement pay. I think they should reduce his retirement to the 1998 iam contract level, just for him. Apparently, he likes the former iam's reduced rate much better. I wonder if brian conners is a millionaire with the iam ESOP scam. I hear everyone did well on that superb iam deal at UAL.

Is the iam's card drive going full force at NWA and UAL??? Will they be filing soon?? :shock: :up: :shock: :up:

That is quite a chuckle!!!!!!!
You know gary you are the biggest lier I have ever seen. I called and talked to Larry Pike, what Dutch sed was that 1450 Positions were lost, over 600 amfa members transferred to Minneapolis to try to keep a job. There wasn’t any work to follow because NWA sold the JT8 engines and are now leasing the engines on a power by the hour. Most of the people that transferred have been laid off. I was told if you hadn’t been screaming into the microphone and making a total jackass out of your self you would have been able to hear the answer to your question. But I guess that is kind of like when you were at the Brady, if you hadn’t been standing there screaming obscenities at everyone you would have known you were holding your sign upside down

But I guess that is kind of like when you were at the Brady, if you hadn’t been standing there screaming obscenities at everyone you would have known you were holding your sign upside down

OOOHHHHH, that's who that was!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer said:
Ken MacTiernan said:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer, did not jim little state that we would have a full revote? That sounds like a very big promise that was broken.
My understanding is that it was Little's intent to re-vote with the initial information that he had obtained. Upon further facts being revealed and more accurate information being gathered it was not only his but our legal counsel's advice that the position of a re-vote would not be sustainable in a court of law. That position was upheld when your amfa brethren tried to gain an injunction and was denied by a distric court judge in NY. Which by the way is the smae district that AA would have used to file bankruptcy.

Are you advocating that we would have been better off in bankruptcy Ken??? I know that several of your amfa cohorts feel this way. I would think that you would be on that same band-wagon with them. [/quote]
I believe that jim little LIED to us. A revote was possible but the twu feared the company's anger. As for BK yes. I trust a judge more than I trust the twu or the company. A BK would not last 5 years! Hey, if management can not run an airline effectively why should I subsidize their ineptness? Tell me about the twu's ability to get me my .38 cent raise this May. Are you or were you afraid of the dreaded VERMONT PLAN? News flash! We are living the VERMONT PLAN! That's OK twuer, fear is common in cowards such as alias posting officials such as yourself.
twuer said:
Ken MacTiernan said:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer, did not jim little state that we would have a full revote? That sounds like a very big promise that was broken.
My understanding is that it was Little's intent to re-vote with the initial information that he had obtained. Upon further facts being revealed and more accurate information being gathered it was not only his but our legal counsel's advice that the position of a re-vote would not be sustainable in a court of law. That position was upheld when your amfa brethren tried to gain an injunction and was denied by a distric court judge in NY. Which by the way is the smae district that AA would have used to file bankruptcy.

Are you advocating that we would have been better off in bankruptcy Ken??? I know that several of your amfa cohorts feel this way. I would think that you would be on that same band-wagon with them. [/quote]
Wrong again, the position of the TWU was that they did not have to bring anything other than a completlely new agreement back to the members to vote on. In other wordss, under the RLA they never have to allow the members a vote on the contract.

What was the additional information that Little was given? Was it the $988million in "Goodwill" that the company wrote off? More than a quarter of thier total losses was from the loss of an "unidentifyable, intangible assett". Was it the "prepaid leases that were in the 10K also? How much of the $3.5 billion, or the $5 million a day that the company claimed they were losing was from accellerated depreciation?

You never did answer my question. Are Jim Little and the other TWU officers from AA still collecting a paycheck from AA? We know the Presidents of the locals are. If not then how do you explain Bobby Gless's dues reported on checkoff, instead of going directly to the local? Checkoff only reflects dues payments extracted from paychecks. How do you explain the claim by some International employees that they took paycuts also?
James T. Kirk said:
Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
I guess if you call me a fool for calling your dishonorable guests, the retired iam stooges dutch dresser and brain conners liars, I'm guilty. Among the many lies, dresser spouted off how it was AMFA's fault that NWA shut down the ATL base, and everyone hit the street. Hmmm, no one got to go follow the work to MSP or take the retirement??? I surmise that they both had a few too many twu cocktails before the meeting. Then both of the iam stooges stated that they were not being paid to be liars for the twu. That's a real good one. A blatent set of lies!!!This is all the industrial unions know fear FearandMORE FEAR!!!!! I forgot to ask how dutch enjoyed his NWA retirement thanks to AMFA's negotiations doubling the iam retirement pay. I think they should reduce his retirement to the 1998 iam contract level, just for him. Apparently, he likes the former iam's reduced rate much better. I wonder if brian conners is a millionaire with the iam ESOP scam. I hear everyone did well on that superb iam deal at UAL.

