TWU negotiators ready to contact NMB


Aug 1, 2010
Mechanic and Related Mediation Communication October 15, 2010


After the Tentative Agreement was voted down by approximately two-thirds of our members, your Mechanic and Related Negotiations Team engaged in weeks of intense strategic planning and analysis. We met for many hours, over many days to ensure we have a comprehensive strategic plan and full text proposals.

Our guiding beacon was simply to follow your marching orders. The members own this union and the ratification vote sent a clear message.

We had frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA. From your many e- mails, our union meetings and surveys, we got a clear sense what must be fixed. As a result, we fully reviewed the contract proposal line by line and page by page.

We are ready to go and are all on the same page. Our team will be contacting the National Mediation Board (NMB) next week to ask for sessions to start as soon as possible.


It was clear that more than TA language changes were needed to fight AA. The carrier continues its attack on us and we must fight harder and smarter. We made some key changes as of the October 11th internal session:

Since the negotiating team has so much work to do, we decided to split up assignments so we can move faster. A group of six leaders will lead a subcommittee presenting our proposals at the table (Larry Pike, Bob Owens, John Ruiz, Vinnie Argentina, John Hewitt and John Carlisle). Other team members will lead up negotiations communications. Finally, we are elevating our contract campaign fight back strategy, including member actions, strike preparations, and union coalition tactics.

The International has provided us with top experts to assist in our activities. Labor attorney Mark Richard, who is nationally recognized, along with strategic communications advisor Jaime Horowitz have been retained by us.

We had up front talks with Jim Little and he agreed that our team has ownership of the negotiating process. We are fully in charge. The ATD staff will assist us as we request, but it’s our team. Jim pledged legal, public relations and other critical financial and technical support as well.


It won’t be easy. We get it. We are up for the fight. The best way forward is staying united. Every Title, every Local, every TWU official and every International Leader must and will be on the same team. We are strongest when we are one union.

It is clear that our strength starts with the rank and file membership. We need all 11,000 Members “at the table” with us. AA needs to see you sitting right there with us. Our campaign moving forward will involve constant member actions, communications and feedback. They will feel your presence alongside each of us.


Now that events are set in motion again, we will keep you fully informed. We will issue communications after every session and as the campaign unfolds. Stay involved and informed.


In Solidarity;
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Stores Mediation Update – 10-14-2010

The Stores Negotiating Team met in Irving, TX during the week of October 11th through 15th. The week was spent developing a strategy to get us back to the Negotiation Table, in order to bring back a Tentative Agreement our Membership can vote “Yes” on.

After much discussion on why the last Tentative Agreement failed, the Stores Committee reassessed our Table Position, and started working on a counter proposal to the Company.

The Committee also worked on a presentation for the National Mediation Board, outlining the reasons the T.A. failed and the needs and concerns the members feel must be met in order to get an agreement.
The Committee wants to send a clear message to our Membership. That message is that we want to return to the Negotiations Table as soon as possible and keep negotiating with American Airlines in order to come up with an Agreement that can be ratified by an overwhelming majority of our Membership.

It is clear to us that simply “Moving the furniture around” will not result in an agreement.

The NMB will play the pivotal role in our getting back to the table. With our presentation to them, they will clearly understand our position. If this is not the direction the NMB wants to take us, our only alternative is asking for release.
The overwhelming rejection of the T.A. has not only told us what we must have to get an agreement, but also what our membership is willing to do to get an agreement.

The possibility of getting released by the NMB is getting closer and closer. Please prepare yourselves and your families in case we have to go down this drastic and unfortunate path.

The Stores Committee would like to express our appreciation, once again, to our Membership for their continued support and display of patience. Without this, it would be a much harder battle.

As for now, you can expect the Committee to be in contact with the NMB about returning to the Negotiating Table. As soon as we get information on possible dates to meet with the Company, we will update our Membership with that information.

In Solidarity
Mechanic and Related Mediation Communication October 15, 2010


After the Tentative Agreement was voted down by approximately two-thirds of our members, your Mechanic and Related Negotiations Team engaged in weeks of intense strategic planning and analysis. We met for many hours, over many days to ensure we have a comprehensive strategic plan and full text proposals.

