Are we ready for something this simple?


Nov 9, 2005
The change seems simple enough. In 2005, Congress decided to lengthen daylight time by four weeks in a provision tucked inside an energy efficiency bill. So all we need to do is remember to set our clocks forward. By one hour. Not hard, right?

Wrong, says the overworked tech crowd. The daylight-saving switch has meant making manual changes to computers and servers and the like — anything that stores date data — because they're all set to change over to daylight time in April instead of March. Come Monday morning, if somebody doesn't do something about it, your PDA or edition of Microsoft Outlook won't tell you it's time for that 11 a.m. meeting until noon. And that kind of problem carries even greater weight at places like AIRLINES and banks. Where, let's hope, serious people are paying attention to the problem and taking swift action.See Story