Attn: All Res Agents


Feb 21, 2004
Lets see. If we can dangle a buyout promise of $20,000 to every Res agent with 5 years seniority or more, in front of their noses, they might actually fall for it, and vote yes for the contract changes. Then we have 15 months after the vote ends to release them, and to make their life shear He11. Hopefully most won't last the 15 months, quit, and therefor don't get the 20K. Sounds like a plan. Let's see if they fall, hook, line and sinker. Has anyone checked this office for bugs?
I personally think 15 months is a long time for them to get everyone out the door on this. I would have liked to have seen a 6-10 month out. I know there are people everywhere who have recall to help offset some of the openings, and it shouldnt take 15 months to hire and train replacements so why the long time frame?
tadjr said:
I personally think 15 months is a long time for them to get everyone out the door on this. I would have liked to have seen a 6-10 month out. I know there are people everywhere who have recall to help offset some of the openings, and it shouldnt take 15 months to hire and train replacements so why the long time frame?

It gives the company that much more time to fire people in an underhanded way. It's already happening. They will crunch numbers and fix them to get what they want. Anyone working in res........... if you are called on numbers, demand they pull a report and check the numbers carefully. You will find mistakes. Be diligent and keep track of your own numbers. It is your right as an employee to question any disciplinary action and have it researched.
Here we go again ..... Does the union KNOW WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON????? They had meetings tonight in PIT and the question came up about some wording in the T/A. I guess we are all wrong (per the union) you must have 15+ yrs for the MAX E/O...The way i read it was RESV with 5 or more got the MAX E/O... WRONG... We go by the chart as well.. 5-9 only 5k plus 5k Not 15k plus 5k... COULD SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM THIS AND GET IT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
Just go with the flow....If the contract passes then it passes. I will take the early out and if it gets so bad that I have to leave then I will leave before I am paid. Otherwise in 15 months I will get paid my money.....whatever, at this point I stopped caring. I am beyond caring....

I don't try to let it come across at work but I am sure that it does every now and then, I really just don't care. I am just plain tired, the company has worn me down, worrying about how much the next paycheck will be has worn me down, the callers have worn me down, management has worn me out, the holidays have worn me down. Pass the Prozac and make everything blurry. Before I know it either 15 months will be up and I'll be 20k richer and paying off all my debts in one swoop or I'll be wearing my pj's coloring with big fat crayons on a lithium drip at the psych ward at Forsyth....
tadjr said:
I personally think 15 months is a long time for them to get everyone out the door on this. I would have liked to have seen a 6-10 month out. I know there are people everywhere who have recall to help offset some of the openings, and it shouldnt take 15 months to hire and train replacements so why the long time frame?

My assumption would be that it would be very difficult to come up with the cash for the buyout in 6 months or less time. If they spread out the flow of people leaving over a 15 month period of time, it would be less of a cash drain all at one time. You are now spreading the buyout cash over 5 quarters instead of 2.

IMHO, it is a cash drain issue.
RumorS said:
Here we go again ..... Does the union KNOW WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON????? They had meetings tonight in PIT and the question came up about some wording in the T/A. I guess we are all wrong (per the union) you must have 15+ yrs for the MAX E/O...The way i read it was RESV with 5 or more got the MAX E/O... WRONG... We go by the chart as well.. 5-9 only 5k plus 5k Not 15k plus 5k... COULD SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM THIS AND GET IT STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

I strongly suggest you go find out personally and for yourself. Asking the s__t house lawyers on here to get it straight and confirm it for you is not the best path to take.
PITMTC said:
I strongly suggest you go find out personally and for yourself. Asking the s__t house lawyers on here to get it straight and confirm it for you is not the best path to take.
yep...i'll back you here....too many listen to second hand info.if your not to busy it may behoove you to go to your union meeting.unless of course you're too busy.
CynicalResAgent said:
Just go with the flow....If the contract passes then it passes. I will take the early out and if it gets so bad that I have to leave then I will leave before I am paid. Otherwise in 15 months I will get paid my money.....whatever, at this point I stopped caring. I am beyond caring....

I don't try to let it come across at work but I am sure that it does every now and then, I really just don't care. I am just plain tired, the company has worn me down, worrying about how much the next paycheck will be has worn me down, the callers have worn me down, management has worn me out, the holidays have worn me down. Pass the Prozac and make everything blurry. Before I know it either 15 months will be up and I'll be 20k richer and paying off all my debts in one swoop or I'll be wearing my pj's coloring with big fat crayons on a lithium drip at the psych ward at Forsyth....


I have always liked your posts and having started in res myself, I understand the level of frustration you are going through. I am not gonna tell you to take it on the chin and "give good service regardless", because you are human and human beings feel. That is what sets the majority of employees of this airline apart from the majority of the management and union officials. We bleed real blood, they seem to bleed money.

Hang in there and try hard to enjoy the mins away from res..... You sound really smart and dedicated. You would be a major asset to any company that would be lucky enough to have you!

The money for the buyout is already in place. GE is providing the cash. There is 33 million coming from GE to do this.

Also, the reason for the "up to 15 months" is for specialty areas such as international CSD, TLC, rates, etc. If a department only has 12 people and all 12 want to take the buyout they will not let all of them go at the same time. There would be a preferential bid to determine who and when. If you would like to stay longer, but your senority allows you to leave first, you may choose to stay longer based on your senority.

We were told Gen Sales should not have a problem leaving when they want to, as it is a much larger department.

As far as the confusion about the maximum payout, our local President, who was also on the bargaining commitee has verified anyone over 5 years of service in res, dmsc, and bcc would receive the MAXIMUM buyout. Her quote " this is how badly they want to get us out."
PITMTC said:
I strongly suggest you go find out personally and for yourself. Asking the s__t house lawyers on here to get it straight and confirm it for you is not the best path to take.

You are SO RIGHT on that! We got more "experts" here that think they know everything. This forum is for sharing our opinions, and I share mine just as much as everyone else, but thats all it is ...OPINIONS. Dont take any of this to bank as absolute truth. Besides, I think 95% of us here are pessimists, and only about 5% optimists. Is's all a guessing game.
livingontheedge said:

The money for the buyout is already in place. GE is providing the cash. There is 33 million coming from GE to do this.


Sure it is. But would it be there the day after a TA would pass??? Comes down to if you trust these guys or not. Oh, but they really mean it now. Buy-outs . . . sure . . . . until the next round of givebacks.

How many times do you have to be screwed? Same as a beaten wife who stays and keeps taking the beating, day after day, year after year.
watch your numbers folks .... they are doing everything they can to bounce people out in PIT.... They are doing this because INT is beating PIT in every number ATT/ADH/AWT/Sales ....ect. Looks like someone else is afraid of losing their job.
tadjr said:
I personally think 15 months is a long time for them to get everyone out the door on this. I would have liked to have seen a 6-10 month out. I know there are people everywhere who have recall to help offset some of the openings, and it shouldnt take 15 months to hire and train replacements so why the long time frame?

undefined when you replace a EO employee you go to the bottom of the pay scale .....please read that piece of crap contract ...its all in the details
