We need one union for all AMTs in the USA

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All AMTs need to standup together to fight for our profession and our future .
I think if all AMTs were represented by the same
Union we could get somewhere.
All I have been hearing is how all AMTs are unhappy with their unions, ibt,twu,iam all suck.
We need to form are own union and fight or this profession wont be worth a dam!!!!!!!!
All AMTs need to standup together to fight for our profession and our future .
I think if all AMTs were represented by the same
Union we could get somewhere.
All I have been hearing is how all AMTs are unhappy with their unions, ibt,twu,iam all suck.
We need to form are own union and fight or this profession wont be worth a dam!!!!!!!!
AMFA!! Here at the new UAL, a drive has started to rid ourselves of the ibt and bring AMFA back in. Visit www.the-ualmechanic.com for more info.
And how did it work out for AMFA at NW?

What did the iam and ibt have to do with the nwa strike? Answer that question. I know what happened there and you should visit The-UALMechanics.com site to educate yourself.

Another question is, what unions have you experienced? I have had all three so again, I can tell you which is the best. Knowledge is Power.
IAM, was a rep, and on the NC, UAW and BCT.

And if AMFA is so grand, why did they get their butt's handed to them at NW, and only represent three carriers.
IAM, was a rep, and on the NC, UAW and BCT.

And if AMFA is so grand, why did they get their butt's handed to them at NW, and only represent three carriers.

So no AMFA experience. Yet, you refuse to answer the question, what part did the iam and ibt play in the nwa strike. No surprise there. Answer that question and that is part of the reason the strike failed at nwa. GT
As far as I know, no IAM or IBT person fixed airplanes, now did they?

AMFA got their rear ends spanked, caved in to settle and let the scabs stay in place.

They lost a major case at ACA which let the company do anything they wanted to do and not have to keep the status quo in a newly organized group.

They got kicked off the property when DL/NW merged, have crappy CBA at AS and inherited the IBT CBA at WN.

And if they are so great, why did UA AMTs vote them out?

Never got enough cards at US to hold an election.

Put the koolade down.
IAM, was a rep, and on the NC, UAW and BCT.

And if AMFA is so grand, why did they get their butt's handed to them at NW, and only represent three carriers.

iam scabbed pushbacks at AMFA designated stations.
Every union on the property crossed the picket line, even though their cba allowed them not to cross.
reamsters flew NW during the strike.
unions are dead and it is unions that killed themselves.
As far as I know, no IAM or IBT person fixed airplanes, now did they?

AMFA got their rear ends spanked, caved in to settle and let the scabs stay in place.

They lost a major case at ACA which let the company do anything they wanted to do and not have to keep the status quo in a newly organized group.

They got kicked off the property when DL/NW merged, have crappy CBA at AS and inherited the IBT CBA at WN.

And if they are so great, why did UA AMTs vote them out?

Never got enough cards at US to hold an election.

Put the koolade down.

Wow! That first excuse sounds like something a scab would say to justify crossing the picket line.
Again, you need to educate yourself.
Who the hell is ACA?
They decertified themselves. Like you said, don't want to represent scabs, right?
Who is AS and the CBA at WN was a transparent process and democratic. So if the ibt was so great at SWA then why aren't they still there? I know, do you?
UA voted them out because they were lied to by the ibt and not very well informed. The AMFA Card drive is made up of many former ibt organizers today.
US? Do you mean US Air? I am not aware of a card drive every happening there. Be more specific.
iam scabbed pushbacks at AMFA designated stations.
Every union on the property crossed the picket line, even though their cba allowed them not to cross.
reamsters flew NW during the strike.
unions are dead and it is unions that killed themselves.

To make note the Mechanics at NW felt they were being held back from the ramp and CS groups some saying some pretty nasty things about there brothers and sisters. The mechanics felt they deserved more so they broke ranks from the IAM and went to AMFA. So when AMFA decided to strike the mechanics found out they needed the ramp and CS to support them........

The broke away from the herd and now they wanted support???? There plan didn't work out to well for them...... and the company ate them alive.....

Safety in numbers it works in the wild ever see what happens to the buffalo that breaks from the herd?? The wolves pick them off one by one

To bad humans in labor can't seem to figure this out.....
To make note the Mechanics at NW felt they were being held back from the ramp and CS groups some saying some pretty nasty things about there brothers and sisters. The mechanics felt they deserved more so they broke ranks from the IAM and went to AMFA. So when AMFA decided to strike the mechanics found out they needed the ramp and CS to support them........

