The Good, Bad and The Ugly


Aug 25, 2005
Certainely there is some good in everything, even in this merger between East and West. You'd never know it if all you read was this board. Some have lost sight of the fact there is good in most everything if one looks in the right place. Maybe they haven't lost sight, but rather have lost faith for whatever reason. Understandbly the wounds of 2 recent bankruptcies have folks on edge and worried they will get "beaten" again. This board seems to be a one-sided tool to vent anger from all the bad experiences of the past, but there has to come a point when the past must be left behind and the future given a chance. I would hope that every post on this thread would include at least one good thing the merger has brought about along with any venting of the bad or ugly. Maybe starting small is better. Howbout just one thread. I'll start:

I've non-reved on US metal several times and found the East employees very professional. Very good experience that helped put my mind at ease about the "Easties" That's good.

The "Cost Neutral" hardline stance seems to be a stance that is not negotiable. CSAs on the West will be brought up to the payscale of the East CSAs. This is cost neutral so to speak because the East is the surviving contract. On the other hand concerning the mechanics, If the East contract prevails many of us on the West will see paycuts and loss of benefits. Improving the IAM contract so we don't have to take paycuts on the West is not cost neutral. If this holds to be true...Bad and Ugly. Go IBT, it's our only chance to improve our situation.

It's not hard really and would be refreshing to bring some balance to at least one thread on this board.
Certainely there is some good in everything, even in this merger between East and West. You'd never know it if all you read was this board. Some have lost sight of the fact there is good in most everything if one looks in the right place. Maybe they haven't lost sight, but rather have lost faith for whatever reason. Understandbly the wounds of 2 recent bankruptcies have folks on edge and worried they will get "beaten" again. This board seems to be a one-sided tool to vent anger from all the bad experiences of the past, but there has to come a point when the past must be left behind and the future given a chance. I would hope that every post on this thread would include at least one good thing the merger has brought about along with any venting of the bad or ugly. Maybe starting small is better. Howbout just one thread. I'll start:

I've non-reved on US metal several times and found the East employees very professional. Very good experience that helped put my mind at ease about the "Easties" That's good.

The "Cost Neutral" hardline stance seems to be a stance that is not negotiable. CSAs on the West will be brought up to the payscale of the East CSAs. This is cost neutral so to speak because the East is the surviving contract. On the other hand concerning the mechanics, If the East contract prevails many of us on the West will see paycuts and loss of benefits. Improving the IAM contract so we don't have to take paycuts on the West is not cost neutral. If this holds to be true...Bad and Ugly. Go IBT, it's our only chance to improve our situation.

It's not hard really and would be refreshing to bring some balance to at least one thread on this board.
I Will Go With The Idea of Fishing. Eric. MWW
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Well, I guess it should be no surprise. 3 responses and the only remotely good thing said was "fishing". Sad. This is the bad and ugly. Now for the good.

Don't shoot the messenger, but today in it names flight attendants as one of the best paying laborer jobs in America, earning an average of over 60K a year. I can't believe this is true. Is this story accurate.
there was a small german born man named Heinrich Goot who spent his entire life working at the Wurst factory tallying all the tons and tons of sausage they made daily.he was pivotal in coining a popular phrase we have all come to know well:

There is a little Goot in the Wurst office.
Well, I guess it should be no surprise. 3 responses and the only remotely good thing said was "fishing". Sad. This is the bad and ugly. Now for the good.

Don't shoot the messenger, but today in it names flight attendants as one of the best paying laborer jobs in America, earning an average of over 60K a year. I can't believe this is true. Is this story accurate.

You can if you work 150 plus flying hours a month, but who wants to do that? That's like having 1 day off a week and you spend 6 days in different hotels. You get burn out definetely no life! ... And with the quality of pairings that we're getting nowadays, it will be challenging to get to that point!
there was a small german born man named Heinrich Goot who spent his entire life working at the Wurst factory tallying all the tons and tons of sausage they made daily.he was pivotal in coining a popular phrase we have all come to know well:

There is a little Goot in the Wurst office.

*Baby's First Words*
A German couple have a baby and name him Claus. As time goes by Claus grows up and yet never utters a word. After years of trying to find out what is wrong with him, his parents just accept that he's mute. On Claus's 14th birthday he is given a slice of his favourite cake. Suddenly, Claus turns to his Mother and says "Mother zis cake is dry." Overcome with emotion at his new verbal state his mother rushes to him and cries, "Claus, you can speak. Why have you never spoken before?" "Well, " Claus replies, "up until now, everything has been satisfactory."
I will say something good, we all have something new to b1tch about!

Honestly, glassware back in the east, snack basket out west, no more exit seat speaches out west, less announcements out west, west FA's will probably get a raise to match east FA's, scheduling will probably move to PIT meaning we get rid of the inept people west has, we are profitable, better food in first class, new international destinations, new domestic routes, better aircraft utilization, I am sure there is more, but that is a start.
It's hard to have a balanced opinion when you've been thru the crap we have & have lost the things that we have.
So what else is left ? FISHING I love that one Eric. Just wish I had more time.
I will say something good, we all have something new to b1tch about!

