Why Should We Stay?

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Dix Hills NY
OK, here is a direct challenge for the powers that be, who we KNOW read this board? I never thought I would have to ask this question, but on behalf of myself and most of the other Preferred Flyers, here goes.........


In the past we've stayed while service and operational stability showed a steady decline....why? Because the people on the front line were (are) the best in the industry... But with the experienced knowledgable people leaving now at an alarming rate, why shouldn't we follow them out the door to a more reliable competitor???? What are you doing to make sure you can provide the basics in reliable service? I am not talking perks here, I am talking the BASICS--on time and with bags.......Relatively clean operational aircraft, etc.....

This is not a rant, whine, or other nonsense....it is a direct challenge for someone in CCY to state plain and simple what they are doing to retain customers--not to mention their best, most loyal ones, but ALL........

I eagerly await your response---either here or via PM....

To those who are leaving, we are sorry to see you go, and thank you for your years of hard work and dedicated service. To those who stay, we wish you the very best...

My best to you ALL.........
Why would they want customers like this to stay?

PineyBob said:
Well I am instituting my own POR! See I'm planning on enlightening CCY on how their actions each and everyone of them incent customer behavior. Positive and negative.

Depending on what response I get from my letter to Mr Ashby my Personal Plan of Transformation (PPOT) will go something like this.

Instead of doing my upcoming PHL-ATL-CLT-PHL trip for $713.00 with a "B" fare or 2 in that number I will book a PHL-ATL-RDU-PHL trip for $248.00 depriving US of $415 in much needed revenue.

Instead of going PHL-ALB for $810.00, I'll go PHL-BDL for $130.40 depriving US of $679.60

Instead of going PHL-AVL for $376.00, I'll go PHL-RDU for $103.40 depriving US of $272.60

YES I'll have to do some driving. But that's just phase one of the April PPOT. Check out what comes next.

I'll be paying US the $120.00 extra for the Red Carpet Club Add-on. Each time I visit a RCC US has to pay UA $10.00. I can continue to fly US on a UA ticket if I choose or take connecting flights in order to maximize my access to the RCC knowing full well that each time I do I cost US money. Plus if I use UA metal I STILL earn Dividend Miles AND deprive US Airways of much needed revenue. If my current travel pattern continues I will cost US just in RCC access about $100 OVER what the add on cost me. Plus I will deprive them of $1,600 to $2,000 in transcon revenue in 2005.

Another fact to consider A320 when you examine the moral and ethical integrity of your employer consider this.

I was interviewed by a well know reporter today and I was the ONLY FF'er he had talked to at that time who was willing to be quoted. The reason for this was all of the others feared that US Airways would tamper with their accounts or squash their upgrades.

This ladies and gentlemen is what their own customers think of CCY. As you have all pointed out here they are NOT to be trusted. Actions speak A320 and CCY has spoken the equivilent of War & Peace when it comes to integrity.

When CCY actions speak for themselves I try not to interupt.

Taking connecting flights to visit more RCCs to drain cash from US Airways? Seriously? If you guys are that mad why not just switch your business to a different airline?
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First of all WH, Bob and I are two very different people. We have different methods of making a point...but the points aren't that different.

It's not entirely about perks, miles, etc. either for me....it's about a reliable operation which can provide reliable service at a FAIR price. It's about accountability and responsibility as well...the first step in fixing a problem is acknowledging you have one--which has not been the case here.

I do not support the Walmart theory here--it is not sustainable. We don't all want something for nothing, although we cannot be faulted for trying to get value for our money. Go Fares and such losers are a drain on all airlines...it's time for ALL to price realistically. Cost plus margin---it's not rocket science...

Bear, it ain't drama either...this company has had the most loyal customer base of any major airline, due to the people....

The purpose of this thread is not to whine--it's to ask what they are doing to make sure they can reverse the operational decline, and provide RELIABLE transportation....

To me it's a fair question.....
whlinder said:
Why would they want customers like this to stay?
Taking connecting flights to visit more RCCs to drain cash from US Airways?  Seriously?  If you guys are that mad why not just switch your business to a different airline?
I'll admit that statements like the above make it hard to defend my buddy Piney at times, but in this case I'm going to try. Most of the time I just let him twist in the wind. (He does that so well from time to time)

Piney has put a tremendous amount of effort into working with the management of this airline on issues that are important to us as VFF and for the good of the company. Yes, some of it concerned "perks" but the vast majority did not. Through the roaches and ffocus, Piney tried to provide feedback to those who make decisions around here in order to make the company more successful.

I guess the only way to really to know and see that is to have been involved with him closely in the effort. For me, it was never really about the perks, it was about taking the time to try to help provide ideas, offer encouragement to the best employees in the air, etc. As one senior manager last summer said, "you know our systems and the way we operate better than we do" I've also seen face, after face, after face light up because some one handed them a piece of candy and said "thank you".

It's hard to invest as much time as Piney has, for no personal gain, only to see the door slammed in your face by the management of this airline because you have taken a position that is against their current stance. Then on top of that, to have rocks thrown at you by some of the very people here you are trying to help. We all developed thick skin along time ago, but at times our emotions do run away from us.

