What Hepac Can Do For You

Magseal, I agree with you assh-le operators will never change no matter what.
However, maybe an association like this might be able to help an employee that is being mistreated/pressured etc by helping him/her find a job with a more reputable employer.
I don't have a clue how the association would go about doing this but there must be a way that strenght in numbers can help individuals. If not by making the oppressor smarten up, then by helping the oppressee move on to a better situation.
Again, this is just me thinking aloud :D
Jetbox: Rather than drag some of these old topics back to the front, I went back through the archives and picked out some previous threads that might shed light on some of your questions. Here they are:

1) Poll: Canadian Helicopter Pilot's Association - page 9
2) What do you want an association to do for you? - page 9
3) HEPAC - page 7
4) Issues affecting the Canadian industry - page 7

and last but not least:

5) Attention Canadian Helicopter Dogs - page 17

A little light reading. Enjoy :up:

It was said earlier that this assoc. was for the employees who did not have set pay scales, etc. That pretty much excludes the large majority of people right off the bat as many companies have set up payscales, rotations, benefits etc.
Is going to Joe Blow Helicopters and telling him that 100% of his employees (all three of them) are not happy with the way he is operating really going to get them anything better? He's probably got more than a dozen new resumes waiting to be read. Trying to get them a new job is a good idea, but when there is only so many positions available in canada, how do you plan on doing that?
Magseal: "Without Prejiduce" I say this in all honesty. You must have been trained by Jim Masse (God rest his whatever), no disrespect is mean't.

I originally hired him when he got out of the Army aloang with two other guys, one is in Calgary and the only one still around, besides myself.

Jim was an excellent AME, but a total pain in the asterbar.

As I was DOM for more than one company in the group, and believe it or not was having trouble getting AME's, Jack Pearson (RIP) convinced me not to fire him. Emile Lupien (RIP) who was my second in command agreed, and if you know Lupie, that took alot.

The outfits we were working for were dis-mantled (Power Corp.) and everybody went in different directions.

Jim went with TQ and was always pissed off that I Knew Andre L. better than him, and as I was working for Canadian, Lac St. Jean, Sept Isles and Universal and above all the Quebec Ops Mgr for these companies.
Emile had talked me in to going back to YUL. P.A from Alpine was boss at the time.

Jim and I met again over the years in Richmond and got along fine.

To make a long story short Jim was an excellent shyte disturber and allthough you have some time in the industry, but not an oldtimer as you have stated, but seem to have enough brains to piss most people off, when sitting on a manufacturing job in Fort Erie.

At one time your opinion would have been valid, but under the circumstances that you cannot really relate to the industry, why don't you just shush, until you need another job. You are certainly not bringing anything new to this topic, except BS.

I had enough sence not to try and tell people what they needed other than an association, which from there, they could do what they thought was the best for the majority.

Please find for me the quote that stated we would specifically address pay scales or any thing else.

The guidlines were in general and subject to change by the members as required.

For a person that continues, without justification, to downplay the association at every instance and if you happen to think you are so smart, why don't you take over, I will gladly give it over to you and then you will have to put up with your own negative outlook on life.

Say the word my son, or shut the f... up.

If you accept my offer, you might have to quit your cusshhyy job.

Yours forever, Don McDougall
Blackmac: What are the requirements to be a "oldtimer" I worked with Jack,Jim & Emile in the early 70's and avoided Andre L?

:elvis: :elvis: :elvis:
Don/Blackmac/HEPAC whatever it doesn't matter anymore. You continue to prune away at the HEPAC tree all the while standing on one of the branches.

You had me all the way buddy, right up until 4:52 pm. This was confirmed by the PM I sent you yesterday. As the spokesman for HEPAC, yes you are, more tact is required. Despite claims to the contrary, you are the person we identify with HEPAC. You cannot come out from under that banner and fling the sh$$ around and then run back under the banner and proclaim that HEPAC is not me!!!

Is Magseal a sh$$ disturber? Perhaps, or maybe he is looking for the first reasonable answer that will convince him that it is worthy of his membership - whether he's in manufacturing, or is the veteran who's been around and is skeptical, or whoever. It's up to HEPAC to convince him in an intelligent fashion.

