The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread


Mar 12, 2012
My thread on gun control started a debate on Chik-Fil-A and the BSA. Some interesting quotes below:

"A homophobic Christian organization for BOYS."

"Number one, having a spiritual belief that Homosexuality is a sin is not a phobia.

2. Chick Fil A is a private enterprise and can express its views in its business practices such as closing on Sunday.

3. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to eat there. A free society means choices. Even politically incorrect ones. So here it is, If you think they're wrong don't eat there! Don't believe in abortion? Don't have one. Remember your rights end where mine begin."

"Thanks for bringing up the Chick-Fil-A story. I'll buy-cot them every chance I get!"

"As far as Chick- fil- a , if you don't like the company's views, "DON'T EAT THERE" !"

"I could care less what Chick Fill A does, I'll never eat there. The BSA on the other hand does receive Federal hand outs and benefits so I do care about that. If they want to be bigoted, they can do so with out my financial help"

"Boy Scouts used to be a fun gig. Then the straights ruined everything.

Oh dear, the camp fires and such. My, my the memories."

I see a whole new debate starting, carry on.
My .02:

BSA: An organization that does a ton of good work both with the troops themselves, and the community at large. Their stance on gay rights undercuts all of it.

Chik-fil-A boycott: Moot point, since A] I don't eat meat, and B] The closest one is ~ 80 miles away from me. If I was a carnivore, I would vote with my dollars, and not patronize the place. I'm also extremely disappointed that my employer continues to have such a cozy relationship with them...
As already stated private organizations can do as they choose. If you receive public funds as the BSA did for quite some time, you have to abide by the laws regarding acceptance of pubic funds including the 14th.

I do not my best not to associate with groups that are openly bigoted or biased. I will never eat at Chick Fil A again. I would never let my kid(s) (if I had any) be part of the BSA as that is not what I would want to teach them. And it why I do not believe in organized religion.
My .02:

BSA: An organization that does a ton of good work both with the troops themselves, and the community at large. Their stance on gay rights undercuts all of it.

Chik-fil-A boycott: Moot point, since A] I don't eat meat, and B] The closest one is ~ 80 miles away from me. If I was a carnivore, I would vote with my dollars, and not patronize the place. I'm also extremely disappointed that my employer continues to have such a cozy relationship with them...

In case you don't know the history, the very first Chik-fil-A was in Hapeville, directly across from DL's main offices , est. in 1946 and Delta and other airlines employees helped this fledgling business become one of the best run , successful companys with 44 consecutive years of positive sales growth !
Just one of the many charities : WinShape Foundation was founded more than 20 years ago by Truett and Jeannette Cathy. Under the WinShape Foundation umbrella, there are several programs, including WinShape Homes®, which currently operates 11 foster care homes in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. !

So in closing, I doubt if Chick fil A wil miss anyones non-patranage, of their fine and successful establisment !

Dang, craving a chick-fil-a all of the sudden here !
My .02:

BSA: An organization that does a ton of good work both with the troops themselves, and the community at large. Their stance on gay rights undercuts all of it.

Chik-fil-A boycott: Moot point, since A] I don't eat meat, and B] The closest one is ~ 80 miles away from me. If I was a carnivore, I would vote with my dollars, and not patronize the place. I'm also extremely disappointed that my employer continues to have such a cozy relationship with them...

Don't fret Kev...your company sponsers the gay pride parade and gives bene's to certain employees significant others..........feel better now ?
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These dickheads will flip a thread in a heartbeat. Best get used to it.

I was waiting for a Chik-Fil-A thread since there was so much interest in Southern food.

In case you don't know the history, the very first Chik-fil-A was in Hapeville, directly across from DL's main offices , est. in 1946 and Delta and other airlines employees helped this fledgling business become one of the best run , successful companys with 44 consecutive years of positive sales growth !
Just one of the many charities : WinShape Foundation was founded more than 20 years ago by Truett and Jeannette Cathy. Under the WinShape Foundation umbrella, there are several programs, including WinShape Homes®, which currently operates 11 foster care homes in Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. !

So in closing, I doubt if Chick fil A wil miss anyones non-patranage, of their fine and successful establisment !

Dang, craving a chick-fil-a all of the sudden here !

