Vote Count?

Your nonsensical talking points are beyond tiresome. :rolleyes:

Really Hackman? I think you are scared of them, along with your union brainwashed buddies especially the multitude that have placed me on their ignore lists. My "nonsensical talking points" shows the true and ugly face of unionism. Most of you guys can glimpse it but chose to ignore it or belittle it. The thousands of guests that visit these boards though can see it. They are the ones I am worried about, most of you guys are already lost souls.
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You're really scared the FA's and the pilots are going to walk, aren't you? You've obviously picked up the vibe on the line. Not a very cheery place, I imagine.

I think you're really scared. :unsure:

It's starting to show in your posts.

Sorry, you missed that one Dea. Being laid-off or leaving a job is as common as union holidays. If I am shaken about this at all it is becase I will be cheated out of a cheap trip to Hawaii and more ski trips to Breckenridge and Keystone than I normally take.
Really Hackman? I think you are scared of them, along with your union brainwashed buddies especially the multitude that have placed me on their ignore lists. My "nonsensical talking points" shows the true and ugly face of unionism. Most of you guys can glimpse it but chose to ignore it or belittle it. The thousands of guests that visit these boards though can see it. They are the ones I am worried about, most of you guys are already lost souls.
'Cods, I understand your just a pup caught in a big dog fight. Your comically redundant posts are blather of whats' likely never be equalled again on this BB. Your Dreamboat is sinking 'Cods, its seems such a short journey for your scab career and the fading bright lights of a another major carrier.

I stated all along, and I'll state it again....there is a reason why your a scab wrench gypsy 'Cods...some kind of fault or defect with why your at this pathetic point in your life. Holed up for months away from home in a scab hotel, beating your keyboard to death, telling us who have been down the road how it is. All this for a short stint at $32 scab pittance? Lost you say? My god are. :ph34r:
I stated all along, and I'll state it again....there is a reason why your a scab wrench gypsy 'Cods...some kind of fault or defect with why your at this pathetic point in your life. Holed up for months away from home in a scab hotel, beating your keyboard to death, telling us who have been down the road how it is. All this for a short stint at $32 scab pittance? Lost you say? My god are. :ph34r:

:lol: Now that’s a good one Hackman, you are putting forth a really good effort tonight to be funny. I really like the "fault" and the "defect" part. Hold-up...Let me beat on my keyboard a bit longer. :lol: That is part of the problem with you guys Hackman, You have been down the road and have reached a dead-end. Now you are trying to look at a forest but you can't see it because all of those trees are in the way.
:huh: Ohhhh, I get now. Your at a bankrupt carrier as a scab for 6 months. I've been at my job for nearly 20 years, my employer has been slowly improving, no scabs needed. Your co-workers are really ready to walk it looks to me. Your stating I can't see? Might I say how "funny" tonight you are too, but in a more tragic mindset.

Have another round or ten 'Cods, it might help you.

Tick...tock....tick.... :rolleyes:
Your points are well taken Hackman, You work for a union that you disapprove of and are employed by a company that you dislike. You have been there for twenty years, you claim improvement Princess claims otherwise. You are in no better shape than I.
ahh but it seems that Hackman is in better shape than you pto.
at least he isnt worried about his job sinking as fast if not faster than the titanic. you aught to be worried pto because NWA is sinking about as fast as the USS Indianapolis did.
you aught to be worried pto because NWA is sinking about as fast as the USS Indianapolis did.

It's now sweat off my back. If the company fails, which I don't think it will, I'll just go on about my buisness as usual. I understand that if the companies you work for sink you will be a bunch of lost souls looking in the sky waiting for your unions to come to the rescue. You all will drown one at a time before that happens. My self, I don't even need a lifeboat, I'll be doing the backstroke laughing all the way.
It's now sweat off my back. If the company fails, which I don't think it will, I'll just go on about my buisness as usual. I understand that if the companies you work for sink you will be a bunch of lost souls looking in the sky waiting for your unions to come to the rescue. You all will drown one at a time before that happens. My self, I don't even need a lifeboat, I'll be doing the backstroke laughing all the way.

Can you ever post anything without resorting to some tired union cliche'???

The fact that a majority voted to remain on strike doesn't sound like a bunch of lost souls to me. Looks like the majority of NWA AMTs out there either have something else working, or simply value their particular skills a little more than you seem to.
Can you ever post anything without resorting to some tired union cliche'???

The fact that a majority voted to remain on strike doesn't sound like a bunch of lost souls to me. Looks like the majority of NWA AMTs out there either have something else working, or simply value their particular skills a little more than you seem to.

I just might be able to respect this post if AMFA would show us some numbers of who voted. Who actually voted to remain on strike, the cleaners and custodians or the AMT's? What percentage of what group voted for what? The AMFA Boys that crossed are still represented by AMFA. They can't even vote. You guys are very quick to forget about the custodians and cleaners.
I just might be able to respect this post if AMFA would show us some numbers of who voted. Who actually voted to remain on strike, the cleaners and custodians or the AMT's? What percentage of what group voted for what? The AMFA Boys that crossed are still represented by AMFA. They can't even vote. You guys are very quick to forget about the custodians and cleaners.

And what possible difference would it make if you had the "by-skill" break down of the vote???

AMTs or Utility, it makes NO difference. Each was afforded a vote. A vote which carries equal weight to every other vote.

The majority, be they AMTs or Utility, or both, voted to remain on strike.

The deplorable part of it all, was those who could vote and didn't.
I just might be able to respect this post if AMFA would show us some numbers of who voted. Who actually voted to remain on strike, the cleaners and custodians or the AMT's? What percentage of what group voted for what? The AMFA Boys that crossed are still represented by AMFA. They can't even vote. You guys are very quick to forget about the custodians and cleaners.

The AMFA "boys" who crossed are no longer members of AMFA. They are scabs and have no right to vote on anything. Why should you even care PTO? You're a filthy rotten scab, remember?
And what possible difference would it make if you had the "by-skill" break down of the vote???
The deplorable part of it all, was those who could vote and didn't.

It would make a big difference. You guys ask, "Why would they want to vote away their jobs?" The cleaners and custodians were going to lose their jobs regardless of the outcome of the strike vote. IT MADE NO DIFFERACE WHAT SO EVER. The question should be, Why would they vote away their severance pay and benefits?

The only jobs that were left is the AMT jobs, the cleaners and custodians have nothing to vote for. Either way they get nothing. Some of the AMT's however still could return to work. This strike has never been about the cleaners and custodians it has always been about the AMT's. None of you have ever said; NWA would be in much better shape if they would just bring the custodians and cleaners back. The last number I heard was that four-hundred-seventy AMFA boys have crossed and there are another four hundred wanting to cross. I think it would be interesting to see a vote held with just the AMT's and all of the AMT's.

The AMFA "boys" who crossed are no longer members of AMFA. They are scabs and have no right to vote on anything. Why should you even care PTO? You're a filthy rotten scab, remember?

Oh do please enlighten me my beloved wise Princess; If they are not members why is AMFA so hell bent on punishing them? Why are they signed on under an AMFA contract? Why are they still carrying cards?

Did you know that if I were to file a grievance against the company AMFA would have to represent me? :lol:

I thought that was just hilarious when I herd that.