July - US Pilots Labor Discussion

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West has 120 aircraft. East has 202 plus 15 190. Do the math.
How many more west pilots would we have if we had not lost aircraft? How many aircraft would you have had Jan. 2006?

You guys scream about attrition and how fast you will move up. Those numbers are total. But now you want to talk about bid positions. Pick a number and stick with it. According to your own numbers you have 2759 actual positions that will lead to attrition with 3480 pilots on your list. Meaning that 21% of your attrition has no value because it opens no position. You have 150 scheduled to retire next year but in reality only 119 open spots. A far cry from the 250 so many of you are yelling about.

You can play the victim that you were understaffed in 2005 and should have had so many more pilots to start with. You guys were going out of business and running at the min. So don’t give me the excuse that BK numbers should be the same as profitable number of pilots. Using your oh poor me logic the west was not in BK and is not in BK today but we have less biddable positions today then we did at the merger. According to you we should at least have what we had. Is it not you that says you keep what you brought and we keep what we brought? We brought 144 aircraft and almost 1900 pilots. You brought 1700 furloughs and your staffing numbers. How about we go back to what you and I both brought?

I play the victim!? I play the victim!? You have got to be kidding me. Your constant victim whining is why I've answered you. You are the one with the moving target, trying to validate "Woe is me!" I've just told you the way it is.

You know your problem and some of the west guys along with you? You have believed your own BULL XXXX! You guys painted a rosy picture of AWA that Nicolau used to give you a favorable award, but you should be smart enough to know the path AWA was on. Instead you throw out "But, but , but......" Broken business model. Death Knell. Unsustainable at the current fuel prices. Any of those ring a bell. of course not, you can't hear it with you head up your AXX.

You know how you guys have said that the east is to blame for the award for this or that, but a big one being that Nicolau told us that we weren't going to get what we wanted and we didn't help him out? Well, I've had a problem with that as he should see what is fair, but it obvious from the outcome that it wasn't a good idea. You guys didn't learn from out mistake. You had a bunch of people telling you that with the separate ratification and separate ops provisions of the contract that you were at risk. The east delayed and USAPA had time to get in. So be it. You didn't have to do anything different and you didn't, but stop whining about it.
We? You are now in charge of hiring too?

After dealing with east pilots for so long I cringe to think who was doing your hiring for the years. Was it a requirement to be a lying, cheating integrity challenged theft to get hired or did it just evolve?

Do you know who is doing the interviewing and hiring now? One guess and it ain't east people.

Yeah moron, Piedmont, PSA, US Air, Eastern, Trump and Empire all found lying integrity challenged people.
We? You are now in charge of hiring too?

After dealing with east pilots for so long I cringe to think who was doing your hiring for the years. Was it a requirement to be a lying, cheating integrity challenged theft to get hired or did it just evolve?


You need to be released of your dues obligation so can afford to increase your visits to your shrink.
Can't tell them from the US Air hires. Must be something in the water our east.

Well I KNOW its not the water the west is drinking - cause there ain't none out there:)
Its something else, check out the hits within a 250 mile radius of PHX/LAS.

And I had a UA guy tell me that I couldn't hired by UA. It went both ways. Congrats on the TA, or whatever it is. I hope it is a good one.
I understand that it goes both ways. I only brought it up because someone accused a west pilot in a previous post of having eyes on AA's 777's. And luvthe9 has admitted that his main purpose here is to flame bait and spin things for "entertainment purposes."

Right now we has an AIP (Agreement In Principle). It becomes a TA once both MEC's see the final language and approve the AIP to be presented to the membership for ratification. That also starts the clock on the SLI process. All I've seen so far is rumors and speculation. Both MEC's are under a strict gag order from the NMB until they vote on it and it is officially a TA.
Well I KNOW its not the water the west is drinking - cause there ain't none out there:)
Its something else, check out the hits within a 250 mile radius of PHX/LAS.


Dude, that's really out there. I think you'd like this:

You need to be released of your dues obligation so can afford to increase your visits to your shrink.
We all need to be released from our dues obligation to usapa. Nothing to do with a shrink but everything to do with lack of performance.
It is a good thing. Up until the AWA hookup, nobody ever had to pull the scab sheet for a USAir pilot. It is a regular procedure now.

Don't have to pull the scab sheet...know them by name....but for a challenged idiot like yourself..we can come up with a mnemonic device....

usapa scabs sung to the tune of do re mi.

Lets start at the very beginning,,,,A very good place to start....when you read you begin with ABC.....if its scabs you begin with Mo...wer...ry!!!

When you know the scabs to sting....you can deny most anything.
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