The broke away from the herd and now they wanted support???? There plan didn't work out to well for them...... and the company ate them alive.....

Safety in numbers it works in the wild ever see what happens to the buffalo that breaks from the herd?? The wolves pick them off one by one

To bad humans in labor can't seem to figure this out.....

The mechanics have the right to choose the union they want. I have been represented by AMFA and I have been represented by the iam and ibt. I have sat in a room full of ramp people and a room full of truck drivers. I sit for over 2 hours waiting to talk about our concerns as mechanics. AMFA is focused on one thing and one thing only, the mechanics.

Now at nwa the mechanics dumped the iam because the iam insisted the mechanics could not get $30 an hour. So away went the iam and in comes AMFA and what do they get. Industry leading $30 an hour. They opened the door for everyone else. This made the iam look pretty bad. No AMFA is not at fault. It's the childish act of a jealous union, the iam who decided they will retaliate.

You can make all the excuses you want about unions crossing other unions picket line but the bottom line is, IT'S WRONG.

Don't ever give me the excuse strength in numbers because those two unions profess such claims and they both have failed miserably. I'll take AMFA over any union, and frankly if I did not experience AMFA I would probably be anti union today. Knowledge is Power.
To make note the Mechanics at NW felt they were being held back from the ramp and CS groups some saying some pretty nasty things about there brothers and sisters. The mechanics felt they deserved more so they broke ranks from the IAM and went to AMFA. So when AMFA decided to strike the mechanics found out they needed the ramp and CS to support them........

The broke away from the herd and now they wanted support???? There plan didn't work out to well for them...... and the company ate them alive.....

Safety in numbers it works in the wild ever see what happens to the buffalo that breaks from the herd?? The wolves pick them off one by one

To bad humans in labor can't seem to figure this out.....

IIRC, NW M&R and Ramp/Stores had their own contracts under IAM prior to AMFA.
M&R chose AMFA over the IAM, much like UA did.
Your 'justification' for any other union crossing a picket line and/or performing struck work is pathetic.
Look in the mirror, you are why unionism is dying.
B) xUT
Guys, don't let these anti-union scabs take us away from the point of this thread again. AMFA is the only aircraft mechanic union out there run by aircraft mechanics, it is one of the most open and democratic union out there period. If you are an A&P mechanic, AMFA is YOUR union.
As far as I know, no IAM or IBT person fixed airplanes, now did they?

AMFA got their rear ends spanked, caved in to settle and let the scabs stay in place.

They lost a major case at ACA which let the company do anything they wanted to do and not have to keep the status quo in a newly organized group.

They got kicked off the property when DL/NW merged, have crappy CBA at AS and inherited the IBT CBA at WN.

And if they are so great, why did UA AMTs vote them out?

Never got enough cards at US to hold an election.

Put the koolade down.
Got a few questions.

What happened to the IAM at Continental back in the 80s?

Spanked right?

What happened to the IAM at EAL?

Spanked again right?

What happened to the IAM when NWA and Delta merged?

Same thing as AMFA right?

AMFA had about as much of a chance at avoiding its Strike at NWA as the IAM did at Continental and EAL, there was no way you are going to get a majority of workers to vote themslelves of of a job.

What happened to the IAM at USAIR?

Settled for bottom of the industry pay.

What happened to the IAM at UAL.

Booted out for giving everything away.

How many members has the IAM lost between the last two Conventions?

So the IAM doesnt have much to crow about. Maybe its time for the unions to reassess things and start to think about the members for a change. Do we really need three seperate AFL-CIO unions representing airline workers? Wouldnt the "Stregnth in numbers" principle be more effective if these three unions were to merge and form one big union? The IAM cancelled plans to utilize secondary pickets as permitted by the RLA during the EAL dispute because they were afraid they might get fined. They lead people out of work but then when faced with a finacial impact to the organization backed off, sad. Maybe instead of sitting back and rooting for the companies in a labor dispute simply because you figure the other union is a rival for members you could put your claimed ideology to work and actually take the slogans you chant to heart "An injury to one is an injury to all" . How did AMFAs defeat help the IAM or its members? Do you feel that it setback all workers or just AMFA members? How you answer those questions determines whether or not you are a real unionist or just a cultist.