Our guiding beacon was simply to follow your marching orders. The members own this union and the ratification vote sent a clear message.

We had frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA. From your many e- mails, our union meetings and surveys, we got a clear sense what must be fixed. As a result, we fully reviewed the contract proposal line by line and page by page.

We are ready to go and are all on the same page. Our team will be contacting the National Mediation Board (NMB) next week to ask for sessions to start as soon as possible.


It was clear that more than TA language changes were needed to fight AA. The carrier continues its attack on us and we must fight harder and smarter. We made some key changes as of the October 11th internal session:

Since the negotiating team has so much work to do, we decided to split up assignments so we can move faster. A group of six leaders will lead a subcommittee presenting our proposals at the table (Larry Pike, Bob Owens, John Ruiz, Vinnie Argentina, John Hewitt and John Carlisle). Other team members will lead up negotiations communications. Finally, we are elevating our contract campaign fight back strategy, including member actions, strike preparations, and union coalition tactics.

The International has provided us with top experts to assist in our activities. Labor attorney Mark Richard, who is nationally recognized, along with strategic communications advisor Jaime Horowitz have been retained by us.

We had up front talks with Jim Little and he agreed that our team has ownership of the negotiating process. We are fully in charge. The ATD staff will assist us as we request, but it’s our team. Jim pledged legal, public relations and other critical financial and technical support as well.


It won’t be easy. We get it. We are up for the fight. The best way forward is staying united. Every Title, every Local, every TWU official and every International Leader must and will be on the same team. We are strongest when we are one union.

It is clear that our strength starts with the rank and file membership. We need all 11,000 Members “at the table” with us. AA needs to see you sitting right there with us. Our campaign moving forward will involve constant member actions, communications and feedback. They will feel your presence alongside each of us.


Now that events are set in motion again, we will keep you fully informed. We will issue communications after every session and as the campaign unfolds. Stay involved and informed.


In Solidarity;


"We had up front talks with Jim Little and he agreed that our team has ownership of the negotiating process."

Why did you need to ask Jimmy for ownership in the first place? Oh, that's right the membership doesn't own the contract the international does but since there is a drive to remove the twu they will pretend to be a union till the threat is gone. (Hint: the twu will be gone.)

"We had frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA. From your many e- mails, our union meetings and surveys, we got a clear sense what must be fixed. As a result, we fully reviewed the contract proposal line by line and page by page."

Why did you have frank discussions to find out where the key problems were/are? The entire t/a was concessionary and the twu peddled it. That's a FACT! Just ask the stooge in Miami telling his members to vote yes because if they vote no we'd be on strike in 30 days.

You know what needs to be fixed? The twu, but we both know the twu can NOT be fixed because while this lovely post of yours shows the twu showing their little kitten teeth there still is no democracy or accountability at the international level.

"It is clear that our strength starts with the rank and file membership." WOW! Thanks for admitting this fact. If only we had the same at the top.

"In solidarity"? Not if it means from behind an alias.

The twu hear them MEOW!

WOW, WOW and double WOW.
The New subcommittee is made up of the locals that were against the last T/A proposal. Is the TWU finally listening to the members or is the International been shakin up by the AMP drive? This puts a new twist in Don V's shorts.
Does this sound familiar? 2001 maybe......
Apply a little pressure and watch them start acting like a union, keep signing those cards boys we may get a decent contract yet but don't hold your breath!

Wow! The twu says "WE'RE READY TO GO!.". They must have ran out of catchy slogans because this one is a lie, as well as lame. Why? Because after 2 years of "negotiating" the twu feels it is time to "get ready"? NOT a good use of our dues money. The twu claims they engaged in "weeks of intense strategic planning and analysis"? Sure they engaged in intense startegic planning and analysis... of the AMP drive! The t/a was voted down because it was ANTI-LABOR and ANTI-UNION, which by the way the twu peddled on behalf of the company. I still have my colored flyer insert urging me to vote YES on this failed t/a. But we can rest because the twu is ensuring us that "we have a comprehensive strategic plan and full text proposals". Hear that? That is the might "MEOW" of the twu.

