to all usairways pilots


Nov 26, 2002
you guys are amayzing you finally have to deal with what we at pdt, psa and alg have had to deal with for years all you guys care about is yourselvs. you have been backstabing us for years now and you are finnally getting what you deserve. why did you give away all the rjs to everyone but the wholly owneds why did you laugh in our face everytime we asked for a flowthrugh and flowback well you get what you deserve.
have a nice life
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actually i do at 27 if this place shuts down eventually i will find another job you on the otherhand are out of luck. and while i would never wish unemployment on anybody i dont feel bad about it now. case and point you keep giving away the rjs to the contract carriers. you won t let us get a single rj. so yes i feel better i will feel even better when this place is finnaly shut down.

We were once your age also. And a lot of us came from the W/O's. We tried to give the jets to you guys. Mgmt would not hear of it. We supported a flowthru for you guys....still no luck. I signed a petition in the crew room supporting that very item. We did manage to get a preferential treatment clause for you in our contract for hiring....Unfortunatly mgmt boned you when the UA merger shut our hiring down. In fact I think that side letter is still in effect on your behalf. (if we survive.)

You should really find out the facts before you make statements like the ones above.

By the way, you probably flew as my first officer at one time or another!
And a lot of us came from the W/O's..........[BR][BR] Maybe around 40 or so.... that's not a lot......No hiring from 1991-1997.....[BR] No wholly owned a few years before that. So how much is a lot? [BR]Or do you mean Suburban, Henson, Ransome, before they were whollied?
Sounds to me that propjerk, is new to the current world of aviation...well welcome to the jungle pal,I work for PDT, in MX, I am not impressed with your crying. If PDT was more on the ball instead of falling off of it maybe your job and others would be more secure. When on most days PDT has more MX xlds. due to no parts, poor planning, ect..than main line does and PDT only ops. 55 + - aircraft if they rule as you say I think they need to send you downtown for a drug test
On 11/30/2002 4:13:41 AM flyin2low wrote:

And a lot of us came from the W/O's..........

Maybe around 40 or so.... that's not a lot......No hiring from 1991-1997.....
No wholly owned a few years before that. So how much is a lot?
Or do you mean Suburban, Henson, Ransome, before they were whollied?

Been a while since I saw the numbers, but I think the wholly owned count was right around 140 in the newest hiring spree. Total hired was around 1200 if memory serves. So it was alittle more than 10% from the W/O's. The agreement that was accepted by the company called for a lot more but then the UA thing came around.

I had 6 W/o's in my class of 25. All three W/O's were represented.

The junior half of the seniority list pushed hard for a flow thru for the W/O's with petitions and at MEC meetings. I wish more could have been done, I still have lots of friends at all three carriers.

As for PropJock, I can understand why he feels the way he/she does. However, Attitude is one of the biggest factors in getting hired by a major. If he keeps that up he is where he will always be. Everyone of us has gotten the dirty end of the stick at one time or another. I have friends here that have 14 yrs senority that are getting laid-off. I was only here 2.5 years before the lay-off. So I am a rookie at getting boned.

To PropJock, Your 27, you were just hitting puberty when most of the folks in the current lay-off were getting hired. And about 20% of those have NEVER held a block. 14 years of reserve!! But I remember when I was a 27 yr old Captain trying to get on with a major. So do a lot of others at the Majors. Your attitude will be your biggest downfall if you do not put it in check.
propjok, You are mistaken. It is 737 pay for 737 work. It is A319 pay for 757 work. Stop whinning! If you wish to fly a jet, go join the Air Force like I was more fun and fulfilling than this airline stuff anyway!
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first of all to the pdt maint. dude. if stop wasteing your time on this mes. board and actually do some work maybee we would be having these prob. at pdt. as for everybody else i have been in this buis. longer then you may think look at the other major airlines how come evrybody had or has a flow thru with thier wholly owned partners but not us they all have rjs but we dont you guys havent done jack s for us. i unfortunatly know for a fact that we had a deal to getrjs we were going to have them on the property when your mec found out they went ape sh*t. our mec chairment broke the whole deal because of it. so to sum it up look at everybody else find me one mec body (except u mec) that has a jets for jobs deal. none nobody is that evil to decide that one group of pilots is more important then another one. i would have no problems with any of this if we worked for a real airline except we work for usair. you guys are getting major airline pay for regional airline work and it is about time sombody changed that.
On 12/1/2002 9:32:01 AM autofixer wrote:

propjok, You are mistaken. It is 737 pay for 737 work. It is A319 pay for 757 work. Stop whinning! If you wish to fly a jet, go join the Air Force like I was more fun and fulfilling than this airline stuff anyway!
He would have to finish high school first. You can tell from his spelling and grammar that he hasn't.
onthestreet said,

The junior half of the seniority list pushed hard for a flow thru for the W/O's with petitions and at MEC meetings. I wish more could have been done, I still have lots of friends at all three carriers.

Its gratifying that SOMEBODY remembers what the junior pilots tried to do during their brief 3 year stay at US Airways. They were extremely well organized, educated, and active in their union. They even started their own website to try and help educate people on the need for a bidirectional flowthrough. They tirelessly campaigned the MEC.

Between 09/11 and ALPA's unwritten policy of eating their young, many of these men and women may never fly for a major airline again. But I'm sure management is happy to have pilots from one of the wholly-owneds towing the company line by saying that the mainline pilots are getting major airline pay for regional airline flying and its got to stop.

Just what they were looking for -- another management flunky looking to devalue the profession. Great job kid.
The mainline guys did this to themselves, they do deserve it, and sad to say, but sometimes I look forward to the liquidation.
Mainline’s first duty is to preserve itself. Where do you think most the W/O flying came from anyway? Most of it came from mainline over the last 12 years. We lost it, you got it…now we’re all shrinking and you guys are all freaked out like you’re the only ones getting hurt. Think again! We had over 400 mainline jets at one time, now we have 279. Many of us at mainline pulled for a flow-through agreement and I personally tried to get W/O CAPTAINS hired, but the corporation said NO. So what do you want now? JET JOBS. How you gonna get them? Take them from the MAINLINE. Enough already!!!

A320 Driver