The Foreigner

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The right doesn't see this though...they fail to see that were it not for unions, their "white collar" corporate job would not pay nearly what it does. Were it not for unions, someone with that vaunted MBA might find entry wages to be in the neighborhood of $8 an hour.

They too are blinded by elitism and racism. If ever I was able to meet Jesus Christ,before my death, and was asked if there was anything that he could take to his fathers table, in the way of fundamentally changing human beings for their own betterment, I'd say make us all secure enough in ourselves to where we don't need someone to hate. then perhaps we could all be brothers and sisters in one union. United against those spoken of in Ephisians 6:10-13.

"What so-ever you do, to the least of my brothers, as you do unto me"
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  • #62
Absolutely! What better reason to vote for someone. Maybe we'll put equity back in the hands of the people that feed this economy. Working class Americans.

Hail to the labor unions, the chief isn't doin so well. Without unions there'd be no middleclass. No payed vacation time. No weekend. No payed medical benefits. No forty hour work week........,.

You know based upon the elitism and destruction caused by the current crowd of "money-firsters", Obama may seem like a breath of fresh air.

He may also do something that Rev. Martin Luther King tried to do and was likely assassinated for. Unite whites and blacks against the oppressors of both races.

Dell it's actually empowering to ignore someones skin color and see them as human beings. Many times just doing that gives a person the ability to hear and understand things that he or she previously didn't. How racism is created for example.

I wonder how much different our perception of black Americans would be, if there'd never been a welfare system set up, and black people were actually and effectively melded into our communities and encouraged to adopt a similar value system.

Welfare effectively took away incentive and drive,both effective character builders, from a segment of black America large enough to make a difference, and set their community on a destructive course. The oppressive oligarchy that control the U.S. knew the outcome before hand too.

Racism works both ways. So when a Bill Cosby makes factual statements, out of genuine caring for his race, then a margin of the black community that like you, blinded by racism don't think, then he has the door slammed on him. They can't see that it's their hatred that is blinding them to the truth.

I say let's give Obama a chance. Four years. At this point, after eight years of dumb-b-ya, what's to loose?

In other words, lets approach the idea, and or presidency, of Barack Obama as president of the United States in a mature thoughtful manner and see where it takes him and us.

Funny dude....I don't see the Big 'O' as anything but a marxist street organizer with very limited experience....his color and others matter little to me.

Blinded by got issues.
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  • #64
Blind in blind out

Then you're saying Marxist street organizers are only black? I didn't know that.

Wasn't Jesus a community organizer?

I'm sorry for not writing down Obama's race as I wasn't looking in that direction.....just like I see other Americans of different ethnic origins.
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  • #65
Looks like the lawsuit filled by Mr. Berg was dismissed by a federal judge last week. Usually when that happens it means your case has no merit. Guess the judge saw Mr. Berg for what he is. Just another wacko trying to use the courts as a soap box.

In a startling development, Obama's Kenyan grandmother has reportedly alleged she witnessed Obama's birth at the Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

Friday, U.S. Federal judge Richard Barclay Surrick, a Clinton appointee, dismissed a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania attorney Phillip J. Berg who alleged Obama was not a U.S. "natural born" citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency under the specifications of the U.S. Constitution, under Article II, Section 1.

Berg told WND last week he does not have a copy of a Kenyan birth certificate for Obama that he alleges exists.

In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election
on November 4. :lol:

Highly questionable source
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  • #67
Get over it dell, a federal judge has already dismissed the case. World Net Daily has an obvious agenda so don't try and play it off like it's an unbiased source. If you had bothered to do some rather basic research you would have found out that Mr. Berg is a wack job.

And a Democrat to boot... :lol:
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  • #69
And he's an H. Clinton supporter! Smells like a conspiracy dell, you might want to investigate further. ;)

“I can’t talk about, I just pray for him, that’s all,â€￾ she said, adding: “After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.â€￾ :lol:

Ok Fixer...... :lol:

My my......

The US press has repeatedly rehearsed Mr Obama’s extraordinary odyssey, but the other side of the family’s American experience has only been revealed in parts.

Just like his entire life and guys buy it hook, line, and sinker.....

Any one but the Evil Bush.....heck he can't be that bad...or can he? :lol:
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  • #71
And he's an H. Clinton supporter! Smells like a conspiracy dell, you might want to investigate further. ;)

Truthfully there 777...this wasn't a GOP issue at came about during the Hillary/Obama race. :lol:

Go research that Pal. :eek:
The right doesn't see this though...they fail to see that were it not for unions, their "white collar" corporate job would not pay nearly what it does. Were it not for unions, someone with that vaunted MBA might find entry wages to be in the neighborhood of $8 an hour.

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner ladies and gentlemen!!!

KC, while I don't post here much, (busy on other sites), its good to come back and see you're keep the boys in check, ahahah.

