What are CWA member looking for?


Aug 23, 2002
Why should they "negotiate" with CWA when they haven't with any other groups? What makes CWA any different? I guess we may get to see just what kind of marketable skills all the CWA folks have when U employees are out of work and looking for jobs. Then you'll wish that the loud, less reasonable members hadn't been listened to. I wouldn't count on help from the government to keep U from going under, either. A couple less major airlines would probably solve a lot of problems in this industry, and it is just what the competition is counting on. Why do you think that AMR and DAL have just been sitting there, watching this whole thing unfold?
If the company is sincere about completing an employee friendly restructuring they need to set down with the CWA leaders and negotiate not dictate. The CWA employees at USAirways are very loyal dedicated individuals whom love this company, most have given it 20 plus years of their life. They are one of the biggest assets that can be used against our competition. All we ask for is a fair shake.
CWA takes an across the board pay cut. All of us. Meeting the companies goal for cost cutting.
In return:
Let mainline employees work all mainline flights. Give us some job protection in writing instead of language that’s equals a blank check, allowing us to be eliminated down the road.
Give us a fair pay scale for MDA, like CO has.
The yes votes will poor in and we can all move on to bigger and better things.
My proposal gives the company the money they say they need, what’s the problem. Are evil intentions hidden within the present language??? My suggestion is reasonable, if the dollar amount they say they need is really what they plan to take from us, right? CWA members share the pain equally and if the company wants to pull all mainlines out of a city then it goes to MDA. But wait, the pilots won’t like that because they lose another destination. You see ALPA takes care of its members and the hell with their union brothers at CWA. Me me me me me!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/6/2003 8:59:51 AM deltawatch wrote:
[P]My proposal gives the company the money they say they need, what’s the problem. Are evil intentions hidden within the present language??? My suggestion is reasonable, if the dollar amount they say they need is really what they plan to take from us, right? CWA members share the pain equally and if the company wants to pull all mainlines out of a city then it goes to MDA. But wait, the pilots won’t like that because they lose another destination. You see ALPA takes care of its members and the hell with their union brothers at CWA. Me me me me me![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]If that's true, then your union should have approached the company with it. ALPA did just that when management tried to shove the latest proposal down their throats, and a compromise was reached. I suggest you ask your union, not management, why they did not attempt some other distribution of the cuts. The problem is that the company is operating wih limited time, and the DIP financer (who shall remain nameless) is just waiting for an opportunity to yank the rug out from under us. It is clear to me that the financing was only offered as a way to move to the top of the creditors list, and a liquidation would suit them just fine. They would get their money, protect their investment (money could be invested somewhere safer and with a higher guaranteed return). As time progresses and more DIP financers are being added, the RSA has MORE reason to want liquidation sooner, since their money will have to satisfy MORE creditors. This just places more pressure on management, who clearly want this company to succeed.
Labor friendly is a joke for sure, if RSA is that I shutter to think what TPG would have done to us. Some joker on another post call Bronner our " Night in shining armor".....he is more like the "Grim Reaper" than anything. ALPA had a chance to work out a deal that wasn't as harsh as our take it or we liqudate for Christmas offer.
Let's negotiate the CO wages for Express and MDA and things will take a turn for the better.
I appreciate that Chris and CCY have taken the time to read these boards and respond. To me, that's a big step forward.

I really wish managment would take a few days and work in the CSA's shoes. In PHL. Get out on the ramp a bit too. Put on a headset and sit in a RES chair for a few hours during bad weather. I think we have many truly amazing employees who have done so much for the customers under the stressful conditions we are in now. I'm proud to work with these folks. The Company should be proud as well. I hope they'll take a look at the FlyTalk website and see how much our customers think of our employees.

Most of us have done our best for this company, many of us having put in over 20 years of our lives. It would be interesting to see the demographics of the employees. It might help management to understand how many years of dedication are out there. We've pulled together despite bad decisions and undirected leadership in the past. Imagine what we could be if we can change the whole way labor relations are handled.

I doubt anyone really wants to see US Airways fail. We just want respect for the jobs we do shown to us. Management should treat us as well as they want to treated. Reward us as you reward the top executives. Take pay and benefit cuts with us, the same as us.

We have to rebuild our team. This can't happen if certain management types demean the employees with threats and insults.

Now, all of you knock it off before we kill this airline. We all lose in the end otherwise.(Except RSA and the rest of the industry)

Mother Dea has spoken.

I ask and was told that no negotiations took place they shoved the current language at us and said take this or we’ll close the doors. You have a very dedicated loyal group here ready to go the extra mile and this is the way they treat us, labor friendly my #s@$!.
Very well put as none of us want to see the company fail after spending 20+ years here. But it seems that they are tying to put us in a position to fail as individuals by bringing us to Walmart wages. I along with many others didn't get into the business for the money, but more for the enjoyment of working around A/C. The starting wages 20 years ago were par with many other jobs on the market..in many cases with PI & AL, they were less. The pay that we have earned came to us in time with many tough times along the way..commuting, transfers, working abnormal shifts along with a lot of holidays spent at work. But now none if this matters to the company as they deem us worthless labors that can be repaced with anyone....if they want to fix employee relations, let them read this and take it to heart.

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