Temporary Injunction against USAPA filed today

While you're right to a degree - probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the times I attended a bid closing I missed trips and was paid by someone for those trips missed so not all was "volunteer". However, I took apollo's question to be about ALPA paid FPL since it followed his question about ALPA paying me to post here. So the answer to his question as I understood it was that ALPA didn't pay me, directly or indirectly, to attend the bid closings - the company paid FPL and was NOT reimbursed from ALPA funds set aside for such purposes. So from ALPA's perspective I was a true volunteer - my time cost them no FPL.

If you want to quibble and say I was being paid by someone so wasn't a true volunteer, then for about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bid closings you're right. That has nothing to do with apollo's question as I understood it however.

BTW, the reason the company paid FPL was because they set the bid closing schedule and thus the committee's schedule, not ALPA or the committee members. That's in contrast to the hotel committee (and most of the committees) which can agree among themselves when to do their committee work and thus can work around trips and incur no FPL. I guess the question is would anyone volunteer if they were told that they would do their work at times specified by the company and for continuous periods of up to 6 weeks long without pay? Look no further than the contract hotline for the answer. 3 or 4 volunteers could staff it on their off days, but instead you have 1 person paid to do it, and if what has been posted here is accurate that person makes more than I ever made - for answering questions every pilot should know the answer to - and you and the other pilots are paying for it.


"So I stand on what I said - I have never been paid anything by ALPA. Not even a lousy t-shirt. I did get a magazine every month though."

"I've never been paid by ALPA to do anything. The one ALPA position I had - bid closing committee - was as a volunteer."

Did you get a W2 at the end of the year for you "volunteering" for alpa? Was alpa's name on it?

You are an evasive one.
Did you get a W2 at the end of the year for you "volunteering" for alpa? Was alpa's name on it?

You are an evasive one.
Good grief Charlie Brown! I stand by my honest answer. I received no W2 from ALPA at any time. As I said, for the third time now, the company payed FPL and that was included on my W2 from US. Tell me apollo - do you believe one has to volunteer their time to the company to be a union volunteer? Ask nyc how many trips he's missed and not been paid for because of his "volunteering". After all, if you don't miss trips you're not missing pay so you're not "volunteering" - right?

"Tell me apollo - do you believe one has to volunteer their time to the company to be a union volunteer?"

"I've never been paid by ALPA to do anything. The one ALPA position I had - bid closing committee - was as a volunteer."



Were you "volunteering" for the company or alpa?
FPL is always paid by the company from the funds that the union sets aside to get essential services done by its members outside of flying airplanes. It is a fund the size of which is negotiated, and it is finite. Since those that receive FPL is completely determined by the union, it is in effect being paid by the union from a fund supplied by the company. You were paid because ALPA determined you were eligible to be paid. Quibbling.

You really should know what you're talking about since you have that completely wrong, at least when ALPA was the CBA. The company pays FPL to union members doing ALPA (MEC) work, as specified by ALPA (MEC), but the money is reimbursed by ALPA (MEC) from the appropriate committee's budget for FPL pay. The net result is that ALPA (MEC) pays for FPL, not the company. There was one, and only one, committee treated differently 100% of the time and that was the bid closing committee. ALPA (MEC) did NOT reimburse the company the money paid in FPL to bid closing committee members - that money came strictly from the company.

In short, the MEC decides which people will get FPL - MEC reps and officers, certain committee members at certain times. Those people fill out a FPL report which the MEC (Sec/Treas) approves and forwards to the company. The company pays the FPL to the individuals and is reimbursed monthly by the MEC. So the MEC indirectly pays FPL by repaying the company. The bid closing committee was the one exception. FPL forms went directly to the company - we gave them to the folks at RDIC before leaving after a bid closing - and were paid by the company in the normal paychecks. The MEC did NOT reimburse the company.

See, you haven't answered that question either....you're living up to your past nome de plumes Nosumap... :lol:

Plus it's bad form to change someone else's post when purportingly quoting it... :down: You put the quotes around volunteer, not me.

Did you get a W2 at the end of the year for you "volunteering" for alpa? Was alpa's name on it?
I'm sure he raped ALPA quite well along with the rest of them. Hey, but look what we got out of it a 45% pay cut , and my favortie Pollock giving away our pension. It's kind of funny all the former ALPA jerks wind up in the chief pilots office along with working for the company, and also the mediation board, what's that tell you?
I'm sure he raped ALPA quite well along with the rest of them. Hey, but look what we got out of it a 45% pay cut , and my favortie Pollock giving away our pension. It's kind of funny all the former ALPA jerks wind up in the chief pilots office along with working for the company, and also the mediation board, what's that tell you?

The safety issues are largely being ignored by the FAA. alpa is not disappointed in this, because of their feelings toward the East pilots.

FAA leader
The safety issues are largely being ignored by the FAA. alpa is not disappointed in this, because of their feelings toward the East pilots.

FAA leader
Can any of you lunatics explain why the EAST operation is so dangerous and the WEST isn't? What does the fake survey "data" say about that? The company is saving literally BILLIONS of dollars by paying you LOA 93...surely they can afford proper maintenance like they can out west. Anybody care to explain?
They can't so just spout the usual bs.


The way I read that sentence is "They can't, so[res jud]spout the usual b.s.

I can answer it. I don't feel the airline is unsafe. I do see negative trends developing between management and pilots that can have the effect of lowering the safety MARGIN. All the fights and lawsuits are bound to be causing distractions on BOTH sides. I think the high level of errors on a certain PHX arrival and the distance learning crew news session could point to a high level of frustration and distraction on the west. I SEE the distraction on the east. I feel all sides are to blame and ALL sides should be working together to make sure the SLI doesn't degrade safety. Right now the three groups are working separately for that. I do feel that all groups want safety to be first, but ignoring the other sides really is not the best way to do that.

Okay Jim, I COULD and DID answer. Shred it. But just remember, I'm still in it, you aren't.
But just remember, I'm still in it, you aren't.
Yes you did...for you only. Then there BS, luvthe9, apollo, Clax, etc. who see everything in black/white, good/evil. This is all excellent entertainment - the plot twists, propaganda, accusations, and the rest of the 3rd grade antics are better than any TV comedy - but you couldn't pay me enough to be in the trenches where outcomes have a direct effect on the participants.