I know the area well and Boycott Spondivits every chance I get.
My .02:

BSA: An organization that does a ton of good work both with the troops themselves, and the community at large. Their stance on gay rights undercuts all of it.

Chik-fil-A boycott: Moot point, since A] I don't eat meat, and B] The closest one is ~ 80 miles away from me. If I was a carnivore, I would vote with my dollars, and not patronize the place. I'm also extremely disappointed that my employer continues to have such a cozy relationship with them...

I don’t like the gooberment dictating morality. BSA and Chik-fil-A has their right to disagree with homosexuality as do I. As long as they adhere to gooberment mandates of non-discrimination regardless of race, color, creed and sexual orientation when serving and/or hiring, the founders ‘convictions/opinion’ is a non-issue. When gooberment heads impede the rights of business based on their own morality instead of law, then we are no better than Nazis. Until the gooberment dictates my beliefs and thought processes, I think they can kiss my ass.
B) xUT
Dang, craving a chick-fil-a all of the sudden here !

Dig in; your arteries (and GI tract) will love it...

Don't fret Kev...your company sponsers the gay pride parade and gives bene's to certain employees significant others..........feel better now ?


I don’t like the gooberment dictating morality. BSA and Chik-fil-A has their right to disagree with homosexuality as do I.

Fair enough on both points, but I don't think the gov't has been involved in either of these two cases, have they?
Second-hand reports on Facebook and elsewhere say that lines have been longer than ever at Chick-Fil-A restaurants over the past three days, so all the noise about the boycott may be backfiring a bit.

In the 10+ years I've been a Scouting volunteer, the only place I've ever seen anyone bring up gays is on the internet or in the media. I've yet to have anyone bring it up when we're out signing up boys for Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts.

And to be clear... BSA views boys as asexual. The stance on orientation is with regard to adult leaders.

Many units have taken a "don't ask, don't tell" approach to orientation, and at least one council has done so as well. I'm of the opinion that is probably the right approach -- let units handle it on an individual basis.

That approach already works with the existing volunteers. I've seen first-hand where individuals of questionable character were not approved for membership, and I've seen volunteers kicked out for not living up to the standards that we're trying to teach the boys.
If character alone was the determining standard, this would be a non-issue.

As I said in the other thread, the myth about it being a Christian organization is just that -- a myth. There is a membership requirement to have a belief in a greater being. Who or what that being is does not matter.

While true that the majority of units in the US are chartered by Protestant, LDS, or Catholic churches, there are also units sponsored by parent associations, American Legion posts, and other community groups. There are also Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Sihk, Unitarian, and Scientology chartered units, and there are Wiccan and Pagan members who went on to earn their Eagle as well as be adult leaders.
Fair enough on both points, but I don't think the gov't has been involved in either of these two cases, have they?

Philadelphia City Councilman James Kenney sent a letter to Cathy this week, telling the CEO in blunt terms to "take a hike and take your intolerance with you," and vowing to introduce a resolution at the next council meeting condemning the company.
"There is no place for this type of hate in our great City of Brotherly and Sisterly Affection," Kenney wrote.

San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee tweeted: "Closest #ChickFilA to San Francisco is 40 miles away & I strongly recommend that they not try to come any closer."

In Chicago, Alderman Joe Moreno has been working for months to block construction of a Chick-fil-A in his district, citing traffic congestion and worry about the company's "business practices."

Mayor Emanuel, a Democrat, said this week that "Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago values. They're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members."
And in Boston, where Chick-fil-A is considering opening a location, Mayor Thomas Menino, also a Democrat, made it clear the chain would not be welcome.
"I don't want an individual who will continue to advocate against people's rights. That's who I am and that's what Boston's all about," he said.

What do you call it?
B) xUT
As already stated private organizations can do as they choose. If you receive public funds as the BSA did for quite some time, you have to abide by the laws regarding acceptance of pubic funds including the 14th.

I do not my best not to associate with groups that are openly bigoted or biased. I will never eat at Chick Fil A again. I would never let my kid(s) (if I had any) be part of the BSA as that is not what I would want to teach them. And it why I do not believe in organized religion.

If you do your best not to associate with groups that are openly bigoted then how do you associate with yourself????