Wal-Mart Seeks to Head Off Worker Protests

I try to vote with my wallet. I have not shopped at quite a few stores/chains that have business practices that I disagree with. I have crossed Target off my list due to their Black Friday BS as well as Walmart.

If no one shows up on Thur the stores will be forced to sell their stuff to the same people the next day. I for one will not shop on thur.

I think travel and grocery stores and stuff like that are a bit different. Perhaps it is what O am used to. Airlines have always been open 24/7/365. At least since I was working for them.
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most of us have worked many holidays . But we were well compensated. I was anyway.

These folks arent and they probably try pick up as much OT as possible to make ends meet.

I knew going into the airline industry
that I would miss most holidays but we were able to float them with p.o.a.d.

These guys can lose their job for refusing.

it is a simple damned holiday. Give them a freakin break. make black thursday a money loser.

retail is not a 24/7 operation

I totally get all of that- I certainly won't be shopping on Thursday. But just as you & I knew we'd have to work nights/weekends/holidays, so too should someone in retail know that it's a possibility.

Like I said earlier; there is a *huge* difference between people rising up for socioeconomic justice, and someone that's bummed she has to work on T-day. And really; the example xUT posted doesn't sound bad. Off at 0300, home at 0400, sleep from, say, 0500ish 'til noon or 1 (does anyone meet for T-day breakfast?). Hang out for a few hours w/everyone before leaving for her shift at around 1930ish...

I dunno... I just think using her own example undercuts what her petition is about. Surely there are people that have it way worse off schedule-wise , even in her own store?

You're right that retail generally isn't a 24/7 operation, though it increasingly is becoming one- the store may not be open to customers, but there certainly are teams of employees there stocking and so on.

I try to vote with my wallet. I have not shopped at quite a few stores/chains that have business practices that I disagree with. I have crossed Target off my list due to their Black Friday BS as well as Walmart.

Good plan. Buying local is even better.

I'm still trying to figure out why the Government is involved through the NLRB. IMO there should be no such board meddling in the affairs of a company and its Labor force.

The Founding fathers weren't real fond of Corporations which were a new concep tbackt hen and as time goes by it appears their fears may have been well founded.

All of the laws passed regulating Labor Relations under the guise of fairness have hamstrung the workers from exerting the appropriate leverage required to better their lot. See there were Banksters and Crony Capitalists even back then.
The NLRB has jurisdiction over unions and companies that are under the NRLA.

Not too hard to grasp.
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I totally get all of that- I certainly won't be shopping on Thursday. But just as you & I knew we'd have to work nights/weekends/holidays, so too should someone in retail know that it's a possibility.

Like I said earlier; there is a *huge* difference between people rising up for socioeconomic justice, and someone that's bummed she has to work on T-day. And really; the example xUT posted doesn't sound bad. Off at 0300, home at 0400, sleep from, say, 0500ish 'til noon or 1 (does anyone meet for T-day breakfast?). Hang out for a few hours w/everyone before leaving for her shift at around 1930ish...

I dunno... I just think using her own example undercuts what her petition is about. Surely there are people that have it way worse off schedule-wise , even in her own store?

You're right that retail generally isn't a 24/7 operation, though it increasingly is becoming one- the store may not be open to customers, but there certainly are teams of employees there stocking and so on.

Good plan. Buying local is even better.

what is social justice?

what is economic justice?
The NLRB has jurisdiction over unions and companies that are under the NRLA.

Not too hard to grasp.

I know what the NLRB does. Get your nose out of Union Thug Trumka's talking points and reread what I wrote.

The Federal Government has no legitimate role in regulating Labor relations between a company and it's workforce. NLRB, RLA, NMB etc etc ad nausea came in in the '20's & '30's under the guise of "fairness". This was yet another Banksterplan to keep workers in line by rigging the deck against them.

What should have happened is those who initiated force (both sides) should have been arrested, tried and convicted and sent to prison. True economic Liberty gives workers the unfettered right to seek redress over their pay and working conditions either singly or as part of a group.

It does grant either Labor or Management the right to initiate force. The proper role of government is to preserve liberty.
Union thug?

If you cant debate of course insult.

The government has no legitimate role? What planet are you living on now?

Time for you to go to the Dakotas and join a movement.

You tall about liberty and then you want to throw them in jail, wow that's hypocritical.

Guess the last election has really sent you off the deep end, lol.
Union thug?

If you cant debate of course insult.

The government has no legitimate role? What planet are you living on now?

Time for you to go to the Dakotas and join a movement.

You tall about liberty and then you want to throw them in jail, wow that's hypocritical.

Guess the last election has really sent you off the deep end, lol.

Richard Trumka is a former UMW of A President who has been linked to union violence in the Coal Fields of WV and actively used goon squads to suppress opposition. It's documented. I know of it from several friends who live in the coal fields. He's a thug and damn near a convicted one a few times.

Anyone Union or Management who initiates force against another needs to be in prison. I made a typo on the previous post.

What part of "No legitimate role" did you fail to grasp. The role of government is to preserve Liberty, Additionally it is there to protect private property rights and resolve disputes (court) with it's greatest and final roll, to defend against foreign agression. It has no place other then the court room when it comes to interference in labor management issues except when one or both parties initiates force. This is basic Constitutional and Natural law theory that the entire concept of individual Liberty is based upon.

Here's a bit on Trumka I found in less than 30 seconds. From Wikipedia
The United Mine Workers conducted a nationwide strike against Peabody Coal in 1993. Trumka was asked to respond to the possibility that some coal companies might hire permanent replacement workers.[sup] [/sup]He told the Associated Press in September 1993, "I'm saying if you strike a match and you put your finger in it, you're likely to get burned."[sup]][/sup] He also said, "That doesn't mean I'm threatening to burn you. That just means if you strike the match, and you put your finger in it, common sense will tell you it'll burn your finger. Common sense will tell you that in these strikes, that when you inject scabs, a number of things happen. And a confrontation is one of the potentials that can happen. Do I want it to happen? Absolutely not. Do I think it can happen? Yes, I think it can happen."[sup]][/sup] The Associated Press reported that he was not threatening violence, and noted that UMWA staff had spent "thousands of man hours trying to prevent anything from happening ... to our members or by our members."[sup][[/sup]
Despite claims of non-violence by Trumka during the strike, a union coal miner, Jerry Dale Lowe, was eventually convicted in 1994 of killing Eddie York at a mine owned by the Arch Mineral Corporation.

Spoken like a thug, Tony Soprano couldn't have threatened better.


Again SO WHAT?

It's a private non governmental entity it can do what it pleases under law.

If you don't like it don't shop there! I don't and haven't since 2007 when I spent $30.00 in one for a crap product that didn't perform as advertised.

I DO NOT & WILL NOT buy from Wal-Mart and it only takes a few minutes on line to fid out all you need to know about how they operate. Buying from Wal-Mart is not in the average citizen's best interest.

We know they engage in predatory pricing, We know they have had numerous lawsuits they lost over forcing workers to punch out and continue to work under threat of termination. To date Wal-Mart has settled over 40 suits on that topic alone. Whether they choose to provide health insurance is their business.

What is our business is whether we as a society support Wal-Mart's behavior. Judging from their annual sales the public doesn't seem to care.

Doing what's right or fair will only come when their bottom line is adversely affected. I don't buy from them and you shouldn't either.
Time for a step back or prozac, you are so angry.

Time for you to finish your preparations

Dont like what I post, dont read it, this board is about debate.

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