Wow! The twu has a "guiding beacon"! Hurray! Hurray! However, this beacon is not democracy and accountability. Because if this "guiding beacon" was bright enough for anyone to see it would be that the membership wants to be able to vote for ALL union officials and have recall aability ffor ALL union officials which is what AMP provides. "The members own this union"? NO WE DO NOT! Why? Because as I just pointed out their is no democracy or accountability in the twu international. The clear message the twu hears, and it scares the daylights out of the international is "AMP!".

Wow! The twu had "frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA"? Why did they need to talk about it? The entire t/a was ANTI-LABOR and ANTI-UNION. Our craft and class across the industry were happy our craft and class at AA shot this down. With no help from the twu other than a colored flyer insert in our ballot envelopes urging us to vote yes. The twu "got a clear sense what must be fixed"? Obviously not because the international officers remain being appointed WITHOUT the membership having a democratic vote.

Wow! The twu states, "WE MADE SOME INTERNAL CHANGES TO GET THE JOB DONE AGAINST AA!". Hear that? "MEOW!" The twu implies that their negotiating process was not capable of doing the job. NOT a good use of our dues money. So now the twu is changing their tactics? This couldn't have anything to do with the AMP drive now could it? Why is it whenever the twu feels a threat to their undemocratic, unaccountable industrial union ways they start to pretend to act like a real union? The twu also claims "Finally, we are elevating our contract campaign fight back strategy, including member actions, strike preparations, and union coalition tactics.". All I can say is "MEOW"! Will this new "fight back strategy" include real retro pay? Will it include ANY concessionary language? Will it include the sacrifices the membership, NOT THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS, made back in 2003 when the membership took pay and benefit cuts? NOT THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS because these unelected positions NEVER took the sacrifices the membership took. The twu international is just now providing us with "top experts to assist in our activities"? What happened to our union dues money when these "top experts" were really needed? Oh, that's right. We had (appointed) International Representative do the real face to face work with the company's "top experts". NOT a good use of our dues money.

The company is certainly laughing themselves silly watching the twu scramble to defend their constitution to fight off the membership's desire for a real democratic, accountable union for our craft and class. The twu is NOT ready to go, nor have they truthfully made internatl changes within the twu international. There is simply one question that remains at the end of each day and that question is... are we better off with a democratic, accountable craft union like AMP that is in all ways controlled by the membership or an undemocratic, unaccountable industrial union like the twu that attempts to change ONLY when they feel threatened? My union dues should be a "ROAR!" not a "meow".

Ken MacTiernan
A&P, I.A.

Mediation Communication October 15, 2010


After the Tentative Agreement was voted down by approximately two-thirds of our members, your Mechanic and Related Negotiations Team engaged in weeks of intense strategic planning and analysis. We met for many hours, over many days to ensure we have a comprehensive strategic plan and full text proposals.

Our guiding beacon was simply to follow your marching orders. The members own this union and the ratification vote sent a clear message.

We had frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA. From your many e- mails, our union meetings and surveys, we got a clear sense what must be fixed. As a result, we fully reviewed the contract proposal line by line and page by page.

We are ready to go and are all on the same page. Our team will be contacting the National Mediation Board (NMB) next week to ask for sessions to start as soon as possible.



It was clear that more than TA language changes were needed to fight AA. The carrier continues its attack on us and we must fight harder and smarter. We made some key changes as of the October 11th internal session:

Ø Since the negotiating team has so much work to do, we decided to split up assignments so we can move faster. A group of six leaders will lead a subcommittee presenting our proposals at the table (Larry Pike, Bob Owens, John Ruiz, Vinnie Argentina, John Hewitt and John Carlisle). Other team members will lead up negotiations communications. Finally, we are elevating our contract campaign fight back strategy, including member actions, strike preparations, and union coalition tactics.

Ø The International has provided us with top experts to assist in our activities. Labor attorney Mark Richard, who is nationally recognized, along with strategic communications advisor Jaime Horowitz have been retained by us

"We had up front talks with Jim Little and he agreed that our team has ownership of the negotiating process."