Is the iam's card drive going full force at NWA and UAL??? Will they be filing soon?? :shock: :up: :shock: :up:

That is quite a chuckle!!!!!!!
You know gary you are the biggest lier I have ever seen. I called and talked to Larry Pike, what Dutch sed was that 1450 Positions were lost, over 600 amfa members transferred to Minneapolis to try to keep a job. There wasn’t any work to follow because NWA sold the JT8 engines and are now leasing the engines on a power by the hour. Most of the people that transferred have been laid off. I was told if you hadn’t been screaming into the microphone and making a total jackass out of your self you would have been able to hear the answer to your question. But I guess that is kind of like when you were at the Brady, if you hadn’t been standing there screaming obscenities at everyone you would have known you were holding your sign upside down
I know what Dutch said, and he said quote, "everyone at ATL lost their jobs because AMFA let NWA close it down ". That is a lie. They had the chance to follow the work to MSP, take the layoff and stay at ATL, or take one of the best retirement packages at any airline. That is a fact. I guess if I was screaming into the mic it was because I couldn't be heard with all the whining from chris schissler's big mouth.

You twu true believers seem to forget that we have 3000 on the street at AA along with the worst contract in the industry until 2009. The company is just itching to layoff more, but they can't make the twu look any worse than they already do by letting the axe fall at the end of a successful AMFA card drive. AA is hoping to help keep the company union in place at all costs.

If you believe what larry pike says, than you are a bigger fool than you appear to be. He is too busy fighting AMFA than to do his job on the R.O. commitee. I heard today that he falsely blamed someone for door work in structures that is farmed out and stated that this person didn't want our mechanics to take the work back. That got back to them and he got caught in the lie. Had to go say he was sorry to them. Ooooops.

Were you at the Brady coffin parade Jim? Since you won't post your name, I'll have to take it that you were, or I can ask Mr. Spock I guess. Screaming obsenities was started by the twu goons, I believe I heard kirky call me a POS at the door, but he won't say it to my face without backup. The twu's "tales from the cript" parade got us many, many cards. Thanks so much. You would figure by now that the industrial union tactics of L.I.F.T. is the definate way to lose an airlines representation dispute. Just can't grasp the concept that this does not work to help your cause?

Your twu is crumbling fast, we are STILL getting cards from AFW, some of the names I can't believe I'm seeing. They are coming to us now, we had more signed today. I've been told it will start to happen like this as the twu implodes. Its happening in Tulsa and MCI too.

Keep those lies in the mailbox coming, its turning many twu people to AMFA.
:up: :up: :up:
Hackman said:
James T. Kirk said:
Hackman said:
Checking it Out said:
Wednesday in AFW! The TWU members were escorting a laid off amfa member around the base!

During this tour Dan Cunningham went to HR and complained about an AMFA Member touring the Base and wanted him Removed!!!!!!

If anyone knows Amfa company man Dan! This is a classic!!!!!!

The company caught up with the Tour at the cafe down the street and they all had a great Laugh!!!!!

Also I understand Hackman and TonyB made fools of themselfs during the membership meetings to the point the amfa wantabes were asking them to leave!

What a Great way to influence people!

I can't wait to see Miami!!!!!!!

Classic at its best!!!!!!
I guess if you call me a fool for calling your dishonorable guests, the retired iam stooges dutch dresser and brain conners liars, I'm guilty. Among the many lies, dresser spouted off how it was AMFA's fault that NWA shut down the ATL base, and everyone hit the street. Hmmm, no one got to go follow the work to MSP or take the retirement??? I surmise that they both had a few too many twu cocktails before the meeting. Then both of the iam stooges stated that they were not being paid to be liars for the twu. That's a real good one. A blatent set of lies!!!This is all the industrial unions know fear FearandMORE FEAR!!!!! I forgot to ask how dutch enjoyed his NWA retirement thanks to AMFA's negotiations doubling the iam retirement pay. I think they should reduce his retirement to the 1998 iam contract level, just for him. Apparently, he likes the former iam's reduced rate much better. I wonder if brian conners is a millionaire with the iam ESOP scam. I hear everyone did well on that superb iam deal at UAL.

