NWA Graveyard?


Aug 14, 2006
NWA is auctioning off all of the shop MX equipment. What a sad sight. What will be left in MSP? Who will use all of that space? Minnesotans have taken it in the shorts by NWA. See the link: :(


By the way, as you can see, I am a new member here. I am a striking NWA employee. I wish to remain anonymous. I worked at a small station south of the Mason-Dixon Line. I have followed this board for a while. I now am in a great job working for good people. What a change. There is life after NWA.

Hello to all.

NWA is auctioning off all of the shop MX equipment. What a sad sight. What will be left in MSP? Who will use all of that space? Minnesotans have taken it in the shorts by NWA. See the link: :(


By the way, as you can see, I am a new member here. I am a striking NWA employee. I wish to remain anonymous. I worked at a small station south of the Mason-Dixon Line. I have followed this board for a while. I now am in a great job working for good people. What a change. There is life after NWA.

Hello to all.

Tech, Ive been supporting you guys/gals since before the strike. I wish you and all the striking AMFA members the very best, you like many others have moved on to greener pastures and yes there is life after SCABAIR!

Welcome Aboard!

Local 12
NWA is auctioning off all of the shop MX equipment. What a sad sight. What will be left in MSP? Who will use all of that space? Minnesotans have taken it in the shorts by NWA. See the link: :(


By the way, as you can see, I am a new member here. I am a striking NWA employee. I wish to remain anonymous. I worked at a small station south of the Mason-Dixon Line. I have followed this board for a while. I now am in a great job working for good people. What a change. There is life after NWA.

Hello to all.



Welcome aboard!!!

Take Care,
<_< ---- Tech 2101. I know how you feel! I've seen our old TWA Overhaul base reduced to a bare Shell! There was a time we could do almost anything related to Aircraft repair, or manufacture, for that matter! I've seen old, but serviceable equipment, worth millions, just thrown out! And what ever other equipment aa felt they could use trucked off to TUL, or sold off to Mexico, or even China! Sad day! Now aa would rather outsource jobs they can't do! Case in point! aa had a problem with the pneumatic ducting in the 767's. They were improperly heat treated from Boeing. Boeing agreed to pay for the repairs under Warranty. aa was outsourcing that maintenance because they didn't have the tooling to do the job! It seems TWA had the same problem years ago with their 747's, and at that time decided to tool up and do the job in house. when brought to aa attention that tooling was still in place here at MCI, their answer was to tear it out two weeks later! ;)
welcome aboard Tech2101. I am an airline employee of piedmont and I support all the striking members of AMFA and other unions. What SCABBYPATCH AIR has done to all of you AMFA strikers is just completely destroy you all. Good Luck to each and everyone of you.s
No one in my organization will ever hire a scab. If they would even mention it they will have he!! to pay. I have never seen a SCAB that wasn’t a piece of crap as an employee.
Welcome Tech2101. I too am a former nwa mechanic. My last station was DTW and now I'm back home. I think as time goes by and the honorable AMFA members find other jobs we'll find that we're happier too. I know that I am.
Again, Welcome to the board.