Why did you need to ask Jimmy for ownership in the first place? Oh, that's right the membership doesn't own the contract the international does but since there is a drive to remove the twu they will pretend to be a union till the threat is gone. (Hint: the twu will be gone.)

"We had frank discussions about what were the key problems in the TA. From your many e- mails, our union meetings and surveys, we got a clear sense what must be fixed. As a result, we fully reviewed the contract proposal line by line and page by page."

Why did you have frank discussions to find out where the key problems were/are? The entire t/a was concessionary and the twu peddled it. That's a FACT! Just ask the stooge in Miami telling his members to vote yes because if they vote no we'd be on strike in 30 days.

You know what needs to be fixed? The twu, but we both know the twu can NOT be fixed because while this lovely post of yours shows the twu showing their little kitten teeth there still is no democracy or accountability at the international level.

"It is clear that our strength starts with the rank and file membership." WOW! Thanks for admitting this fact. If only we had the same at the top.

"In solidarity"? Not if it means from behind an alias.

The twu hear them MEOW!

You were in a position to make a difference at your local but you decided to waste that trust that your local had in you. That is a fact. Rationalize it any way you want but that is a fact. You could not fulfill a commitment you made to your local. It is not sane to listen to the ranting of one who cannot complete his obligation to his local much less the ranting of his concept of better union representation for the entire Mechanic and Related group. Communications between the President of the TWU and the negotiating committee is beneficial to all of the members of The TWU. The exchange of ideas can only enhance the productivity of the negotiating committee. If O.V. was at our negotiation maybe we would have a contract right now with 70% of the membership on the street and you, with your measly 1986 seniority, would be relegated to midnights with Tuesday/Friday off.
“Important to Participate This is a collective decision and a very personal one at the same time. However a decision has to be made and it is imperative that each and every member participate in this critical decision particularly during these economic times.” This is the first line first paragraph of the leaflet. Show the persuading lines in any of the paragraph of this leaflet. You have yet to show which one of these facts in the leaflet is a lie.
You were in a position to make a difference at your local but you decided to waste that trust that your local had in you. That is a fact. Rationalize it any way you want but that is a fact. You could not fulfill a commitment you made to your local. It is not sane to listen to the ranting of one who cannot complete his obligation to his local much less the ranting of his concept of better union representation for the entire Mechanic and Related group. Communications between the President of the TWU and the negotiating committee is beneficial to all of the members of The TWU. The exchange of ideas can only enhance the productivity of the negotiating committee. If O.V. was at our negotiation maybe we would have a contract right now with 70% of the membership on the street and you, with your measly 1986 seniority, would be relegated to midnights with Tuesday/Friday off.
“Important to Participate This is a collective decision and a very personal one at the same time. However a decision has to be made and it is imperative that each and every member participate in this critical decision particularly during these economic times.” This is the first line first paragraph of the leaflet. Show the persuading lines in any of the paragraph of this leaflet. You have yet to show which one of these facts in the leaflet is a lie.

Kenny Mac elected to leave a situation he was in because as I understand it, he couldn't deal with the lies, half truths, unaccountability and straight up BS associated with the TWU. When somebody farts, most leave the room.

The TWU is basically responsible for handing the airline ind the "B scale" BS.
Peddling it to there members with a stern warning..."if you guys don't vote this in"...more BS. The TWU HAD to bring back a wage rate comparable to the AMFAs at NWA or would've been a slam dunk to punt your sorry a$$e$ out of American-which should've happened YEARS ago-if not for the TULE base. Of course the language sucked big time.
The TWU (and IAM) have done more damage over the decades to the professional comml aviation tech than any company has. Cajoled by there favorite phrase "a piece of bread costs the same for everybody brother!" BS. Translation:Those that underachieve in life deserve basically the same income as those that have applied themselves and attained a higher education and EARNED a better, commanded wage for themselves and there families...right? Good ol AFL-CIO horse ####. WRONG.

I've watched this industry(and AA mechs)for years and years now, get handed POS contracts-one after another-degrading our craft and trade-courtesy of the AFL-CIO "catch all" unions. With no regard or respect at all for our liability and sacrifices we make over our lives'(midnights, signing off task cards, line putting the traveling publics safety in our hands--------pretty towering over the bag smashers, gate agents, cleaners, etc---wouldn't you say??)and as you can tell, it's a HOT button with me. Frankly, I personally am amazed the TWU,IAM and Reamsters represent ANY mech & rel group in this industry. Unbelievable.

