ATL Parking Lot Change!


Jan 19, 2004
Hey all. Just got home from a trip and was taking the AirService bus to the Clark Howell Lot and found out that All commuters will be moving from Clark Howell Lot #2 over to lot #3 on Aug 15th, thats right. As of Aug 14th you will no longer have access to Lot 2 (clark howell)you will only be able to use lot#3 (the lot we used before clark howell) however, here is the stickler, you will Not have access to lot3 until you have an ATL SIDA Badge, issued by AATC,and a new color medallion (green) when you turn in your yellow medallion to the station mgr, however, you are supposed to contact your inflight supvr (pilots your chief pilot) to get a form to get your SIDA Badge but no one seems to know what to do. I have notified AFA, pilots you need to contact ALPA. My question is why have the commuters not been notified! Does anyone else have any more information? :down:

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