Swing States

There's no doubt this is and will likely continue to be a very tight race. It will be interesting to see how it ultimately unfolds. I just really hope there is a decidable winner and there is nothing to protest or deliberate over with this one.
Wouldnt it be amusing IF Bush won the popular vote and Kerry won the electoral one? Can you imagine the "red" wing going bananas over that??
That would be hysterical!!! Of course the law isn't something Bush and his cronies abide by, so he'd probably change the laws and say popular vote wins the election.
Well they certainly would #### about it for sure! I would laugh my ass off! The "rule of law" is only good if you benefit from it!
Tim Russert made the point on Sunday that there could be a 269-269 tie which would throw it into the House of Reps (GOP controlled) who of course would elect Bush..What if it was tied at 269 and Kerry won by 500,000 like Gore and the House elected GWB? OMG! A revolution!
Well they certainly would #### about it for sure! I would laugh my ass off! The "rule of law" is only good if you benefit from it!

Well the dems have been whining about it for four years now... "Don't blame me, I voted with the majority." It was you guys that were screaming to "change the rules" before... how quickly we forget.
US AIR: I didnt holla about that. I knew what the constitution said so there was no point in bemoaning it. I just thought it would be hysterical to have it flipped this time around and see what would transpire on talk radio :)
Or how about the ultimate for Election 2004: the electoral votes come down to Colorado's 9 - a very close election in that state. BUT, there is a constitutional amendment on the state's ballot this November which would allocate that state's electoral votes proportionally based on the popular vote in Colorado STARTING WITH THIS ELECTION! And if THAT ballot question goes to a recount??? A political junkie's wettest dream!!!
Thank you so much. Wow, Kerry is trailing.....ok, fine with me. Just hope these good bible thumpers aren't crying when our country goes down the toilet. And it will. Oh wait...never mind, it already did. Thanks Bush. NOT!!
Wow, Kerry is trailing.....ok, fine with me. Just hope these good bible thumpers aren't crying when our country goes down the toilet. And it will. Oh wait...never mind, it already did. Thanks Bush. NOT!!

You think our country is down the toilet? Honestly? Then why are you still here? If it's so bad, there has to be plenty of other places to go that are better. And besides, who cares who is trailing who in the polls? Does that even matter at all? If you don't want to vote for Bush, then fine. Vote for Kerry. But don't come onto these forums suggesting this country is trash or beyond fixing, and call people like me "bible thumpers" and throw in your circa-1980's-esq attempt at humor to cover it up.
Fly said:
Just hope these good bible thumpers aren't crying when our country goes down the toilet. And it will. Oh wait...never mind, it already did.

Pray, tell us how!
There needs to be only one question answered on November 2nd. Are you better off today then 4 years ago. If you can honestly say YES, then by all means, vote for him.

If you're like the other 98% of us, then the answer is obviously Kerry!