APFA Dues delinquencies


Aug 21, 2002
I think we should start with the dues delinquent list with the up coming furloughs. Why should good union paying members be on the street when people who don''t even keep their union dues up to date are still working? 400 from STL are scheduled to be furloughed. Right now STL has 187 delinquent f/a''s. Lets get rid of those 187 and subtract that from the needed 400. That goes with the rest of the system as well.
oh no!
On 12/17/2002 4:59:11 PM MiAAmi wrote:

I think we should start with the dues delinquent list with the up coming furloughs. Why should good union paying members be on the street when people who don't even keep their union dues up to date are still working? 400 from STL are scheduled to be furloughed. Right now STL has 187 delinquent f/a's. Lets get rid of those 187 and subtract that from the needed 400. That goes with the rest of the system as well.

Doesn't that kinda go against the essence of what America represents...freedom? Maybe its just me.
On 12/17/2002 8:30:55 PM FA Mikey wrote:

On 12/17/2002 7:02:06 PM Rational Thought wrote:

Doesn't that kinda go against the essence of what America represents...freedom? Maybe its just me.

It is just you. Does freedom to you mean, take all the negotiated working conditions, rules and protections, all pay raises, then refuse to pay for the service? Where I grew up that was called theft.
What are they contractual obligations for these members? Do they have an Agency Fee clause?
On 12/17/2002 7:02:06 PM Rational Thought wrote:

Doesn't that kinda go against the essence of what America represents...freedom? Maybe its just me.

It is just you. Does freedom to you mean, take all the negotiated working conditions, rules and protections, all pay raises, then refuse to pay for the service? Where I grew up that was called theft.
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On 12/17/2002 8:20:30 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

Typical union lackeys....thinking people should have to pay to work. Wonderful concept.

Spoken like a true spoon! WingNaPrayer you can't stir this pot! Nice try though.
Here's an idea: how about getting rid of the 400 laziest, rudest and attitude prone FAs first? Customers like me would appreciate that type of pruning -- and isn't meritocracy also another cherished American principle?
On 12/17/2002 9:04:50 PM hillrider wrote:

Here's an idea: how about getting rid of the 400 laziest, rudest and attitude prone FAs first? Customers like me would appreciate that type of pruning -- and isn't meritocracy also another cherished American principle?
Wouldn't that be nice. Crew members would appreciate this too. People who treat customers that way are almost always as big a horror to work with.
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On 12/17/2002 8:20:30 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

Typical union lackeys....thinking people should have to pay to work. Wonderful concept.

They don't have to pay to work. There are alot of non-union jobs out there. Save your union dues and go fly for someone else. I plan to pay my union dues and get my 3% come jan 01 2003. Thank you APFA!!!!!!
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I agree. Those willing to keep up with their dues should not be furloughed when we have all these free-loaders.