The TWU(as Ken has pointed out numerous times)simply CAN NOT stand and defend itself on it's accomplishments. For the simple reason there isn't anything to defend. I bet you guys sit around and just laugh your a$$e$ off at the stupid mechs in this industry, don't you wise a$$?
I tell ya what...when you can come back in here and stand on your own 2 TWU feet and tell us all just what it is that we should be proud of about the TWU and there numerous accomplishments(any positive ones that is-if there is such a thing) step right on in. I've read your other posts in apparently are some TWU officer or rep/min faithful-(go fig) or something.
Otherwise, forget about stepping in and trying to run down a guy that wants nothing but to elevate our profession & get the best we aircraft mechs can out of this industry. (We in here are a little smarter than that).
Something our representation is SUPPOSED to be doing for US in this industry!
I look forward to your list of accomplishments of the mighty TWU(same could be asked of the worthless IAM too-so don't take it too hard, OK?)

I better stop now....Jeezzus.......(sorry guys).
If the TWU is "Ready to Go!" then why are they waiting for the NMB?

IIRC, nothing prevents them from meeting directly with the company without the mediator...
If the TWU is "Ready to Go!" then why are they waiting for the NMB?

IIRC, nothing prevents them from meeting directly with the company without the mediator...

Maybe CIO can answer that question.
I don't think he can -- there isn't anything on the website to plagiarize address that issue...
You were in a position to make a difference at your local but you decided to waste that trust that your local had in you. That is a fact. Rationalize it any way you want but that is a fact. You could not fulfill a commitment you made to your local. It is not sane to listen to the ranting of one who cannot complete his obligation to his local much less the ranting of his concept of better union representation for the entire Mechanic and Related group. Communications between the President of the TWU and the negotiating committee is beneficial to all of the members of The TWU. The exchange of ideas can only enhance the productivity of the negotiating committee. If O.V. was at our negotiation maybe we would have a contract right now with 70% of the membership on the street and you, with your measly 1986 seniority, would be relegated to midnights with Tuesday/Friday off.
“Important to Participate This is a collective decision and a very personal one at the same time. However a decision has to be made and it is imperative that each and every member participate in this critical decision particularly during these economic times.” This is the first line first paragraph of the leaflet. Show the persuading lines in any of the paragraph of this leaflet. You have yet to show which one of these facts in the leaflet is a lie.

Dear King Ed,

Position? Like your position of promoting the twu from behind your alias? At least the membership knows how I stand on issues. I made a committment to my local to do the best I could while in office. I met that committment. Funny how after I resigned not one person criticized me for my action. In fact, to a man/woman people respected my decision to promote AMP and all have signed AMP cards. My committment is for those who not only elected me into office, NOT appointed, and my entire craft and class industrywide. The twu structure does not allow this for the best. AMP does.

Sanity? Listening to someone who attempts to promote an UNDEMOCRATIC and UNACCOUNTABLE union without standing in the light is not sane. But if it gives you a feeling of warmth and protection, well, just keep doing what you do best.

As for the flyer you should remain anonymous because your ignorance is off the charts! The flyers PURPOSE was to PERSUADE and INTIMIDATE the membership into voting yes. I never said the leaflet was lies. Your ability to read AND comprehend mirror your ignorance. But I understand that you are simply doing your master's bidding by attacking others instead of defending the twu constitution. Let me know when the twu will allow the election of international officers by the full membership. By the way, how are those lifetime A12 passes working for you? Oh, and you want to talk about lies? How about the union tool in MIA who was telling the membership if they voted no they would be on strike in 30 days?

The TWU International owns the current CBA for the Maintenance & Related at AA: that is settled Federal Law.

Now the TWU International seeks to have individuals previously excluded from face to face meetings with AA as the new face of the negotiating committee: while having previously stated that the agreement they presented to the membership as the last best final offer should have been approved.

Anybody see a problem with the new construct?

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