Honestly, glassware back in the east, snack basket out west, no more exit seat speaches out west, less announcements out west, west FA's will probably get a raise to match east FA's, scheduling will probably move to PIT meaning we get rid of the inept people west has, we are profitable, better food in first class, new international destinations, new domestic routes, better aircraft utilization, I am sure there is more, but that is a start.

Those are good glassware in the snack basket out is still spotty on transcons. you may say they are coming, but they have been saying that for over a month now and still...listen...*crickets*, until it happens, I don't believe it....OH, I almost forgot, the entertainment on West flights is outstanding...the wonder woman pose before the plane's door...the milling around...the boundary lines....that is good stuff!

So, I will end this post with something good...morale has improved in the East (at least with customers) and the planes are cleaner than they were before (still work to go, but they are cleaner).
Well, I guess it should be no surprise. 3 responses and the only remotely good thing said was "fishing". Sad. This is the bad and ugly. Now for the good.

Don't shoot the messenger, but today in it names flight attendants as one of the best paying laborer jobs in America, earning an average of over 60K a year. I can't believe this is true. Is this story accurate.
Yea, about 5 years ago. Website needs some serious updating.
I will say something good, we all have something new to b1tch about!

Honestly, glassware back in the east,

STILL WAITING FOR GLASSWARE!! Jun 14th is a month ago..STILL no memo!!

Ok, on with the topic. We can only speak from our personal experience, which is relative, so I will speak for myself only.

** Better communication with employees
** Available and approachable CEO
** Approachable Inflight Manager
** Youthful enthusiasm
** A true desire to RUN an airline
** Better employee relations (not talking about negotiations)
** Open to suggestions..cares about what we think
** A chance to truly be rewarded for a job well done
** Upgrading the East f/c from the barebones of past
** Two movies a month onboard
** Lowered BOB prices
** Aircraft are being cleaned up on East (even the 7dirty7)
**New uniforms..sorry I'm tired of living in the 80's
**ETC..some bugs, but you can do much that West couldn't before
**A great route sytem..from Hawaii-all of Mexico, Alaska to the East, the Carribean, and Europe.
** Aircraft exterior new paintjob (imo) looks great, draws pos comments from customers, and is very patriotic..I mean, we ARE US Airways.
**Better least my experience on the East
** We are profitable..I know, on the backs of employees
**Means job security
**More laid back company
**More chance to have fun,,,dress up at Halloween, etc
** Do Crews

Not so good
**Poor implementation skills...plan it, test it, get it done...CORRECTLY!!
**Website...enough said to last a life time
**Dividend Miles,,,wrong info on wrong card, just to name a few
**Access..whether res, website, or ff numbers, TOO SLOW
**IT..Slow down..get it right
**Prices..we are NOT a lcc..LCC is deceptive
**Biz travelers..we're running them off
**A/C interiors..better but need to do MUCH more
**F/C...still not up to standards of the legacies to sell at same price
**Upcoming battle with negotiations..West should not have to give anything up. Cost is low enough for both to penny, nickle, and dime.

Ok, there you have it!! Mergers will bring those that are happy and unhappy. I have been through four and each time there was moaning and complaining from the company bought and in this case the running of what was one company and the loss of a namesake. This provides lots of complaining from both sides.

My only REAL beef is implementation. I have touch on that before so i won't bore anyone. IMO, the new US Airways needs to revamp it's inflight to match it's initiatives...example...We do NOT offer true first glass. It is semi biz class at best. We should name our first class EXECUTIVE CLASS. Since we cater to the biz customer, the name is fitting and goes well with Dividend Miles. Slash the price to win the biz customer back (value and price have been the issue) and you will have higher rev for EXECUTIVE CLASS as oppose to the uncertain OneUp Program.

There is no WOW factor with US Airways. JB and Frontier and soon to be Delta and live TV, Airtrans has satellite radio. Let's do something..even if it is providing a softer interior that everyone remembers..just do something that makes customes go wow, thats the airline that..

All in all I am happy and positive about the new US Airways. East needs to realize things will change and West needs to know you may be loosing your name, but MUCH of what we are now AND becoming comes from your airline. Everyone thinks THEY are the redheaded step child...seen it EVERYWHERE. The bottom line is this: Do you own this company? Do you get a paycheck? Does it clear? It's a company and if each of us would stop acting as if we are in some football rivalry and just do the best we can, there would be a much better airline here.

So stop for one moment, put down the bitter lemonade and switch to some koolaid..for 5 minutes...feel the love? :wub: B)
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Ahhh! At last! There is hope for this thread! The Good, Bad and the Ugly are coming into harmony! Good comments on both sides. This is the kinda of feedback needed to make things better.