About Striking-most just dont get it


Aug 30, 2002
Somehow....it didnt come across so here goes again:

A large percentage of airline pilots are military officers, or former officers. We have gone on to become astronauts, senators, congressmen, presidents, ceo's, doctors, lawyers. Some of us have elected to become airline pilots, of our own choosing. Due to the way the industry is structured, we are blue collar labor, like mechanics, customer service agents, baggage handlers, ect.

For anyone to think that we cant make it, or need an airline for our livelyhoods your sadly mistaken. When pushed to far, we will burn the house down. We wont stand to get burned beyond a certain point, and if that means taking a big business down, we will. And if that means shutting down your business because you depend on a certain airline, too bad.

Enough said, if it burns down.....too bad...

Denver, Colorado
On 2/11/2003 5:27:27 PM ua767fo wrote:

For anyone to think that we cant make it, or need an airline for our livelyhoods your sadly mistaken. When pushed to far, we will burn the house down. We wont stand to get burned beyond a certain point, and if that means taking a big business down, we will. And if that means shutting down your business because you depend on a certain airline, too bad.

Enough said, if it burns down.....too bad...

Denver, Colorado

OK ...let me get this straight. You're really cool and can get a job anywhere to suuport yourself. So if anyone pushes you too much or too far you will retaliate and ruin the company that employs you. .....You really are a legend in your own mind.
Personally, his first post was the best...totally blank.... I think his second post shows just how sorry a group pilots are. Everything always must go their way all the time. But then, who would expect anything intelligent from pilots of his quality, He no doubt is one of those pilots who would delay a flight for hours and beat up a gate agent just to get a crew meal....
Sad day for ALPA....
im hoping i dont fly with you with an attitude like that man, we dont need u here. Do us and your family a favor and leave. Take your degree find a better paying job that will make you happy>
NO SIR. YOU will not burn anything down. You will continue to show up to work and fly safely as long as they continue to pay you what they have already agreed to pay you.

When my manager at McDonald's stops paying me, what he already agreed to, then I stop showing up to work, but I certainly won't burn the place down, or accept any cockamamie notion that I had any responsibility in the customers abandoning McDonald’s and going to Burger King.

If my "fry man buddy" wants to keep going to work for half the wages, fine. But I will not accept any accusation from anybody that the "hamburger specialist" burned the place down by walking out to find a better job.


"sandwich artist"
A large percentage of airline pilots are military officers, or former officers. We have gone on to become astronauts, senators, congressmen, presidents, ceo's, doctors, lawyers.
what happened to you,get left in the dust?you're left here with your JOYSTICK in your hand and the other patting yourself on the back.i'd be willing to bet you'd be the first to report to work if a few of your peers actually have the stones to walk.(i'm sorry but i have a wife and kids to worry about)
Well whoop-de-do. Could you possibly be any higher on yourself, ua767fo? If you're so damn employable in other career paths, and are so unhappy as a commercial pilot, then why don't you do us all a favor and take your attitude elsewhere?

I can't remember the last time I saw someone so selfish and arrogant. Willing to drag down completely unrelated companies? Good god...

The flying public, as indicated by the price they are willing for a ticket on your flight, does not agree with your evaluation of your worth.
I suggest that all ML pilots, active or not do not post anymore. Good Luck.
To those of you who would bash ua767fo, I say this. Everyone has the right to say what they feel on this board as long as it is not profanity, abuse, etc.

That also includes people who have no brains, no class, and an ego the size of Canada -ego that has to be too big to get their head through the flight deck door (hence I don't worry too much about being on his/her plane - hard to fly if you can't fit your inflated head through the door).

I will take it this way. Just dribble that has no chance of being the way most airline employees feel or will act. Most are responsible, sane folks and do not believe the laughable dribble ua767fo is trying to stir up here.

Can you imagine what living with this person must be like? WOW!

It's time to put the garbage out and get on with life. Good luck to us all and avoid this person at all costs.

ps. Chip, would you fly with this person knowing the way they are thinking? Just curious.
Excuse me but I need to ask you a few questions on your remarks.

Did you check with your next of kin, i.e. wife, kids, etc on this decision that will no doubt affect their lives too? I am sure that they have grown used to the upscale clothing, new vehicles, private schools and great vacations that have been provided to them by your income from UA. Are you sure they are ready to start shopping at a mass merchandising store like Target? I'm used to it as a customer service agent that has no pension. Just my two little hands and determination to save a few bucks to rely on with my 401K. Quit your whining and grow up.

What's going to happen is that the management of these airlines are going to do as they please and you burnin' the place down just shows the childish attitude that you have. You know when I didn't like my last job, I LEFT! Why don't you do yourself and coworkers a favor? Make like a tree and leave.........
Seems like one of our compatriots over at UA is much more concerned about us then his own company. Maybe he is hoping that US destroys itself internally before UA's ship capsizes.


Your ship is listing badly. I would be looking for a way to right it or finding a lifeboat before worrying about US. We'll be fine without you, thanks.