Is the iam's card drive going full force at NWA and UAL??? Will they be filing soon?? :shock: :up: :shock: :up:

That is quite a chuckle!!!!!!!
You know gary you are the biggest lier I have ever seen. I called and talked to Larry Pike, what Dutch sed was that 1450 Positions were lost, over 600 amfa members transferred to Minneapolis to try to keep a job. There wasn’t any work to follow because NWA sold the JT8 engines and are now leasing the engines on a power by the hour. Most of the people that transferred have been laid off. I was told if you hadn’t been screaming into the microphone and making a total jackass out of your self you would have been able to hear the answer to your question. But I guess that is kind of like when you were at the Brady, if you hadn’t been standing there screaming obscenities at everyone you would have known you were holding your sign upside down
I know what Dutch said, and he said quote, "everyone at ATL lost their jobs because AMFA let NWA close it down ". That is a lie. They had the chance to follow the work to MSP, take the layoff and stay at ATL, or take one of the best retirement packages at any airline. That is a fact. I guess if I was screaming into the mic it was because I couldn't be heard with all the whining from chris schissler's big mouth.

You twu true believers seem to forget that we have 3000 on the street at AA along with the worst contract in the industry until 2009. The company is just itching to layoff more, but they can't make the twu look any worse than they already do by letting the axe fall at the end of a successful AMFA card drive. AA is hoping to help keep the company union in place at all costs.

If you believe what larry pike says, than you are a bigger fool than you appear to be. He is too busy fighting AMFA than to do his job on the R.O. commitee. I heard today that he falsely blamed someone for door work in structures that is farmed out and stated that this person didn't want our mechanics to take the work back. That got back to them and he got caught in the lie. Had to go say he was sorry to them. Ooooops.

Were you at the Brady coffin parade Jim? Since you won't post your name, I'll have to take it that you were, or I can ask Mr. Spock I guess. Screaming obsenities was started by the twu goons, I believe I heard kirky call me a POS at the door, but he won't say it to my face without backup. The twu's "tales from the cript" parade got us many, many cards. Thanks so much. You would figure by now that the industrial union tactics of L.I.F.T. is the definate way to lose an airlines representation dispute. Just can't grasp the concept that this does not work to help your cause?

Your twu is crumbling fast, we are STILL getting cards from AFW, some of the names I can't believe I'm seeing. They are coming to us now, we had more signed today. I've been told it will start to happen like this as the twu implodes. Its happening in Tulsa and MCI too.

Keep those lies in the mailbox coming, its turning many twu people to AMFA.
:up: :up: :up:
Gary you can to spin it anyway you want to, but the facts are the same amfa WOULD NOT NEGOTIATE WITH NWA TO KEEP THE ATLANTA BASE OPEN. Because of that 1450 jobs were lost and NWA CLOSED ATLANTA BASE AND THE WORK WAS FARMED OUT FOREVER. Yes 600 employees transferred to Minneapolis to KEEP A JOB, none of the work that was at Atlanta was moved to Minneapolis. And yes some of the employees did retire, so they would not have to move from where they had lived and worked for YEARS. If amfa had properly represented their members the Atlanta base would still be open and that 1450 EMPLOYEES WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO MAKE THE CHOICE THAT WOULD ADVERSLEY EFFECT THEIR FAMILIES. Do to the fact that amfa refused to negotiate they are guilty of FAILURE TO REPSENT. You want to talk about ACCOUNTABILITY, ITS TIME FOR amfa TO ACCEPT RESONSIBILITY OF THEIR ACTIONS, AND THAT THEY FAILED AT ATLANTA.
Would theses so called AMFA members be the same group of liars that were at the local 567 meeting last Thursday? At least one of them was a former IAM e-board member and one was with the AFL-CIO. This stinks of carrier interferance! Why would the company allow the TWU to parade these clowns around spewing their pro-TWU bile if it wasn't in the best interest of the company to keep the TWU? This is only further proof that the TWU is a...

WHOLELY OWNED SUBCIDIARY OF AMR CORPORATION!! :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: