Working Together For Common Goals


Oct 23, 2010
Glad to see our company and all unions working together for a common goal.
Some folks were against our new Local President of Local 11 reaching out to all the other unions to bring us all together. He first started reaching out to the Pilots, then F/A's and the rest. The hardest speed bump was getting the TWU and teamsters on the same page and joining us all, but after some major leadership changes and votes they finally came thru and decided it would be so much better to join in rather than remain outside looking in.
Thanks to all the hard work our Local President has done in bringing all the Southwest unions together working towards the same goals for all our employees. No matter what union you are represented by it's all about the employees NOT the unions vs unions.
Thanks to all the union's Presidents for joining in on this letter from G.K. to the President of USA in appealing this possible mandated covid testing prior to all domestic flights. I am in hopes all the other airlines as well as their respective unions are doing the same.

Click on the Read More link below the downloadable letter to read the full memo:

Joint Kelly and SWA Unions Letter to White House
February 8, 2021 -- On behalf of the Management and Unions at Southwest Airlines, we respectfully ask your Administration to refrain from imposing any federal mandate to require a pre-departure COVID-19 test for air travel within the United States. We believe such a mandate would be counterproductive, costly, and have serious unintended consequences, including for millions of people who have travel needs but may not have access to testing resources and for the millions of people whose livelihoods depend on a stable air travel industry.

Download: 20210208_GCK_and_SWA_Unions_Ltr_to_White_House.pdf
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