The human side of management

Is there really a need to resort to profanity?

Well it's indicative of the level of maturity. You have to expect it when their heads get baked in 100 plus degree heat half the year. I should be nice as it not polite to make fun of the handicapped.

There was a question at hand and there are at least two answers.


1, Having been a CP for 9 years with an annual spend in the $20,000 range, I'd argue I've paid my share already thank you very much.
2. The same amount you contribute which would be none.

Now run along and fetch Doug a fresh beer and his slippers like a good little lap dog.
Well it's indicative of the level of maturity. You have to expect it when their heads get baked in 100 plus degree heat half the year. I should be nice as it not polite to make fun of the handicapped.

There was a question at hand and there are at least two answers.


1, Having been a CP for 9 years with an annual spend in the $20,000 range, I'd argue I've paid my share already thank you very much.
2. The same amount you contribute which would be none.
Now run along and fetch Doug a fresh beer and his slippers like a good little lap dog.
More verbose, useless blather. You have nothing more useful to say other than to express the idea that life might not be fair? Well its all relative. Those who wait around for decades waiting for a CEO to "do the right thing" their minds at least....are going to suffer a disappointing, frustrated life. Her life and pay are her problem. period. Take a chunk of your 20 grand and give it directly to her. No Problem with that plan right?

GOTTA RUN, Master Doug is thirsty!!
More verbose, useless blather. You have nothing more useful to say other than to express the idea that life might not be fair?

Well if like is indeed unfair then agreeing to a DOH seniority list in the interest of Solidarity shouldn't be a problem then should it?

Well its all relative.

So is incest! What's your point?

Those who wait around for decades waiting for a CEO to "do the right thing" their minds at least....are going to suffer a disappointing, frustrated life.

Doing the "Right Thing" is merely good business. Look at HP & US together & Standalone and compare the number of profitable years, BK filings to WN and the actual leadership of a company and how it effects bottom line performance. Taking care of your people is taking care of your customers and in the end the Shareholders profit. This concept is lost on Doug.

Her life and pay are her problem. period. Take a chunk of your 20 grand and give it directly to her. No Problem with that plan right?

OK, Deal just as soon as you agree to a DOH seniority list. All I needed to know about the scary talent running America West was when I started flying for work and I mentioned a trip out west and several of my co-workers asked "Who you flying" I replied, "America West" the response was "Nice knowing you hope you make it back someday" This was the trip were I was in Sky Harbor the day HP almost got grounded by the FAA.

Bother way why do you feel I should kick in to pay an employee of your company? Just because the folks out west have no ballz when it comes to things like striking isn't my fault.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm not the world's biggest Doug supporter, but I thought maybe some people would be interested in hearing about my interaction with him last night...

I just happened to run into Doug last night .....

A few thoughts.

I have no doubt Doug Parker is under a lot of pressure, but he is handsomely paid to do that.

Maybe the reason US Airways can't attract the business traveler is that, when merged with AWA in 2005, Doug and company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to crap-down the airline so no business traveler would want to fly on it! US Airways had no problem attracting business travelers before the Tempe brain trust took over and ran them out off our airline. So, cry me a river, Doug. You reap what you sow. Don't expect the front line employees to take the hit YET AGAIN for management's blunders. Industry standard pay. Make the airline industry standard service, and maybe those FF might come back.

At the CLT Pilot Crew News session, Doug seemed aghast at the fact that we didn't see that he and his Team Tempe are full onboard with top-notch employee relations! Then he went on to say, if it's not filtering down to the line, then he didn't know about it. Very telling is the fact that he did not say that he WANTED to know about it either. Crocodile tears, Doug?
A few thoughts.

I have no doubt Doug Parker is under a lot of pressure, but he is handsomely paid to do that.

Maybe the reason US Airways can't attract the business traveler is that, when merged with AWA in 2005, Doug and company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to crap-down the airline so no business traveler would want to fly on it! US Airways had no problem attracting business travelers before the Tempe brain trust took over and ran them out off our airline. ..........

At the CLT Pilot Crew News session, Doug seemed aghast at the fact that we didn't see that he and his Team Tempe are full onboard with top-notch employee relations! Then he went on to say, if it's not filtering down to the line, then he didn't know about it. Very telling is the fact that he did not say that he WANTED to know about it either. Crocodile tears, Doug?

Having the leisure (Kettle) traveler as its bread and butter had worked for HP. For reasons that are rather opaque to many observers - including posters here - Team Tempe thought catering to that market, rather than the "road warrior" business traveler would work just as well for the combined airline. And it has, to some extent. As apologists for the Sand Castle remind us: "US is still flying and made money in 2010". But I wonder how much more money there would have been made if the "new US Airways" had played more to the old East customer core.

A great many people who once spent a lot of money flying US are now flying UA, Dl, and others. And we are all familiar with stories of people going from Chairman level to DM4 or DM3 status who were never contacted to ask why. As I one posted, if I ran, say, an ABC Hardware store and some of my best customers took their business across the steet, I would try to find out why. Things like that is why US has a reputation about not valueing the VFF type customer. (A whole other discussion could be devoted to how the complany does not value senior employees, Captain Renault, I digress)

On your second point, we alll know that Captain Renault, was not really "shocked, shocked" in"Casablanca". Yet, I concur with you that Mssrs Parker and Kirby really do not have a feel for the pulse of what is happening. And that is truly scary.
More verbose, useless blather. You have nothing more useful to say other than to express the idea that life might not be fair? Well its all relative. Those who wait around for decades waiting for a CEO to "do the right thing" their minds at least....are going to suffer a disappointing, frustrated life. Her life and pay are her problem. period. Take a chunk of your 20 grand and give it directly to her. No Problem with that plan right?