The management of this airline had better hope the Piney's of this world don't just go way. If they do, the company can and will shut it's doors. I would say cut him some slack, but there are too many people on here who are so bitter they want to lash out at everything. Unfortunately, I'm coming to understand their feelings as well.
This is insane. Fly another airline if you don't like US. That's what I do -- I fly either Delta or US/UA, switching between the two depending on schedule, fare, aircraft type, and customer service.
I agree. The best thing I ever did was eliminate my addiction to US and start flying other carriers. Holding elite status on several is honestly the best way to go, especially these days where lowest fare rules and it's harder to stick with one specific carrier (especially if you don't live in a hub city).
longing4piedmont said:
It's hard to invest as much time as Piney has, for no personal gain, only to see the door slammed in your face by the management of this airline because you have taken a position that is against their current stance.

For NO PERSONAL GAIN???? Spare me the waterworks. You have definite personal gain involved in your work with USAirways. You are trying to protect your miles, your status, your I'm better than you feeling you get when you sit in first class.

So in 'Why should you stay' the answer is ... self-preservation.
longing4piedmont said:
but there are too many people on here who are so bitter they want to lash out at everything.
As I was saying.............................

CCY has got to be loving this thread. Some one ask a tough question of them ( do they have the back bone to respond?) and the usual wind up artist want to hijack the thread and turn it into something else.

CCY, I too await a response
Art at ISP said:
Bear, it ain't drama either...this company has had the most loyal customer base of any major airline, due to the people....

It is drama to carry on and on like this. As JS observed, if it's so bad, leave.

And I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it ain't gonna get any better. U is in its final weeks. They aren't about to sink a buch of cash into perks to keep their frequent flyers happy. They are simply trying to preserve as much cash as they can and position their assets as favorably as they can for the post-shutdown melee that will follow. Time to face reality.
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What part of "It ain't about perks" don't you understand? It is beyond perks--it is the lack of a reliable operation.... My question was a direct challenge--the employees gave over $1B in givebacks--what did they do with it? NOTHING. Where are the improved operational efficiencies? They are NOT there. It's the simple things...I guess the fact that some people no longer have a reasonable expectation of getting to where they need to be is not a problem.......

Pitflyer, it has nothing to do with miles, or status or any of that anymore...I have been a loyal customer to US because their people were the best...was I treated well? Of course, but you would expect any company to treat a regular customer better than an occasional one....

It is about the people and a RELIABLE operation--what part of that don't you get?? And I have gained NOTHING personally from my participation in FFOCUS or any other such group...My aim was to help the company improve itself, survive and grow--nothing more nothing less...and that would have resulted in a better customer experience and perhaps better value...it's only now that I am beginning to realize that is not likely to happen. Where Bob and I differ is in the way we express that disappointment.....

In the end, I will probably go to UA and DL as my primaries...will it be any better?? Who knows? Time will tell....

All I did was ask a valid question here folks......
Art at ISP said:

What part of "It ain't about perks" don't you understand? It is beyond perks--it is the lack of a reliable operation.... My question was a direct challenge--the employees gave over $1B in givebacks--what did they do with it? NOTHING. Where are the improved operational efficiencies? They are NOT there. It's the simple things...I guess the fact that some people no longer have a reasonable expectation of getting to where they need to be is not a problem.......

It is about the people and a RELIABLE operation--what part of that don't you get??

OK, fair enough. Replace "perks to keep their frequent flyers happy" in my previous post with "resources to run a reliable operation."

the employees gave over $1B in givebacks--what did they do with it? NOTHING.
After the first (or at most second) round, who here was expecting anything different?

Where are the improved operational efficiencies? They are NOT there.
Why are you surprised?

You are expecting and holding out for things that, for a long time now, have had no realistic probability of happening.

I fear some FFers really have no clue about the reality of the situation facing U. I was just reading the thread on FlyerTalk lamenting the fact that bagels have apparently been taken off of 40-minute Shuttle flights and how terrible that is. Hello?

Most likely, CCY is now planning the shutdown of the operation in as orderly a manner as possible. They are way beyond worrying about a FFer complaining about the realiability of the operation. You are thinking much more long term than U has the luxury of thinking and planning right now.
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You are right when you say SOME frequent flyers have no clue about the reality of the situation...unfortunately I do have a clue about the reality, and it is not looking good.

Please do not group me with the FF'ers who whine about bagels and other such nonsense..I agree completely with you there.

Regarding the givebacks and operational efficiencies, I remained optimistic and chose to swim upriver against the tide. Now my arms are tired, and I guess I have to float downstream like everyone else. I guess I was hoping that somewhere a light bulb would go off and someone would take the bull by the horns and fix the basics..they had the tools with which to do it...I was trying to be hopeful and optimistic in my support for US Airways as an entity.

No one knows what the future will bring, but I must say I no longer think there is a long term future for US...and I am sad about that. Sad for what could have been, and sad for the number of good hard working people who have and will suffer as a result of what's going on here.....

And that, good people, just appears to be the way it is.......

My best to you all........