1549 LGA-CLT

That pilot and crew deserves medals. Can't believe he landed it without it breaking up. And all are off the plane and alive. They followed instructions from their training and the passangers actually followed instructions. Okay, now, how much do you want to bet the pilot was not only a navy guy but also an EAST pilot. I remember always thinking if I'm flying in the winter on the east coast I want an original US pilot. Those guys were great. If it was a West pilot---well, happy to have him onboard with us and happy he knew what to do in water--and from the desert no less.
CONGRADULATIONS TO A GREAT CREW--FA's also need to be commended. Everyone should applaud them.

Captain has an Air Force background and started with PSA in the 70's. F/O was original USAir hired in 1986. Very experienced crew. F/As too. Amazing job.

That pilot and crew deserves medals. Can't believe he landed it without it breaking up. And all are off the plane and alive. They followed instructions from their training and the passangers actually followed instructions. Okay, now, how much do you want to bet the pilot was not only a navy guy but also an EAST pilot. I remember always thinking if I'm flying in the winter on the east coast I want an original US pilot. Those guys were great. If it was a West pilot---well, happy to have him onboard with us and happy he knew what to do in water--and from the desert no less.
CONGRADULATIONS TO A GREAT CREW--FA's also need to be commended. Everyone should applaud them.

It was a CLT crew. The pilots did a great job landing the plane keeping it intact and the flight attendants did an exceptional job evacuating the airplane. It seemed flawless! Wow! I am so proud of them. They definitely deserve a medal and special recognition. I can't wait to hear what happened during the evacuation from the f/as themselves. The whole crew really seemed to know what they were doing. Kudos to the crew! :up:
That pilot and crew deserves medals. Can't believe he landed it without it breaking up. And all are off the plane and alive. They followed instructions from their training and the passangers actually followed instructions. Okay, now, how much do you want to bet the pilot was not only a navy guy but also an EAST pilot. I remember always thinking if I'm flying in the winter on the east coast I want an original US pilot. Those guys were great. If it was a West pilot---well, happy to have him onboard with us and happy he knew what to do in water--and from the desert no less.
CONGRADULATIONS TO A GREAT CREW--FA's also need to be commended. Everyone should applaud them.
Let me add my admiration to the crew for a job well done. Im sure there will be many tearful reunions tonight as the passengers return home to their families. Drifter, I think we know each other fairly well so I'll only comment that we should pull together and not turn this into an East vs West thread. If ever there's a time to remember we are an airline family... this is it. To all of the US crew members reading this, you are also in my prayers. May God keep all of you safe on all your flights. Mama
Captain has an Air Force background and started with PSA in the 70's. F/O was original USAir hired in 1986. Very experienced crew. F/As too. Amazing job.

Kudos to the Pilots, I'd certainly feel safe with them flying on a plane I am on.
Just heard about 1549 5 minutes ago. The fact that there were zero fatalities given the conditions involved is nothing short of a miracle and the superb[sp] job of the flight crew, cabin crew, and all involved in the rescue operations.
News reported one F/A has a fractured leg and is possibly going to have to have surgery for that....

Eye witness that watched airplane go into river, says there was a splash of 15-30'. BUT the landing looked so normal that it didn't really seem as though there was an emergency, Except for the fact that the airplane was landing in the water........
I'll only comment that we should pull together and not turn this into an East vs West thread. If ever there's a time to remember we are an airline family... this is it.

I agree! Don't turn this into an East vs. West thing. BTW, one of the f/as fractured her leg and a few pax being treated for hypothermia. There was a gentleman pax saying that after they all evacuated they let the women and children on the rafts first and on the ferries first.
Let me add my admiration to the crew for a job well done. Im sure there will be many tearful reunions tonight as the passengers return home to their families. Drifter, I think we know each other fairly well so I'll only comment that we should pull together and not turn this into an East vs West thread. If ever there's a time to remember we are an airline family... this is it. To all of the US crew members reading this, you are also in my prayers. May God keep all of you safe on all your flights. Mama



Thanks to all of the first responders too!

Ogee :up:
Captain has an Air Force background and started with PSA in the 70's. F/O was original USAir hired in 1986. Very experienced crew. F/As too. Amazing job.

Eye thanks for the info on everyone. I actually am partial to USAF since my Dad used to make their training films. Please give him my best if you see him. Also, all of the crew. They really did an amazing job. I hope I can fly with any of them some day.
On CNN they were saying earlier for people to pay attention when we give our safety demos because they may just need to know that information even though it isn't very likely emergencies do happen and this is a perfect example. Most people don't pay attention to the safety information we give.
On CNN they were saying earlier for people to pay attention when we give our safety demos because they may just need to know that information even though it isn't very likely emergencies do happen and this is a perfect example. Most people don't pay attention to the safety information we give.

Wolf Blitzer was actually giving a lecture to viewers in regards to paying attention to the F/As. File that one under "News You CAN Use"

On CNN they were saying earlier for people to pay attention when we give our safety demos because they may just need to know that information even though it isn't very likely emergencies do happen and this is a perfect example. Most people don't pay attention to the safety information we give.

Many good comments coming in with praise for entire crew. You make us all proud! My thoughts are with the USAir family during this incident. N.McGuire, TWA/AA f/a (ret)