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travel suspension for conduct

Two West stories.
#1 We had a infamious one a few years back.
A non rev that was blind (traveling on a guest pass)was seated in first class with her dog. A paying first class pax complained that he was alergic (or scared I forget which)of dogs. They asked her to move to the bulkhead, which she did. Afterwords she went to the media and the lawyers and all you heard was how AWA made a poor blind lady leave first. Even the feds got involved under the ADA. No mention ever that she was a non-rev moved because she was a non-rev not becuase she was blind. PC won and I belive HP was fined and settle out of court. Even Leno made jokes about it!
#2 Was a big illegal (oops I mean undocumented worker) smuggling group that had AWA buddy passes. They where purchase from a flea market, corp security investigated each one and on average they had passed through 17 people before making it to the flea market. Many of those 17 where employees, not acting in bad faith just giving a buddy a pass and so on and so on and so on. Everyone who was an involved but far removed fron the actual abuse was placed on 3 months travel suspension. The good news is the sweep netted about 100 illegals including many who work at the airport in PHX and had security clearances!
I've scared the crap out of people using my passes. So badly that one time when flying with my elderly mother to Boston to visit family, she was seated a couple of rows ahead of me. The flight attendant came through with the beverage service and asked mom if she'd like a drink. Mom replied in a hushed tone, "If you have enough--I'm a non-rev".

LOL!!!!!!!!! :lol: I have instructed my very inquisitive and easily confused mother that she is in no way to talk to anybody when she's non-revving. She knows she is to check-in, go to the gate, and sit down until called. She'll even tell people that she's not allowed to talk to them (like the DL crew that was lost and asked her for directions once). It keeps her well-behaved.

Otherwise I don't give flexis out as a rule. I've heard tell that it's a 6-month suspension of benes on the HP side.
I worked with two geniuses that where flying space positive on company business up in first class.They got trashed on the free booze and started giving the fa crap.She had to have the Captain come talk to them.Well the crew filed a complaint as did several of the pax.They should have been fired.Instead they lost there passes for 6 months.And what makes it worse, these two guys are the biggest pieces of dead wood to ever posess a US Airways employee number.And their still there sucking the financial life out of your company.
I always told my obnoxious friends how the flights are always full, you’ll get bumped for days, TSA is a pain, etc.

I could understand a buddy passer not behaving, but an employee? It’s like some people’s minds aren’t wired right.
Two West stories.
#1 We had a infamious one a few years back.
A non rev that was blind (traveling on a guest pass)was seated in first class with her dog. A paying first class pax complained that he was alergic (or scared I forget which)of dogs. They asked her to move to the bulkhead, which she did. Afterwords she went to the media and the lawyers and all you heard was how AWA made a poor blind lady leave first. Even the feds got involved under the ADA. No mention ever that she was a non-rev moved because she was a non-rev not becuase she was blind. PC won and I belive HP was fined and settle out of court. Even Leno made jokes about it!

Blind people do not surrender their rights when flying non-rev. That the passenger was backed up by the government should make that message loud and clear.
The ADA, and more specifically the Air Carrier Access Act stipulates that the dog is allowed, and it doesn't matter a lick if you are non rev or not.

You are a person first.
An LGA captain told me a horror story about his buddy passes. His mother kept bugging him to give a pass to the adult son of a friend of hers who needed to go to London (supposedly for a job interview). At first, he wouldn't do it because he didn't know the guy, but his mother wouldn't quit nagging him about it; so, he gave the guy a pass.

The guy got drunk in first class and made such an ass of himself that they put the plane down in Gander, Newfoundland to put him off the plane. The idiot then proceeded to start a fist fight with a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman. He spent quite a bit of time in a Canadian jail.

The captain said that the company initially revoked his personal travel privileges permanently. After two years, the company gave his personal travel for himself and his immediate family back.
Sorry to butt in on your thread but I can't figure out why co-workers would treat each other this way.

