Twu Vs Amfa

Jim Martin

Aug 15, 2003
First of all I don't want to really get into the debate of which is best between the two because, I've never worked for a company that AMFA represents the employees. I do work at AA. I am a AMT. I currently work in DFW on the wide body "B" check line. I've also worked for AA in PHL and on dock 4A on Tulsa.

Those of you who know me know that I've never preached for AMFA, but I will tell you that they are the only option available to rid ourselves of the TWU. I once thought the way to go was to change the TWU from within. I was a shop steward in TUL and PHL and eventually became Section Chairman in PHL for a short time before being laid off on April 4 and relocating to DFW. Changing the TWU from within will never happen. Will AMFA be better? We won't know until we try.

The line is and has always been onboard with the AMFA drive. In order to get it passed we need TUL. I know the organizers there are doing there best. For you fence sitters it's time to get off the fence. For those of you who do not want to participate in the union no matter who it is, sign a card so we can have a election and have true democracy. For those die hards that think the TWU is working in your best interest. I hope you like paying over $200 a month for your health insurance in 2008. I also hope your happy with AA for being the biggest airline in the world and paying there AMT's the least. We have no way of recalling the appointed international reps who make all the deals with AA management. Jim Little, Gary Yingst, Bobby Gless answer to knowone accept Sonny Hall. They need to answer to the members.

Let's start holding the people accountable that are deciding our future. To do that we need to vote TWU out and AMFA in.
Sorry if I rambled a bit.

Jim Martin
Thanks for thoughts Jim,

I would like personally invite you to come and attend the Tulsa AMFA Informational Meeting on September 12th, 2003.

The Tulsa Mechanics are finally coming around, there were more AMFA t-shirts being worn on the base today than I have ever seen, and we collected an additional 75 cards this week. That 75 adds to the over 1600 already signed, more than any other station in the AA System.

We could sure some financial help and more importantly the presence from the line stations at this next meeting.

Thanks again for thoughts and word of encouragement.

See you in Tulsa, along with the other line mechanics willing to help us out.

Jim Little letter above:

RE: Ratification of Changing or Amending Contract.

"This decision was made based on the EXPLICIT understanding that the TWU Constitution already provided such a requirement"

TWU Attorney Mr Gold:

The unions reasoable and CONSISTENT interpretation is that the Constitution...

...does NOT constitute a mandate to put out modifications to collective bargaining agreement.


And before you answer, read this:


Pronunciation: (ik-splis'it), [key]
1. fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal: explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language.
2. clearly developed or formulated: explicit knowledge; explicit belief.
3. definite and unreserved in expression; outspoken: He was quite explicit as to what he expected us to do for him.


Pronunciation: (kun-sis'tunt), [key]
1. agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory: His views and actions are consistent.
2. constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.: a consistent opponent.
3. holding firmly together; cohering.
4. Archaic.fixed; firm.

It appears that somebody has lied! Was it Jim Little or Mr. Gold?

What is the latest on the attempts by the dictators to remove Local Presidents for appearing in this picture?


The last I heard, was that Jim Little had capitulated and offered a modified letter and it was also rejected.

Is the TWU Dictator willing to face a challenge in Federal Court? :angry:

Or is this another one of those issues that the TWU fails to resolve and then it just fades away? :shock:

How many HAND PAY request have you received in the last two weeks? :up:
......anything I can do I @ MCI to disrupt your campaign just let me know...sorry...just doing what I can to keep unionists in unions...and they are NOT you all.
With Respect, _AMT_MCI,
As the current card count stands at 7312, I don't think there is much you can do to disrupt the card drive. Rember, 50% +1, is all that is reguired to call an election. 50%+1 is little more750 cards away. Yes, I know our goal is about 10,500, But the ball is in our hands and time is running out for the TWU. Obviously once we cross the half way point an Election is not far away and is at a time of our choosing.
The Mechanics and Related at 8 Airlines cannot all be wrong, blind,or misled.
I challenge you to do more research Sir. Compare AMFA/TWU, ask yourself why the TWU tries to divert our attention toward NWA or UAL. Think on it, won't you?
Superside....I have read both constitutions and actually they all read about the same...however...AMFA's does state on page 1 of their preamble that they will "recognize individual seniority rights of others"

...If I read that correctly that makes AA mechanics in the south ineligable ....hope Delle doesn't catch wind of you all....with respect....SC
Jim Martin said:
First of all I don't want to really get into the debate of which is best between the two because, I've never worked for a company that AMFA represents the employees. I do work at AA. I am a AMT. I currently work in DFW on the wide body "B" check line. I've also worked for AA in PHL and on dock 4A on Tulsa.

