F/a Layoffs Begin At Nwa

wouldbefa said:
We were let go at the ending of the month. The replacements we told we wher no longer needed due to the bankruptcy..................

Shut up...SCAB!!!
chasbatl said:
PTO..he was thinking to himself, if only those poor souls knew what kind of idiot was working on their plane they would be on another airline.

DEAD BIRD, I am certain it was more on the lines of "AMFA really put the screws to me and my family. I really wish I had never gotten involved with a union. Now I am brainwashed and to proud to cross the picket line." Poor sucker doesn't even realize he is the picket line.
chasbatl said:
Please excuse me im still laughing that you think getting it done in 15 minutes was such a great feat. :lol:

Hey DEAD BIRD I never said it was a great feat I just said the job was done.

The post was meant to show the ignorance of unions that they can allow a employee of a company to simply leave around 200 passengers sitting on an aircraft. The fact that anyone can make that call without going through any type of protocal is ludicrous at best.

The only time I have anything signed off for me is the maintenance release.

This was your comment:

"The flight attendants had said that if they didn't depart in 15 minutes they were not going to take the flight. I said "No WAY!" Then it was explained to me that if an aircraft doesn't depart within a certain time limit from the scheduled departure time they can refuse the flight. Is this true?"

YES, if we do not want to go, we do not have to. So if YOU do not like it, then YOU quit.

You are still a SCAB and always will be !

Back under your rock now, loser !

And take your dead bird with you...........

PlayTheOdds said:
I don't think that it is over my head but a definition would be nice.

I very much doubt they meant that there is a clause in their contract which says something like "If a flight is delayed more than XX minutes, the F/As may decline to work the flight."

The issue is most likely duty time. That is, if a given flight is delayed too much, at some point by the time it lands the crew will have exceeded their duty time, and so the crew can decline to fly it if it will put them over their contractual or FAA duty limits.

For example, say a crew comes on duty at 6AM and has a duty limit of 14 hours. The last flight of their duty day is MSP-MIA, which we'll assume is a three-hour flight, and which was supposed to leave MSP at 3PM and arrive MIA at 6PM (pick a time zone you prefer). Now suppose the flight is delayed a couple of hours, say until 4:45PM, arriving MIA at 7:45PM. Still OK. But if that flight gets delayed anymore, it wold require that the crew stay on duty until after 8PM by the time they reach MIA (i.e., the crew would be "illegal"), so they would have to find another crew to work the flight, or cancel it. It can very easily come down to a matter of 15 minutes.

(And please note (1) that was a simplified explanation which overlooked a couple of details and (2) my explanation is based on my experiences at UA; I assume the same principles apply at NW with their scheduling and contract arrangements, but if not, someone from NW can clarify anything I got wrong.)

Of course, the REAL question (which you didn't ask) is why management does not have enough F/As to adequately staff the operation to avoid cancellations when common things like flight delays happen.

I did address that issue in depth, earlier in this thread. However, as usual bto/pto
has reading comprehension issues ! He just likes to twist things, hoping no one will notice.
Although I must admit, bto/pto is only wrong about 2 things..................


Saturdaynite said:



I am going to address your comment:

"The flight attendants had said that if they didn't depart in 15 minutes they were not going to take the flight. I said "No WAY!" Then it was explained to me that if an aircraft doesn't depart within a certain time limit from the scheduled departure time they can refuse the flight. Is this true?

If it is I think it is time for Northwest to bust the F/A's union wide open. There is no way I would put up with that at all.

You F/A's had better get with the program. I promise you that you can be replaced as easily as the cleaners and custodians."

#1) A question: Do you have to work 14 hour duty days ????
#2) FA duty day begins at sign in... HOWEVER :::::::::::::
#2) FA's DO NOT get paid until the brakes( that should not take a whole night to replace) are released !!!!!

Envision an international flight, with a mechanical at the gate. The FA's are facing up to a 14 hr. flight. add 1,2,3,hours for mechanical ?
(over night for a SCAB brake job)

Helllloo????? And if at home base, we are NOT EVEN ON THE CLOCK yet !!!! Only for DUTY hours, which is what you are kwetching about !!! In other words, how long can you physically remain on duty before fatigue sets in ?????!!!

Personally I would not want anyone, be it gate agent, pilot, mechanic to be working 16,18, 20 hour shifts !(especially a SCAB mechanic, because you are a schlemiel to begin with!)
So much for your ignorant "jab and retreat" comments ! You are ill informed,
and fly off the handle in regards to issues you have little or no knowledge about....that is why your officious comments are so despised on this forum.

Typical SCAB...
To summarize how I feel about your braggart attitude that the SCABS are so wonderful???????

and as you know @@it floats. That is why you always show up at the next SCAB job............

and again....what is a "baffoon ???" You BUFFOON !!!!!!

Outstanding post Bear. A lot of posters here should use it as an example of what these boards are all about.

I don't know if the delay would have put the F/A's over their duty time or not. The plane did push back on schedule but returned to the gate about 20 minutes later. The MEL and DDG was performed within the 15 minutes. The attitude of the F/A's was that they were making this call out of spite rather than they were going to go over their duty time.

Saturday did you say something? Do I hear a violin playing?
PlayTheOdds said:
Outstanding post Bear. A lot of posters here should use it as an example of what these boards are all about.

I don't know if the delay would have put the F/A's over their duty time or not. The plane did push back on schedule but returned to the gate about 20 minutes later. The MEL and DDG was performed within the 15 minutes. The attitude of the F/A's was that they were making this call out of spite rather than they were going to go over their duty time.

Saturday did you say something? Do I hear a violin playing?
Oh tell us again how the pilots and f/a came over and kissed your a$$ and said what a wonderful job you were doing, your nothing but a IAM/TWU company dingle berry craving lap dog turd eating wussy :shock: GO bury your scraps punk, cause thats all you will ever get! :up:
By the way we are getting along just fine I thank you also for your concern. I am so glad you guys are so worried about how the other work groups are treating us scabs. I am really touched. I didn't know all you union fanatics were such caring people.
PlayTheOdds said:
By the way we are getting along just fine I thank you also for your concern. I am so glad you guys are so worried about how the other work groups are treating us scabs. I am really touched. I didn't know all you union fanatics were such caring people.
your colors have revealed your idenity games UP :D