Two-minute video explains the possible false flag attack target of the aircraft carrier USS Enterpr


Aug 30, 2002
Imagine IF: A Foreign Government ordered the bombing of Washington DC which killed several hundred Members of Congress, and our President. Then had their Prime Minister go on a major news outlet and laugh out loud at YOUR Leaders deaths? Imagine how YOU would feel. Then ask yourself if you had the chance would you fight back by committing Terrorist acts against that nation?

I find Ms Clinton's remarks to be offensive.

Of course I'm referring to Libya above but really it could have just as easily been, ran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt or Syria.

When the United States begin their interference in Iran's internal politics? Take a guess, then ask yourself why they want to kill us?
Sorry dell, I don't have time for other peoples ignorance and stupidity right now. I'll let you field this one.
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Of course I'm referring to Libya above but really it could have just as easily been, ran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt or Syria.
Obama was installed so they could kill brown people in Africa, steal their oil, and not look racist doing it.

He's every bit the puppet of the Central Banks and Fortune 100 that Bush was.
Obama was installed so they could kill brown people in Africa, steal their oil, and not look racist doing it.

He's every bit the puppet of the Central Banks and Fortune 100 that Bush was.

This explains why you posted that silly video, good production values, but still silly.
Or maybe your view of the world is silly and niave.

Guy, not discounting it as a possible scenario.....but if you want to defend your position to the last drop of blood, I'd do a rethink.

If it happened, USN would be tasked at cleaning up the nuke should realize that.

We got maybe three battle groups 'advertised' as being in the you think the 688's waited around for the grand entrance? Bet they been there for a couple months.

I bet our 688's already got crosshairs on any Iran subsurface threat. Then beyond that, how many Tomahawks both surface and subsurface have already been tasked with Iranian Navy and Airbases? Not discounting the flattop threat.

If it becomes a reality, it will quickly be a bad day in Iran. Already they are back peddling and asking for nuke talks....
LIke they cleaned up the depleted uranium munitions they used in Iraq?

Dropping a CVN on the bottom of the gulf is much easier to clean up than a gazillion slugs all over a country.

And by no means would this matter be would be very active.

You are the one who whined or supported the nuke whine regarding the false flag now you change the narrative to suit your agenda? :lol:
I'll take my previous comment about good production values back. It's more of a case of semi-clever editing.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase. This video caters to simpltons who seem to be unable to think for themselves. That's what kills me about the Infowars fans. They will go on and on about how the rest of us are sheep who will believe anything we are told. Yet they seem to believe anything on Infowars or what idiotic videos like the one on this thread say.