American Morals shifting...A W A Y ...from the...H A T E R S !

The younger generations typically do not have the same hatreds and bias that older generations have.  Add to that the ease of access to information and it is only natural for people to lose some of their ignorance.  I think that is the bottom line.  Ignorance and hate seem to have a very close correlation.  Get rid of one and the other tends to follow.
That's the liberal definition of tolerance: kick out the guys you disagree with.

It's just one step removed from "send all them black people back to Aferca"
it wouldn't take as long to get rid of the atheists it would take even less when you remove the number of atheists who find religion on their deathbed.
southwind said:
When's the last time a Christian perform a beheading simply because of someone else's belief?
It's been a while.   Does that make it OK?  Whats the statute of limitation for religious persecutions?
southwind said:
I say we start with the Bigots!
Does that include the people who which to deny others equality because they do not agree with them or just the bigots you don't agree with?
cltrat said:
it wouldn't take as long to get rid of the atheists it would take even less when you remove the number of atheists who find religion on their deathbed.
And you know that atheist find religion how?  My whole family was as close to death as most people would ever want to be.  None of they found religion.  They all were driven farther away from it.  I was held at gun point.  Never found much less even looked for religion.