The Future?


Sep 17, 2002
The judge will rule in the next few days on management''s request to terminate. The future of this company will depend on this management''s reaction to that ruling. Regardless of whether they win or lose with the judge.
Make no mistake, this management (the same one that paid 35 mill to the 3 amigos just prior to the C11 filing) will determine whether we survive or tank. Not the pilot group. The management. Dave Siegel and his moral, ethical, and labor friendly, chums are totally responsible for the future of USAirways. I hope they understand that.
so then what happens?sometime down the road alpa goes through their greivence procedure?or you guys threaten to perform an illegal strike ?
all seigel has to do is terminate your plan so he can emerge and get the money he has comming.then he can negotiate with you guys until the cows come home while everybodys flying around fat,dumb and happy.
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You again underestimate the pilot group dell. I can assure you not one of us will be flying around "fat, dumb and happy". You may accept what he has done to you up to this point as we have. But his actions after the judge speaks will determine whether there will remain a USAirways.

And we are not going to strike, or slow down, or play childish games. You are not thinking outside the box. You are stuck on the old, tired way of union thinking. We are not.

well then mrplanes,you seem to have limited can all quit to seek other careers or walk and go to jail and work for bubba.whats left then mrplanes??you're not required to stay if you don't like the situaton.
you should read your mec heads latest message,i think he spelled out in vivid detail just whats your options are.
so as i said before,negotiate till 'ol bessy comes home and fly around fat-dumb and happy.
On 2/28/2003 1:10:43 PM mrplanes wrote:

Our MEC said what needed to be said. Again I reiterate to you: You are not thinking outside the box. We are.


Not thinking outside your wallets is more like it....this thinking ended Eastern!
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No gil, management ended Eastern. Management ended Braniff. Management ended Pan Am. And management will either save or end USAirways. Labor does not make the decisions. Management does.

I'm sure management is also thinking outside the box. I see ALPA is still pushing for a legislative solution. Perhaps they will save you. $100,000 pensions and a bankrupt company are as bad as the lost $35,000,000. By the way, how do the other employee pension plans compare to ALPA's? Savy
Who said anything about overpaid? I suggested that $ 100,000 pensions being paid by a bankrupt company don't seem to go hand in hand. Does a smaller pension seem reasonable under those circumstances? It does to me, but thats just my opinion. Whats everyone worth salary wise? I don't know, but that wasn't my point. Class envy? Typical ALPA response. If you want to know what a pilot is worth go read the ALPA description. If you read it enough you will believe it. As for me I could care less what you make. Your pension relative to other employee groups? Which one is underfunded by billions? Savy
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Our MEC said what needed to be said. Again I reiterate to you: You are not thinking outside the box. We are.

Bob, Legitimate questions are either deflected to some other topic or the person asking the question is attacked. Does a $100,000 pension make sense if the company paying it is in bankruptcy? Under the circumstances 50% of that figure would seem reasonable and maybe even less. Does a flite attendant or mechanic deserve a fraction of what a pilot gets? Not if I'm running the company. Does one group deserve no pension at all? Again NO! All of the above needs to be placed in proper perspective and all factors need to be considered. By the way, Bob, thanks for your perspective! Savy
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Just curious savy:

How much should a pilot be paid annually?

How much should a 35 year pilot pension be annually?

How much should a mechanic be paid annually?

How much should a 35 year mechanic be paid annually?

Do you have the guts to answer those questions? Or would you just rather lob the "overpaid" bomb into the works as most liberals and class envy types do? And while we're at it.

What should a flight attendant be paid annualy?

What should a 35 year flight attendant pension be annually?

Inquiring minds want to know your opinion of what an employee is worth.

On 2/28/2003 3:06:30 PM savyinvestor wrote:

On 2/28/2003 2:59:55 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

On 2/28/2003 2:56:14 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Does a flite attendant or mechanic deserve a fraction of what a pilot gets? Not if I'm running the company. ----------------
Dell I believe I saw a post that mechanics and flight attendants don't get much of a pension. If that is correct I believe they are due much more. Savy
ok,thanks as i was in the dark as to what you were getting at.
On 2/28/2003 3:09:09 PM PineyBob wrote:

On 2/28/2003 2:43:59 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

On 2/28/2003 1:29:10 PM mrplanes wrote:

No gil, management ended Eastern. Management ended Braniff. Management ended Pan Am. And management will either save or end USAirways. Labor does not make the decisions. Management does.

now you are sending out that "old style unionism" that you accused me of still adhering case you didn't notice,the IAM proved some assinine point at eastern. don't give that mularky about labor doesn't make any decisions...your MEC make you happy last time they brought you your 'package" decide for you to cross IAM picket lines in 92?you better read your sound worse than me.hehehe.i'm sure,you'll say 'just wait'....well bring it on DUDE

Did he really post that?? That unions had nothing to do with the demise of those companies?? Interesting!!

If that statement is correct then there is no reason for a union. You should all ask for your dues back! Demand a FULL REFUND! RIGHT NOW!

If mrplanes is right, that means that all those miners that died in the WV Coal Field Wars in order to earn enough to keep their babies from starving needn't have bothered because management would be responsible. Their attempts to be paid in US currency instead of company script was all for naught! The workers shot at the gates the Bethlehem Steel rose up to protest the inate fairness and resonableness of management I guess. And the American Labor Movement had NOTHING to do with formation of the most vibrant middle class and consumer economy in recorded history.

If all of those strides made by labor were good, then doesn't logic dictate that from time to time such a noble conflict as the Labor movement might possibly go a "bridge to far" in pursuit of their noble cause?? Eastern being one example.

I just love the hypocracy, ALPA sounds like the sheep in Orwell's novel Animal Farm, "Four Legs Good, Two Legs, Bad"

Keep drinking the ALPA Kool Aid! Wait until you find out that they threw the US pilots under the liquidation bus in order to preserve the pay scale, benefits of the other 5 majors. Think it can't happen, Look at the UAW Mack Trucks struggle.

Oh wait!!! That was managements fault too! I forgot that management made the int UAW reject the concessionary deal in order to preserve the wage scale at John Deere. 1800 mack UAW got screwed to save 5,000 at Deere. Explain how that one was management's fault.

PS: Never let fact get in the way of your response mrplanes.
On 2/28/2003 2:59:55 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

On 2/28/2003 2:56:14 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Does a flite attendant or mechanic deserve a fraction of what a pilot gets? Not if I'm running the company. ----------------
Dell I believe I saw a post that mechanics and flight attendants don't get much of a pension. If that is correct I believe they are due much more. Savy
On 2/28/2003 1:53:57 PM mrplanes wrote:

Just curious savy:

How much should a pilot be paid annually?
How much should a 35 year pilot pension be annually?
35,000 +ssi
How much should a mechanic be paid annually?60,000

How much should a 35 year mechanic be paid annually?60,000

Do you have the guts to answer those questions?(i just did) Or would you just rather lob the "overpaid" bomb into the works as most liberals and class envy types do? And while we're at it.

What should a flight attendant be paid annualy?40,000

What should a 35 year flight attendant pension be annually?18,000

Inquiring minds want to know your opinion of what an employee is worth.