What is important in life


May 18, 2009
Last week I finallly convinced my parents who are in their late 80's that it was time for them to give up their independence, leave their nice home in FL, come back to MD and enter assited living to be near family. While we were packing up the important stuff for the move I came upon my fathers WWII Army Air Corps uniform. The mood had been at the least very somber but when I found the uniform I decided I would have him try it on. Damned if it didn't fit! Then I had Dad try on my airline uniform and I wore his. Damned if they both didn't fit. Now comes the scary part---- it is very hard to figure out which is the 89 year old WWII vet and which is the almost 63 year old airline pilot!


Please thank your dad for his service to his country. See if there is a program in school where he can visit and share his experiences in WWII. The young people think history began in Viet Nam. They need to see your dad in uniform and all the memorabilia.

I know they don't like to talk about as it was a different time then and most just took on the "Just doin' my job" approach. The live he could touch in such a positive way.

BTW you two are quite a pair in your uniforms. Always wear them with pride. God Bless both of you.
Probably one of the nicest things I have ever seen here! Thanks for sharing it with us all. You are blessed to have such fine parents.

Please thank your Dad for his service.


Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. As Sparrowhawk said, please echo my thanks to your Dad for his service.

I have an elderly relative still somewhat on his own, and I look in on him regularly. I think they will be very happy close to family and with a little help.

God bless you and your family.
Outstanding photo of both of you.
Thank you for sharing.
Tell your Dad, thank you for his service.
He is part of the Greatest Generation that ever was!
Thank you for sharing such incredible pictures. You are so lucky to have such great parents. Thank your father for his service and thank YOU for sharing.
Thank You for Sharing such Touching and Personal Pictures. Turely this is what Life is All About. You are Very Blessed to still have Your Parents. Happy Holidays to You and Your Family.
There is not much more I can add which has not been stated above. Maybe this thread should be re-titled "The Happy Thread," because it's probably the nicest thread I have seen on this board.
Thank you for the best post/thread of the day. You are very lucky to still have you dad around.

Tell your dad: "thank you"

When my dad died, many years ago, we had him buried in his WWII uniform. Sometimes, I wish I still had it, but it was the right thing to do.
Thank you for sharing your pictures. Please tell your Dad how much I appreciate his service to our country. What a memorable moment for us all.