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A " June Surprise " on the horizon ?

Aug 20, 2002
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According to neocon William (Bill) Kristol, of the Weekly Standard fame, an INDEPENDENT will be coming forward very soon.
Actually, it would be a (republican) Indy, backed by a large slice of the GOP and GOP Money.
Three names were mentioned, two of which were Ex OK. Senator Tom Coburn, and (Auntie) Condi Rice.

In Condi's case, I wonder how many immediate and extended families (Who always vote REPUB.) of soldiers LOST in IRAQ, would not be voting for her ?
Unfortunately, your friends on the right will quickly point you to Hillary's vote on Iraq.  While she wrote an eloquent caveat to her vote, the bottom line is that a yes is a yes.  
Let's try to leave Iraq behind us.  It was a huge mistake, and there is more than enough "blame" to go around.  No one (other than the soldiers who did their duty and fought there) has any chance of being covered in glory even when looking at that sad affair through the objective lens of historical analysis.
I don't know what happened to the edit of my last post.  When I tried to post the edit, the system said I did not have permission to edit this topic.  Let me try with a brand new post.  (Hopefully, I can remember it all.  I'm not getting any younger.)
More importantly, this rumor seems to have real legs; so, the question becomes which nominee (let's assume the conventions pan out as currently expected) does it affect most?  They just mentioned on the Today show this morning that for the first time in U.S. history (well, since polling began) that both candidates have overall negative ratings.  It's not like the year that Ralph Nader ran and the Dems laid their defeat in Florida and the election to him.  A 3rd party/Independent candidate is unlikely to be the sole cause of one or the other nominees loss or win.  I think there are more people like me than ever before who are thinking "Gee, I wish we had a "None of the above" option on the ballot."  Let's just start over, and this time...ALL OF YOU, PAY ATTENTION!   :lol:
My take:  If the candidate is (as rumored) a true, principled conservative, I don't see him/her attracting a lot of otherwise Democrats, but I do see him/her pulling away a lot of big-time traditional Republican money and support.  Enough to win?  I doubt it.  Enough to guarantee Clinton's election?  I doubt that, also.  If Hillary is to win, I think she's going to have to do it the way Democrats have won for the past 50 years...by attracting enough true Independent voters.
I don't see this happening not at all.

there's probably a better chance Bernie would do it and I don't see that either
Wishful thinking.
Some RepubliRat may try it but a bernie 3rd party run would almost certainly guarantee a trump victory.
xUT said:
Wishful thinking.
Some RepubliRat may try it but a bernie 3rd party run would almost certainly guarantee a trump victory.
Amen.  I'm beginning to think that Bernie is on Trump's payroll.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
According to neocon William (Bill) Kristol, of the Weekly Standard fame, an INDEPENDENT will be coming forward very soon.
Actually, it would be a (republican) Indy, backed by a large slice of the GOP and GOP Money.
Three names were mentioned, two of which were Ex OK. Senator Tom Coburn, and (Auntie) Condi Rice.

In Condi's case, I wonder how many immediate and extended families (Who always vote REPUB.) of soldiers LOST in IRAQ, would not be voting for her ?
WTF? Why the racism, Bears?


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