Temporary Injunction against USAPA filed today

People like you make this profession difficult. You and your thug firends around here love to beat up on Jim and not one of you clowns have even thanked him for his YEARS of volunteer service TO YOUR OWN PILOT GROUP!
You in particular PI are so blinded by anger you cannot see things as they really are- you make up enemies to vent on and focus on people or events that have absolutely no bearing on your life or future.

Not true...I have worked with and know him from Piedmont days....and have said I always respected him, and thanked him for all his efforts. It does not mean that we have to be in agreement into the future, and I have been critical of how he characterized certain previous incidents. This forum is an embarrassment to the airline pilot profession....both sides!!
HAHA we have a winner! is that chronic or maui wowie or what? you really that thick? Nic is out...we have chosen.. we will keep current situation rather than nic ad infinitum, smart, dumb, or somewhere inbetween, nic is a list in a drawer and will never be anything more, even if we are better off with it, it will never happen. now you will call us stupid and immoral and unprincipled..doesn't matter. its not about the money. this is not a contest to see who holds out longer. we are done, whatever gains we make from here are gravy, this is as bad as it gets. you suck and will get nothing from us. its not that we don't want anything from you, its that you have nothing to offer, your not even furlough fodder because your whole outfit will disappear soon enough and probably drag some of us down with you, what a mistake to throw in with a dirtbag outfit like AWE. [name calling removed]

Oh man....somebody is going off the deep end.

"we have chosen"? What a laugh....here is a newsflash for you and the other easties who are totally in the dark about your position. You do not get to "chose" once the arbitrator rules. Moreover, the company does not get to chose once they accepted and paid for the Nic, contract fulfilled, to renege now would be an overt collusion with usapa in their DFR failure. Problem for the company is that equals damages back to 2008 or around 1.8 billion owed to the West pilots class.

Now if I were a law firm, and there was a 1.8 billion settlement possible, I would stay in the game and see how things turn out.

This fragmentation, sell off the West fantasy is even more laughable. You really have no clue of the position you are in.

Finally, "what a mistake to throw in with a dirtbag outfit like AWE". You might as well have said..I have no clue as to what has transpired in the last six years. You did not "throw in" with AWE. America West .....bought....AAA. The AWA stockholders got to vote on the merger, did the AAA stockholders take a vote, or did the bankruptcy judge just say...done deal? All the sugar coating thrown down in the last few years does not change the fact that absent the AWA purschase of AAA, you were done. AAA had exactly two choices, be aquired by AWA or liquidate. Obviously, really only one choice.
Do you never tire of being wrong? Just about every time you reply to me you are absolutely wrong, just like this one.

I have thanked Jim for his service to our pilots. I have defended him when guys said he had a relative that was a west pilot and that was why he supported the west. I said that I truly thought Jim thought relative position was the most fair way to integrate, not for other reasons.

The reason I have issues with him is that I see him going out of his way to pick apart east posters while leaving the west idiots that post here, like you, relatively untouched. He saves his slinging for the people that used to watch his back. If you could take the Nic blinders off you would see it too.
Jim goes after you east guys because you post stupidity. Your posts are rife with emotion instead of logic and that opens you up to commentary.

We pick you easties apart because you make it easy. And you guys. In turn, go after Jim. He thoughts here provoke your anger because you know the stuff he puts up rings true.

Debate him logically instead of with emotion and you may figure this out.
Oh, another retiree speaking for me. Okay big guy, as Jimbob says, PROVE IT! Where have I ever claimed to be a victim?

I've been very blessed in my life, and the door at US has always been open for me to leave. Most likely I will have had a better career than 9 out of 10 westies when it's all over.
I doubt it. 8 years on LOA93 pretty much turned that wish into a fantasy.
Being there really is no west, and given the fact that we all work for the very same airline, and you will have been on loa93 for over ten years before you see a raise...I seriously doubt your statement.

There is no west, but there are westies, or people that started their career with AWA. You can doubt it all you want, but while you laugh about LOA 93, you ignore that we had really good contracts leading up to it, and within 3-5 years I will finish my career on the same contract as those westies. A lot of the chief whiners are not on or have just reached TOS, I reached it 13 years ago, have quite a few years of C/O and 76I F/O ahead of them. God willing I will have many more years of service than the average airline pilot. Remember, I have friends that went to work at AWA from '88 to around the early to mid 90's, so I know how crappy the contract was, we've compared notes and some of them were furloughed for a while, I never was.

My post was not to throw stones at what a westies will make in his/her lifetime, it was addressed to hp retiree's claim of my crappy career.
Then why do you participate in this forum? Do you think we care what you think? STFU and lurk elsewhere if you have no dog in this fight.

I care more about what Harry thinks than I do about your opinions, so why don't you STFU, at least for a little while.
Then why do you participate in this forum? Do you think we care what you think? STFU and lurk elsewhere if you have no dog in this fight.

Actually odds are everyone has something involved. In Harrys case he's a fellow employee. I'm an employee and a shareholder. What is happening with the injunction IS important to us. So's the reputation of the airline. If customers look at the maturity level expressed in this forum they might actually wonder about your maturity and professionalism in the cockpit. The anonymity of the internet isn't necessarily anonymous. I come to this thread for information on the injunction, which is what the topic indicates. Personally I've stopped going to the pilot forum to find out what's going on with your workgroups issues (I do care what happens to my coworkers) because it's become one big sandbox of three year olds throwing poo at each other. You guys need to learn how to be adults. You guys complain about missing the good ol' days occasionally. Back then pilots were consumate professionals above reproach; now you find better manners from lav truck drivers.
Actually odds are everyone has something involved. In Harrys case he's a fellow employee. I'm an employee and a shareholder. What is happening with the injunction IS important to us. So's the reputation of the airline. If customers look at the maturity level expressed in this forum they might actually wonder about your maturity and professionalism in the cockpit. The anonymity of the internet isn't necessarily anonymous. I come to this thread for information on the injunction, which is what the topic indicates. Personally I've stopped going to the pilot forum to find out what's going on with your workgroups issues (I do care what happens to my coworkers) because it's become one big sandbox of three year olds throwing poo at each other. You guys need to learn how to be adults. You guys complain about missing the good ol' days occasionally. Back then pilots were consumate professionals above reproach; now you find better manners from lav truck drivers.

Excellent post
I see, Jim is bad because he doesn't see things your way and he fails to disagree with west posters. Got it! He picks apart east posters and fails to do the same for the west posters (which is total BS, i've seen him correct Aqua, M2C and even myself on issues, but that doesn't count since overall his ideas don't jive with your storyline). Yawn, another day with your select "objectivity".

Go to the pilot labor thread. Look at what your western integrity model Move2CLT just posted. The BoeingBoy western sympathizer has no issue with. Franke hired many sick disciples.

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