It's politics now man, hate to say it, but it's true. You are looking for members and money and votes and the whole shebang. We understand how it works. We know that HEPAC is not really you. Why do you continue to let yourself be drawn into the chicken sh$$ stuff. Converse with the converted that you currently have and put out HEPAC statements in a measured voice.

My suggestion is this. Suspend all of your HEPAC operations for now and ask Helicopper to respond to the fodder, or do it as a group, which is what you should be doing anyway.

Furthermore, I hate keyboarding as I'm pretty sure most of us do. HEPAC is an important undertaking. Too important to have it gain it's validity through this medium. It's a great place to B.S., but to drag this debate out in this manner is harming your membership drive. You need some kind of face to face. We all have the difficulty of accurately trying to say what we mean on this forum.

Some of us are trying to organize a snot hanger sometime in October. Why don't you appoint a western representative and have them meet some of the guys/gals in person. Maybe you could show up yourself? Lot's of bodies in the west.

Anyways I'm tired of this, and I'm pretty damn sure most of you are sick of me getting on here and getting into this stuff.

I eagerly await the HEPAC reply!!

Once again BB, excellent post.

BTW have You replied to My opinion poll?

:elvis: :up: :elvis: :up: :elvis:
i guess if legitimet questions are considered BS, by DM or HEPAC representatives, then lumping me into the " doesn't matter what you say since you're in manufacturing job" pretty much answers a whole other slew of questions for me. :down:
MagSeal: You are not completely useless you can always be used as a bad example.

BubbleBoy: Big mouth no action, you were one of the guys trying to start a union.
When somebody else gets into the picture it interferred with your savior fare and as such you believe you have the right to tell me or anybody else what to do.

Well, my son, I have news for you, you will have a say in HEPAC as will MagSeal when you become members of HEPAC, until then kindly keep your less than $200
membership dues to yourself.

Put your money were your so called mouth is.

Cheers, your friend Don

PS. If members believe that they have to be in love with me or visa-versa I've got news for you.

Magseal, I disagree that employers will just tell their (ligitimately) disgruntled employees to put up or shut up unless they're low timers. Anybody with experience who gets told to take a hike can easily find a job anywhere in the country!
Operators (we being one of them) are desperate to find quality employees and the ones that think they can just dismiss their guys because they have a problem with working conditions are doing them a favor anyways.!!!!
You might be in a manufacturing segment of the business but I think you guys still have a role to play in HEPAC. That being said, you might have been at that job long enough not to realize how the Canadian Helicopter industry has become an employee's market in the recent years. :D
(I'm just guessing!)
Now I know why Jim Masse was such a miserable sob.

Face to face with some beer he seemed to almost like pilots otherwise when he was is his office, hoochiemama what an arse.

May he rest in peace.(Maybe with a tad bit of unrest once in awhile, like today). He's probably smilin' with the knowledge that at least he is remembered.

bubble man, for a boy you're a pretty wise fella...

keep fighting the good fight ;)

you too Don. I'll more than bet over beer, face to face, all would have a lot more similarities than one might think... ;)
A Further note to what I just stated in the previous post;

I have no personal interest or anything to gain from HEPAC, this was put together for you turkeys.

If by chance you prefer to listen to the naysayers, so be it.

I will not in any way shape or form be swayed from the idea that this venue needs an association.

So, without any furhter BS from me, I advise you that the assoc. dues with Industry Canada have been paid until 17 Dec. 2004, by me, and after that it is up to you, have fun.

Dues not paid cancels the assoc.

Have Fun.

PS. You can always let some of the smart asses look after things.
How many actual active helicopter pilots and engineers are involved in the creation of HEPAC and are active in this forum?
I can lend a hand if you need five fingers for counting.
I would like to hear from some pilots and engineers about what HEPAC will or should do for them. This constant dribble is not constructive, it enough to put people off. Get back to the topic.
If you want me to join, to put in $200, then get to the point and sell it to me.