Us Airways' Grim Warning

of course the dr is saying this because he is running scared that he'll lose control of the airline in ch11. I would love to see a court appointed trustee to take over this airline instead of seeing this inept mgmt continue to rape the employees over and over. if you think this is round three now, just wait a year and see how many more rounds they'll go thru! this inept mgmt knows nothing except how to rail the employees pockets while at the same time squandering millions more out the window!
I have 3 words for Mr. Bronner:


Everyone is tired of the threats, inuendos, newspaper articles, etc. With the size of RSA's portfolio, US is just a drop in the bucket and the employees have no more left to give. Every management team has played the shell game and the employees have paid the price. Bronner's team has finally frosted the cake. 13.10 is not going to happen. Not while a huge number of employees believe that a yes vote would still lead to bankruptcy, shut down and a re-opening at minimum wage with MDA. Which is still hiring like crazy. What kind of management puts out an offer for 13.10 an hour, higher medical and a clause that says if they can find someone else to do the job even cheaper, they can outsource regardless of the contract? I'll tell you. The kind that really doesn't care about the 28000 employees. The kind that only cares about their own salaries, free first class travel for the family, stock options, offshore bank accounts, etc.

If this management team really wants to get the negotiations rolling, they need to do the following:

Take the same percentage cut that they want from the employees or just go for it and start at 40%. A group will follow a leader that leads by his actions.

Try traveling like the employees do. STANDBY. Management is not better than anyone else. Purchase your upgrade coupons and upgrade if the space is available by seniority.

Listen to all the groups of employees on cost saving measures. No one else can tell you how to save money better than the people who do the jobs everyday. They have tried to tell you before but no one seems to be able to deflate their ego long enough to listen. The response you are receiving currently is from very frustrated employees who really do like their job and did like their company until they took one beating too many.

Say what you are going to do and do it. Your employees have been lied to so many times, I can't believe you don't know why the negotiations are going so bad.

From Manager level up, there needs to be some thinning done. Way too many people that don't have enough to do.

Unless management is willing to lead by example, you might as well shut the doors.

Mark this down in the "we are tired of it" column: Good Cop (Lakefield) - Bad Cop (Bronner). Previously it was Good Cop (Bronner) - Bad Cop (Siegel). Before that it was Good Cop (Gangwal) - Bad Cop (Wolf) (relatively speaking).

Would be nice for all of US Airways management be united (no pun intended). United we stand, divided we fall... well, if management isn't united, then there is truly not much hope left, as a divided management will never get the employees united behind its efforts. The question is, is management united in this good cop - bad cop routine, or is there really some major differences of opinion going on out there... (Bronner says Ch 7 could happen, Lakefield says it won't...)