Scab's Caught Drinking

I stand corrected maybe he did. But most Union people are proud of their stance against the company and would gladly tell us of his or her efforts to help out his or her brotherhood. maybe he was walking the picket line...maybe he wasnt I tend to assume NOT
AMFAMAN, like all other workers, should be allowed to take his/her planned vacation.

No one can predict exactly when a rogue management "team" like NWA has will lock out its employee's to keep the SERP's and golden parachutes flowing right into bankruptcy.

We have plenty of support when one of AMFA's finest is absent. The support for NWA AMFA mechanics is growing by the day. Dougie Stealand picked the wrong fight, as his pirate ship is sinking.

Being from the great white north, I can't wait to see the scabs from the south like PTO function in a real northern winter, if they last that long that is. First time its -30 on the ramp, they will tuck tail and go home to momma. If they don't put the car in the ditch first on the icy roads.

Can't wait to hear the "its too cold to work today" or I can't feel my fingers or my feet" complaints. :D
but wouldnt you think in such a dire time in the mechanics and AMFA history one could postpone ones vc for the better of his fellow brothers
operaations said:
but wouldnt you think in such a dire time in the mechanics and AMFA history one could postpone ones vc for the better of his fellow brothers
Like I said, we had it covered. :rolleyes:

The Story of the Beer Drinking Scab

University police directed the picketers off the street and arrested one unidentified AMFA picketer and issued him a citation for failing to obey a traffic order. The police declined to say what caused the citation to be issued.

A striker armed with a video camera took pictures of a replacement who emerged from a side door of the hotel with a bottle of Budweiser in his hand. The replacement set the bottle behind a curbside trash can before boarding the bus. "That's going straight to Channel 9!" shouted a striker.

A University of Minnesota police officer picked up the bottle, which he later said was half-empty and cold, and set it in the garbage.


AMFA strikers block bus.
Bruce Bisping
Star Tribune
operaations said:
Mechanics on strike making verbal threats on this board to (Scabs)

How do you make a 'verbal threat' in on an internet chat board?
operaations said:
you were on Vacation instead of helping your AMFA brothers.  They are walking the picket lines suffering and you are on Vacation.  Brotherhood....what a union

FYI...Walked the picket line in HNL and SFO on vacation and between return flights. Strike started on my last day of VC and the NWA cancellations made it an adventure getting home so I had lots of extra time at the airports. So yes brotherhood doesn't end on VC.

Thanks for your concern.
What do you have covered; this strike is a absolute disaster. You said the planes wouldn’t fly and they did. You said the Scabs couldn’t fix them and they did. You said wait till next week and we did. You said lets wait another week and you did. You said, we need to march harder so you did. Now you say wait till winter gets here and lets stop the trains. Get a job people.

I must say I was impressed with the turn out yesterday. You people didn’t look like a bunch of homeless bums hanging out. A little bit of dress right dress training and you just might get it right. Also quit leaning the signs back across your shoulder it makes you look weak. Also find a place to put your signs so they can’t be seen lying down or leaning on the fence. Don’t walk side-by-side keep single file and close up the gaps or keep them evenly spaced. Also every one leave at the same time in a marching organized manner. Do not leave a person out there marching by himself. He looks so lonely and desperate. That is not the image you are supposed to be trying to project. You might want to get some T-shirts made up or come up with some type of uniform or dress code for marchers. Everyone should basically be dressed the same. You guys are supposed to be a formidable force an army to be reckoned with. Shape up people quit looking like some rag tag hoodlums that is out to do some looting.
well that is mighty generous of you. I bet you are an AMFA officer getting paid while others are on strike. Well I guess I should not assume anything. What is your job AMFA
operaations said:
I bet you are an AMFA officer getting paid while others are on strike. Well I guess I should not assume anything.

You just did.
PlayTheOdds said:
What do you have covered; this strike is a absolute disaster. You said the planes wouldn’t fly and they did. You said the Scabs couldn’t fix them and they did.

WE said wait til the feds see what kind of maintenance the scabs perform and now there is a big investigation into just that. I know your in denial PTO but admitting your wrong is the first step to getting help. You stated in another thread that you werent a scab but employed by a company contracted by NW, so that makes you a scab working for a scab company. I guess your in denial about that as well but then again no one ever said scabs were an intelligent life form, they are more along the lines of the little creatures that you find when you turn over cow dung in the field.
I heard you were hiding under it PTO and i had never seen a scab in real life. BTW have you grown a set yet? Ready to take me up on my challenge? NAH i didnt think so.