Aa Line Maintenance Presidents


Aug 20, 2002
We have recently seen that the DFW and ORD Line Maintenance Presidents are proposing a "seperate Maintenance Division" within the TWU-ATD.

They propose to slice Title 2 from our contract and negotiations.


Title 2 is not our problem!

The TWU Dictators and the TWU Constitution is the problem.

You were offered "seperate locals" of which you are now Presidents, and NOTHING CHANGED. YOU JUST GOT SCREWED AGAIN, and willingly PARTICIPATED!

You were offered "self determination", NOTHING CHANGED, YOU STILL GOT SCREWED AGAIN and wllingly PARTICIPATED.

And now, you offer a "seperate maintenance division" to cover your own asses for signing the pledge to the shirne of the bus, and apparently seek leadership positions in the new created division.

How MANY TIMES do you have to bitten by the same snake?


At least one guy (Chuck Shaulk Local 562) had the integrity and honesty to stick to his position.

The rest of you can be classified as cowards and appointment seekers.

Sellout BAST...DS.

You get the point!

To let the Dictators drive the wedge between your coalition is a sign of severe and unyielding weakness. With leadershp like you guys, the name of the union sure as heck doesn't matter!

Thanks for letting me vent!