Any News On New Intl. Svc For 2004


Aug 21, 2002
Does anyone know if AA is planning any new international flights for 2004? Last year around this time, someone posted a site that listed AA's application to fly to BCN. I've only heard one rumor and that was JFK-BRU.
Zihuatenejo (spelling it wrong I am sure)/Ixtapa. It is a nice locale on the Mexican Riviera. A great place to non-rev for a quick vacation.
Now that LAX-NRTservice is starting in april, more service to Asia from LAX would be great. Taipei, Honk Kong, Seoul, Osaka, Bangkok and/or Singapore would be great. AA flies to NRT from JFk, ORD, DFW, SJC and soon LAX but we need other cities in this ever more importamnt part of the world. If AA can fly from Miami to every semi-major city in every Banana Republic in Latin America and the Caribean they can fly to Asia. Asia is the new frontier in Aviaition for the next 25 years, I know it grown but look at who is ordering all the A380's.

Taca and Lan Chile ( and afiliates) can't compare to Asian airlines. AA it time to order 777LR and join the club or buy Northwest. AA has grown it European network to a mature size, Asia or some untouched corner of the world (South Africa) is AA's future.
There have been strong rumours about opening a new European destination from Miami for the summer, either Dublin/Shannon or Manchester, with the former being more likely.

Also, look for Valencia, Venezuela. This is almost a definite go from what I hear. Hope is to launch in time for summer, but November 2004 is more likely. It would be a daily 737-800 from Miami. Also Miami-Cozumel is a strong possibility.
JFK777 said:
Taca and Lan Chile ( and afiliates) can't compare to Asian airlines. AA it time to order 777LR and join the club or buy Northwest. AA has grown it European network to a mature size, Asia or some untouched corner of the world (South Africa) is AA's future.
Yikes! I'd rather not see AA purchase another carrier anytime soon!
Don't worry, despite what Chip and others may say here, I doubt any of the Big 6 (10?) will be buying each other anytime soon. :rolleyes: I do agree that Asia (China in particular) is the growth market of the near future. Africa is an interesting theory, though.