Those of you who know me know that I've never preached for AMFA, but I will tell you that they are the only option available to rid ourselves of the TWU. I once thought the way to go was to change the TWU from within. I was a shop steward in TUL and PHL and eventually became Section Chairman in PHL for a short time before being laid off on April 4 and relocating to DFW. Changing the TWU from within will never happen. Will AMFA be better? We won't know until we try.

The line is and has always been onboard with the AMFA drive. In order to get it passed we need TUL. I know the organizers there are doing there best. For you fence sitters it's time to get off the fence. For those of you who do not want to participate in the union no matter who it is, sign a card so we can have a election and have true democracy. For those die hards that think the TWU is working in your best interest. I hope you like paying over $200 a month for your health insurance in 2008. I also hope your happy with AA for being the biggest airline in the world and paying there AMT's the least. We have no way of recalling the appointed international reps who make all the deals with AA management. Jim Little, Gary Yingst, Bobby Gless answer to knowone accept Sonny Hall. They need to answer to the members.

Let's start holding the people accountable that are deciding our future. To do that we need to vote TWU out and AMFA in.
Sorry if I rambled a bit.

Jim Martin
How can you claim amfa is our "only option"? Why can't we have our own union like the pilots and fa's? They didn't run out and join some joke of a union. Why do I want to be in a union that has EIGHT other airlines in it? Why would I want them meddling in our business? Its bad enough with the bagsmashers in our union! Amfa is no longer an idea. It's been around for quite a few years now and its results have not been pretty. Alaska has been very profitable over the last decade yet its mechanics are the lowest paid in the industry. Plus they keep losing work to outsourcing. NWA is the healthest major hub and spoke carrier yet they have the worst level of layoffs! How do you think amfa will help us? Will they guarantee us a lower insurance payment? Will they guarantee us higher pay? In writing?
AAmech said:
How can you claim amfa is our "only option"? Why can't we have our own union like the pilots and fa's? They didn't run out and join some joke of a union. Why do I want to be in a union that has EIGHT other airlines in it? Why would I want them meddling in our business? Its bad enough with the bagsmashers in our union! Amfa is no longer an idea. It's been around for quite a few years now and its results have not been pretty. Alaska has been very profitable over the last decade yet its mechanics are the lowest paid in the industry. Plus they keep losing work to outsourcing. NWA is the healthest major hub and spoke carrier yet they have the worst level of layoffs! How do you think amfa will help us? Will they guarantee us a lower insurance payment? Will they guarantee us higher pay? In writing?
You go file all the paperwork with the DOL after you have written a Constitution under this "new union", if I read the Constitution and determine it isn't a carbon copy of the Commie TWU Rules, I will sign a card.

What gets me is most TWU enthusiast used to scream "strength in numbers" and "we cannot isolate ourselves from the rest of labor"...

Now you advocating a new union sperate from other airlines. :blink:
RV4 - I don't believe I've read AAmech to say that there is strength in numbers or that he is particularly pro TWU - I do detect some wariness of the AMFA in his posts. Is he not entitled to that, or does anyone who questions the AMFA suddenly become a TWU lackey and perhaps a "plant" to disrupt the AMFA organizing efforts? Seems to me that AAmech is one of the few who holds the "anyone but <insert union name here>" mentality. He has valid concerns about AMFA that nobody seems to address. Would you care to address them with something other than "how much more do you want the TWU to give away" in the response?
KCFlyer said:
RV4 - He has valid concerns about AMFA that nobody seems to address. Would you care to address them with something other than "how much more do you want the TWU to give away" in the response?


I work for a paycheck and benefits, the day I longer get paid, I wont show up.

Care to tell us what you have at stake in this matter?
RV4 said:

I work for a paycheck and benefits, the day I longer get paid, I wont show up.

Care to tell us what you have at stake in this matter?
I am merely an observer who has no stake in your problem. But AAMech does. So all I am asking is this: Is it possible for you to address any of his concerns without referring to him as a TWU lackey or blasting TWU cuts? He didn't ask about TWU cuts...I don't believe that he is really PRO cuts - but in your own words, you are not able to address his concerns about the AMFA. How the hell is he supposed to become informed then?

And what is your response to the question that points out that a union is only as good as it's members...if the members of the TWU don't attend union meetings, is there some pixie dust that the AMFA uses that can suddenly cause everybody to show up at union functions?