Talk about uncalled for and low class.

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  • #63
Who do you think you are?
Reading is fundamental, I can't help you read.
View attachment 14713
Hey dummy I asked for YOU to provide me ONE example and you have failed to do so.

So for the THIRD time YOU provide me ONE example of something Trump has done that is grounds for impeachment.
The rest of the Democrats stayed at the meeting which went on after the two dopes (no doubt heroes of yours) left.

So now bringing the troops home is a bad thing. Got it.

Funny how an election upset, flipped lefturds to be full blown war hawks.

All because "ORANGE MAN BAD"
Here is the bait, what is the switch?
Personally, I believe, Trump exemplifies his base.
He is pandering to his base of cult followers.
Sad America is run by a crazy person.
I don't come here often because the Trumpettes will support him even if he sends us to hell.
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  • #69
Hey dummy I asked for YOU to provide me ONE example and you have failed to do so.

So for the THIRD time YOU provide me ONE example of something Trump has done that is grounds for impeachment.
Just as I thought.

You can't come up with ONE example that is grounds for impeachment.

Not one.

Just another pathetic, conditioned, whiny liberal parroting his handlers.

You ever get tired of being such a tool?
But the Democrat's in the House know impeachment isn't their goal. They know it would be dead on arrival in the Senate! So what's going on here is that they are trying to turn his base against him.