GOTTA RUN, Master Doug is thirsty!!
So young and so angry, you and fodase should start a support group! MM!
Having the leisure (Kettle) traveler as its bread and butter had worked for HP. For reasons that are rather opaque to many observers - including posters here - Team Tempe thought catering to that market, rather than the "road warrior" business traveler would work just as well for the combined airline. And it has, to some extent. As apologists for the Sand Castle remind us: "US is still flying and made money in 2010". But I wonder how much more money there would have been made if the "new US Airways" had played more to the old East customer core.

A great many people who once spent a lot of money flying US are now flying UA, Dl, and others. And we are all familiar with stories of people going from Chairman level to DM4 or DM3 status who were never contacted to ask why. As I one posted, if I ran, say, an ABC Hardware store and some of my best customers took their business across the steet, I would try to find out why. Things like that is why US has a reputation about not valueing the VFF type customer. (A whole other discussion could be devoted to how the complany does not value senior employees, Captain Renault, I digress)

On your second point, we alll know that Captain Renault, was not really "shocked, shocked" in"Casablanca". Yet, I concur with you that Mssrs Parker and Kirby really do not have a feel for the pulse of what is happening. And that is truly scary.

I'm in 100% in agreement with this, with the added point that I do believe they ultimately realized that they messed up. They never admitted it, but at least we are now seeing positive signs that they are no longer at war with their frequent fliers. As a lapsed 8-year Gold who dropped down to dirt in 2010, I have no more I'll will toward US. And I do care about the employees.
Maybe the reason US Airways can't attract the business traveler is that, when merged with AWA in 2005, Doug and company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to crap-down the airline so no business traveler would want to fly on it! US Airways had no problem attracting business travelers before the Tempe brain trust took over and ran them out off our airline. So, cry me a river, Doug. You reap what you sow. Don't expect the front line employees to take the hit YET AGAIN for management's blunders. Industry standard pay. Make the airline industry standard service, and maybe those FF might come back.
So tell me again how the lanyard brigaid's efforts to delay flights with meaningless write-ups and an on-time performance in the 40-60% range attracts the kind of passengers that pay sufficient fares to pay those same employees "industry standard"? Does the business traveler really believe that a safer operation can be bought for another $20/hr? $30/hr?

USAirways was asleep at the switch under Colodny and Wolf. Siegel and Lakefield simply grabbed what they could on the way out the door. Ask your pal Doc Bronner if he was happy with how US was conducting their business. Parker has done what he can with what was left, but a recalcitrant backward-looking work force won't be happy until he turns back the calendar to 1988, and that's not gonna happen.

I hate this expression, but "It Is What It Is". LCC should be an all-coach airline and not serve all the little towns with expensive RJs, but the cash flow would be too low to cover all the fixed costs of operating out east. First Class and Hawaii are simply there to reward customer loyalty and that went away when Expedia and Travelocity were born.

Every employee needs to view every decision they make under the criteria 1) Is it safe 2) Is it in the best interest of the customer 3) Is it going to negatively affect the company's cash flow. Instead, most use the criteria 1) Am I going to get caught 2) Will this get me out of work a little sooner 3) Is this an opportunity for a little "get-even" with the company that's screwed me so often.

I don't buy that. I think that the past is gone and you either accept the present or you find another job. There's a little room for wages to rise, but they will never go back to the old days because the industry is fundementally different from the old days. This is a job that young people will do for a few years and then move on to a real career. Stick around if you like playing the part of the old-timer, but I would be willing to bet by 2021 my prediction will be more true than not.
A few thoughts.

I have no doubt Doug Parker is under a lot of pressure, but he is handsomely paid to do that.

Maybe the reason US Airways can't attract the business traveler is that, when merged with AWA in 2005, Doug and company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to crap-down the airline so no business traveler would want to fly on it! US Airways had no problem attracting business travelers before the Tempe brain trust took over and ran them out off our airline. So, cry me a river, Doug. You reap what you sow. Don't expect the front line employees to take the hit YET AGAIN for management's blunders. Industry standard pay. Make the airline industry standard service, and maybe those FF might come back.

I have read this thread with interest since I believe a finance guy should never be a CEO since the focus will be solely on the bottom line, and they look at 'cuts' as profit improvements rather than a required expense to generate a good profit.

I was a loyal US flyer since the late 70s until about 3 years ago when I had enough of the cuts. I was a CP for 9 or 10 years and flew about 250 segments per year with a revenue of about $0.85 per mile flown, so I was a good revenue generator for US. I now fly DL, and they will get about $40,000.00 + in revenue on about 160 segments this year.

Why I don't fly US anymore is because of all of the CUTS in service and benefits. The one the broke the camel's back was the elimination of the 500 mile/segment minimum. I know it was re-instated but it was too late. My last flight on US was Oct 2010, and that was the only flight of 2010. At one point I would have returned to US, that was 2008-2009 time frame, if they only had reversed many of their anti business traveler practices, but they did not. So with the merger of NW/DL my number 2 and 3 airline became my number 1 airline. So their (US) inability to attack the business traveler is their own fault, and if they had admitted their mistake a few years ago I probably would have returned to the airline, but its too late. Today I think DL is leading the pack by attracting the business traveler, with Wifi on on Mainline, soon to be on RJs with FC. All but 50 seat RJs to have FC.

As stupid as it sounds, eliminating the coat closet WAS A BIG DEAL for me. I am sorry for the front line people at US that management's policies don't attract the business traveler.

So I guess you can blame it on the Bean Counter Side of management.