I love it how the Repubes yap about Obama being a socialist, etc. Yet they mumble not a word when you bring up why Corporate welfare is ok, however those same people are up in arms when it comes to social welfare.

And as far as being a socialist you have to say Bush has been a socialist during his past few years in office.

Some folks on here need to get educated...keep them in line KC and others. We will have our country back come next tues.
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  • #73
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner ladies and gentlemen!!!

I love it how the Repubes yap about Obama being a socialist, etc. Yet they mumble not a word when you bring up why Corporate welfare is ok, however those same people are up in arms when it comes to social welfare.

If you don't have incentives for investment and growth on the corporate level how does one expect personal wealth and growth for the working fellow?

No investment and growth corporatewise no jobs and paychecks down below.

If you say corporate makes and keeps all the wealth.....why aren't the people and the unions fighting for their share?

Last I saw unions were on their way out the door and the average Joe sits idly by and gives it all away.

Neither party has done much if anything for the workingman anymore except take his taxes.
If you don't have incentives for investment and growth on the corporate level how does one expect personal wealth and growth for the working fellow?
What have those incentives provided? Offshored jobs. Job reductions. Mergers (with elimination of "redundant" positions) Wage cuts of the line workers to cover the costs of the merger. Meanwhile, the top folks in the corner offices make 400 times what the average line worker makes.

No investment and growth corporatewise no jobs and paychecks down below.

We've given corporations damn near every break in the books...even going so far as turning a blind ey to them and letting them claim a post office box in Bermuda as their "headquarters", thus paying NO taxes...and they seem to be signing paychecks made out to Jose, Raji, and Xianag.

If you say corporate makes and keeps all the wealth.....why aren't the people and the unions fighting for their share?
They've tried. But the republicans have done a fantastic job of making the blue collar line worker feel like an imminent terrorist attack or someone possibly taking their guns away is far more important that decent wages and jobs.

Last I saw unions were on their way out the door and the average Joe sits idly by and gives it all away.
Again...the pervading republican mindset...unions are "socialist" after all....If a company makes a million dollars in profits, unions would like to see those profits distributed evenly across the board to the people who made it possible. How utterly socialist. And as we've heard from Sarah and John...socialism is a bad thing. It is far better for the top 4 people to each get $250,000 each and tell the lower level folks that "times are hard and you're lucky to have a job". A job action by a union whose employees have taken pay and benefit cuts against a company whose CEO is making an 8 figure salary will be viewed by many a good republican as an action of the "greedy unions"

Neither party has done much if anything for the workingman anymore except take his taxes.
True enough...but which is better...a guy fixing a plane making $35 an hour and paying higher taxes, or a guy fixing a plane in another country making $5 an hour while an American bags groceries for $5.50, but pays lower taxes? I honestly cannot understand how American union members could ever support any republican for president.
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  • #75
What have those incentives provided? Offshored jobs. Job reductions. Mergers (with elimination of "redundant" positions) Wage cuts of the line workers to cover the costs of the merger. Meanwhile, the top folks in the corner offices make 400 times what the average line worker makes.

We've given corporations damn near every break in the books...even going so far as turning a blind ey to them and letting them claim a post office box in Bermuda as their "headquarters", thus paying NO taxes...and they seem to be signing paychecks made out to Jose, Raji, and Xianag.

They've tried. But the republicans have done a fantastic job of making the blue collar line worker feel like an imminent terrorist attack or someone possibly taking their guns away is far more important that decent wages and jobs.

Again...the pervading republican mindset...unions are "socialist" after all....If a company makes a million dollars in profits, unions would like to see those profits distributed evenly across the board to the people who made it possible. How utterly socialist. And as we've heard from Sarah and John...socialism is a bad thing. It is far better for the top 4 people to each get $250,000 each and tell the lower level folks that "times are hard and you're lucky to have a job". A job action by a union whose employees have taken pay and benefit cuts against a company whose CEO is making an 8 figure salary will be viewed by many a good republican as an action of the "greedy unions"

True enough...but which is better...a guy fixing a plane making $35 an hour and paying higher taxes, or a guy fixing a plane in another country making $5 an hour while an American bags groceries for $5.50, but pays lower taxes? I honestly cannot understand how American union members could ever support any republican for president.

The American worker has let things come to this point by lack of balls to put it on the line for one and all."I've got family you know...."

So whats going to be the outcome to penalizing those nasty corporations?Deeper recession,job loss higher prices across the board and more outsourcing and offshore moves?

Union objectives are somewhat socialist in nature.What being paraded for an answer is pure socialism at its best that has moved to the right for votes.

GOP supports rich America....Dems claim to be for the little guy all the while getting in on the same money making schemes in DC.SO who's full of merde really?

Kills me,these smacks from both sides go into politics,make 60k-100k,give or take....then find out they got lavish estates,villas,all kinds investments,etc on that 100k.... :lol:

Both sides are corporate America.Special interests..... :down:
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