Today, UA announced improvements to its premium cabin meals in North America, including, by mid-2015, meals on domestic flights longer than 800 miles or 2:20 in duration, subject to some exceptions:
Some of the changes take effect on September 1, 2014, the same date the AA meals are trimmed. Plus, UA plans to add fresh meals on 2-class United Express RJs instead of snack boxes.
AA earned $1.9 billion for the first half of 2014 before Parker's meal cuts took place, compared to UA's paltry $430 million profit for the first half of 2014. So which airline is making improvements to better compete? UA.
AA's cuts are detailed in this closed thread:
Some of the changes take effect on September 1, 2014, the same date the AA meals are trimmed. Plus, UA plans to add fresh meals on 2-class United Express RJs instead of snack boxes.
AA earned $1.9 billion for the first half of 2014 before Parker's meal cuts took place, compared to UA's paltry $430 million profit for the first half of 2014. So which airline is making improvements to better compete? UA.
AA's cuts are detailed in this closed thread: