Is There A Boycott On Gas?


Dec 20, 2003
I should have stated: Is there a boycott on buying gas? I recieved an email asking that I boycott buying gas. Has anyone else heard about the boycott?
Instead of wasting time with stupid boycotts which nobody will do and won't work anyway, people should grab the Sunday paper and find and buy a used Geo Metro! And Dump the obnoxious Suburban while your at it.
AAmech said:
Instead of wasting time with stupid boycotts which nobody will do and won't work anyway, people should grab the Sunday paper and find and buy a used Geo Metro! And Dump the obnoxious Suburban while your at it.
:up: Agreed. Too much whining about the price of gas for my tastes.

And while they are at it, they should move closer to where they work and shop. Far too many people want to live 25 or 50 or even 100 miles from their place of employment (especially here in LA). don't buy gas on May 19. On May 20, gasoline companies will have a record sales day. So what exactly was accomplished?

I hate the "high" gas prices that we have,'s lower than what the Europeans pay. Even so - part of the reason our cost is as high as it is is due to "demand", which a good many Americans are providing buy opting to drive a truck (sorry folks, even with all the leather and fu fu on the inside, SUV's are still "trucks" at heart) that sucks down gas - driving up demand. It's just that those of us who opt to drive something that gets a little better mileage than a truck are penalized because of the "demand". You can "boycott" all you want, unless you quit driving your car, you are still going to have to fill 'er up sometime. The only thing that will change is when Americans realize that they could fit just as many kids into a significantly smaller vehicle while they are pumping $75 to $100 of gasoline into their big ol SUV every week, then opt for getting rid of the SUV and actually buying something that uses less gas, driving down demand. Oil companies laugh at these "one day boycotts" - they get their money end the end.

As a side note, my neighbor is a Ford dealer here in town, and Ford bought the hybrid technology from Toyota and is coming out with a hybrid SUV (Escape). A small SUV to be sure, but a decent option for the "urban cowboys" who only drive in urban conditions - the hybrid SUV gets much better mileage in town (where the electric portion takes on most of the load). On the highway though, it's just another SUV - and uses just as much gas... the electric portion has no impact at all.
KCFLYER, bingo you nailed it....people #### about gas while fueling up the excursion. cracks me up how ignorant most americans are, won't blink an eye at $1.50 bottle of filtered lake water, but raise holy hell for a $1.90 for gasoline that takes many steps to crack..... this country is to SPOILED!
That all depends on how you define waste. It takes far less oil to fly a person 2,000 miles on a 737 (even a 737-200) at typical load factors than to drive that same person alone in a car, even a hybrid. So, assuming the person is going to go either way, flying is a better answer.