Not that I would ever dream of talking to another employee in this manner, but the industry practices leave room for suspicion. Where there is room for suspicion, there is room for distrust. In 20 years of non-reving, I had been denied boarding twice: 1st time on another carrier because they were full, leaving paying passengers behind; 2nd time was by a co-worker, a gate agent that didn't like me, because she was told lies about me by a neighbor. And when the agent says the flight is full...there is no recourse or verification process. The industry set it up this way. To this day, I will never check in with that agent, and have not been denied boarding since. When the company comes up with a fair and effecient non-rev boarding process that can be verified by the rider, then the animosity will decrease. It works best to keep ones mouth shut and look very humble, unfortunately not everyone has learned that lesson.
When the company comes up with a fair and effecient non-rev boarding process that can be verified by the rider, then the animosity will decrease. It works best to keep ones mouth shut and look very humble, unfortunately not everyone has learned that lesson.

Does US Airways use SABRE? If so, and you have access to RES (we do at AA on both counts), you can call up the standby list on the computer. Unless the other airlines using SABRE have different display features, there is no way the agent can assign seats out of priority order without the employee non-revs knowing about it. The computer automatically displays and updates the list with boarding priority code first and check-in time second (i.e., within a given priority classification, check-in time orders the list).

Now, I have to be honest. I have never been able to read one of those SABRE seat maps. I just learned the other day that an asterisk means an empty seat. :lol:

But, if someone gets a seat ahead of me that signed in later, I'll know about it.
All these different stories are exactly why I never give mine out. If I use them at all they are for upgrades, for my parents, or a companion pass.

I gave one to a friend years ago only to find out he passed on to one of his flaky friends. I cut him off on the spot.

Nowadays I just say that I called in sick too many times and don't have any passes. It amazes me how complete strangers will ask for them.
My horrible non-rev story:

Working a very busy day at DEN. Flights all full, and non-revs have been rolling since our 8am flt. Just before boarding begins, 2 guys approach for seats, I adv them prolly not gonna happen, and to have a seat and wait till the agts can start looking at standbys.

I then start boarding the flight. At the end of pre-board, these 2 board with their original boarding cards (the kind w/o seats on them). In my haste, I almost let them on, then I realized and adv them they have no seats, and must sit and wait. Then they ask me, right there in the boarding line, what is the baggage liability for them, since they checked alot of very expensive equipment on this flight. I adv them they have -0- liability, and to sit down and wait, this is not the time/place for this discussion.

I finish boarding, and as you can imagine, they did not get on. While I was helping the agts complete the flight paperwork/counts, these 2 come up again (right after we announced all standbys rolled to next flight, doesnt look good, and we'll check it again 30mins b4 next flt). These 2 wore out their welcome with my Sup in about 20seconds. She again told them, sit down and wait. Well, as I finished up the last of the paper work I was heading downstairs for my break. These 2 start to follow me, asking how they are getting to SAN, etc....I explained to them that they have really worn out their welcome here today as they are not following directions and YOU NEED TO SIT DOWN AND WAIT TILL WE OPEN THE NEXT FLIGHT!! Well, of course, this wasn't clear enough for him, so I just walked away (hey, it IS my break time) and told them if they do not understand how standby works, they need to talk to the employee who gave them the pass, as we have done all we can for them here. As I began to walk away from them, they came after me, yelling at me "LISTEN HERE, FAT LADY...." Thats when I stopped listening. I turned around (just as my sup and the entire ramp crew came out the door behind me) and told them, they have now canceled their reservations for today, and will not be welcomed on HP, and suggested they check rates for other carriers. I also advised them the employee on the pass would be reported for their behavior.

Shitty thing is, Employee never had any suspension of benefits! (I kept an eye on the badge number for months).

Only other nonrev was typical bitchy sa4p and I didn't deny her, or report her, but I did reseat her from that nice asile seat up front to the last row middle, just because of her treatment of us at the gate!
The ADA, and more specifically the Air Carrier Access Act stipulates that the dog is allowed, and it doesn't matter a lick if you are non rev or not.

You missed my point she wasn't moved becuase she was blind she was moved becuase she was a non-rev! We have no expectation of a seat much less a first class one.
Suppose a non-rev was African-American or gay, and got booted out of First Class because some one was a bigot? Would that be discrimination? The same rules apply in the airline industry (even moreso) to persons with disabilities. Non-revenue or not ignorant people cannot discriminate against them.

Read the rules before you consider bigotry based actions acceptable.

And please stay away from our customers until you understand.

Don't be obtuse. She was clearly moved because she was blind, not because she was a nonrev!