Cheney Vs. Edwards


Jul 31, 2004
AP Debate Recap

No slam dunk here, looks like a draw on the Vice Presidential debate from Tuesday night... I'm surprised there weren't more mentions of Halliburton by Sen. Edwards, and I was surprised to see Cheney attack the Senator's "less than perfect" attendance record. How come the Senator did not defend his accusation?

Edwards did better than I thought he would, especially since it was not long ago that he was running AGAINST Kerry and pointing out a lot of the down-sides to a Kerry administration himself. Cheney should have used a little more of that if he wanted a sizable upper hand in the debate.

Two days and counting until JK & GWB hit it again.
USAir757 said:
I was surprised to see Cheney attack the Senator's "less than perfect" attendance record. How come the Senator did not defend his accusation?

Perhaps because it's true? I got a kick out of Cheney's remark that in all of his time as President of the Senate, last night was the first time he had ever met Edwards. Priceless! :up: :up:

Kerry's attendance record, even at Intelligence Committee meetings, is equally dismal. Funny how they both can rant about unemployment when they both, even though they're multi-millionaires, have well-paying jobs with full benefits, the duties of which they don't even perform. But I guess their true occupation of "Professional Presidential Candidate and Bush-basher" doesn't have salary/benefits attached to it, so they still have to pretend they're Senators if they're going to get that huge paycheck every 2 weeks.
My impression is that Cheney actually prevailed.

Remember that the expectations were that Edwards the trial lawyer was going to come in and mop up the floor with Cheney's face utilizing his trial skills. Didn't happen.

Folks were expecting a Edwards blow-out. Didn't happen.
AgMedallion said:
Perhaps because it's true? I got a kick out of Cheney's remark that in all of his time as President of the Senate, last night was the first time he had ever met Edwards. Priceless! :up: :up:

Except that Cheney LIED about it and ABC News had the news footage showing them seated together on the dais at the 2001 prayer breakfast where Cheney began his remarks by acknowledging the North Carolina senator. The two also met when Edwards accompanied the other North Carolina senator, Elizabeth Dole, to her swearing-in ceremony.

:down: :down:
ITRADE said:
My impression is that Cheney actually prevailed.

Remember that the expectations were that Edwards the trial lawyer was going to come in and mop up the floor with Cheney's face utilizing his trial skills. Didn't happen.

Folks were expecting a Edwards blow-out. Didn't happen.

I didn't get to see much of the debate, but I caught parts of it. IMHO, both candidates reminded me of one of the sessions in the Dale Carnegie Course I was the session where the class gave you the topic and you had to give a two minute talk on that subject, or if you didn't know much about that subject, then use that topic to move towards something that you did feel knowledgeable about. In my course the topic I was given was "my first perm", and I simply said "I've never had a perm, but I've had a lot of haircuts" and gave a two minute talk on the then popular hairstyles. Same sort of thing last night...question about jobs....answer about education.

I do feel that Edwards missed a good opportunity to stop the concerns about his "lack of experience". That was one of the answers he gave that reminded me of the above mentioned course. IMHO, he should have pointed out that his "lite" political resume was no less for him to serve as vice president than Bush's was to serve as president. - he was govenor in a state where that postion is "weak" under the Texas constitution. The wider power is spread out among several other independantly elected officials. So his qualifications on his political resume were that he was governor of a large state, but that position was little more than a figurehead position. Yeah...W hung around daddy's office when he was VP and Pres, but that doesn't translate into leadership ability. Here's a personal father was a very successful saleman for RCA and Sony for 30 years - few were better than him. I often "helped out" at trade shows, and sometimes I rode with him on sales calls around the state of Florida. But...when I tried sales, I just wasn't a very good "closer", and if you can't close, you don't have much of a future in sales.

And since they brought the "heartbeat away" comment into the question, I (but I lack the "political correctness" of most politicians) would have included a statement that on the GOP side of the ticket, we really aren't sure who is just "a heartbeat away" from the VP position, much less the Presidency.
ITRADE said:
Folks were expecting a Edwards blow-out. Didn't happen.

I don't agree with that statement at all. I don't think anyone was expecting an Edwards blowout. The only expectation was that Kerry would blowout Bush since his vocabulary is about 3x that of Bush. For God's sake, Bush can't even say the word NUCLEAR! And did you notice the 10 second pause when he had to spit out the words "nuclear proliferation"?

Cheney and Edwards are both very articulate speakers. People were expecting a wash and that's what they got. Depending on who you support, some saw a slight advantage to one or the other.

IMO, Edwards only needed to hold his own and be a good advocate for his running mate. In that respect he did an excellent job. The focus will now quickly go back to the final 2 presidential debates.
767jetz said:
I don't agree with that statement at all. I don't think anyone was expecting an Edwards blowout. The only expectation was that Kerry would blowout Bush since his vocabulary is about 3x that of Bush. For God's sake, Bush can't even say the word NUCLEAR! And did you notice the 10 second pause when he had to spit out the words "nuclear proliferation"?


Well, the Webster dictionary might disagree with you there. Click on this:

ITRADE said:
Well, the Webster dictionary might disagree with you there. Click on this:


One out of three ain't bad. Now, for what Paul Harvey would say - the rest of the story:

A man speaks it


A woman speaks it.

And for the hearing imparied, the phonetic version:

Pronunciation: 'nü-klE-&r, 'nyü-, ÷-ky&-l&r

Though disapproved of by many, pronunciations ending in \-ky&-l&r\ have been found in widespread use among educated speakers including scientists, lawyers, professors, congressmen, U.S. cabinet members, and at least one U.S. president and one vice president.
Actually the one president was James S. Carter - the 39th president of the United States and a nuclear submarine officer...
TWAnr said:
Except that Cheney LIED about it and ABC News had the news footage showing them seated together on the dais at the 2001 prayer breakfast where Cheney began his remarks by acknowledging the North Carolina senator. The two also met when Edwards accompanied the other North Carolina senator, Elizabeth Dole, to her swearing-in ceremony.

:down: :down:

Upon further reading, it turns out that they previously met THREE times prior to the debate.

On Feb. 1, 2001, the vice president thanked Edwards by name at a Senate prayer breakfast and sat beside him during the event.

On April 8, 2001, Cheney and Edwards shook hands when they met off-camera during a taping of NBC's "Meet the Press," moderator Tim Russert said Wednesday on "Today."

On Jan. 8, 2003, the two met when the first-term North Carolina senator accompanied Elizabeth Dole to her swearing-in by Cheney as a North Carolina senator, Edwards aides also said.

The Associated Press
What a boring seems like they each spoke their party's talking points without any way of confirming what they said. And that moderator was pretty weak. They might as well had the candidates look at each other and say "you suck because I say so" and called it a day. :down:
TWAnr said:
Except that Cheney LIED about it

The latest Republican spin ( both parties employ spinmeisters, i.e. professional liars) is that Cheney meant it was the first time they met in a working environment. Anyway, I still enjoyed Cheney's remark and thought it was interesting that Edwards didn't have a comeback, probably because his attendance record is dismal, as is Kerry's. Edward's advantage over Kerry is that he was a do nothing in the Senate since he was sworn in (Jan '99), whereas Kerry has been idle 14 years more, since Jan '85.
AgMedallion said:
The latest Republican spin is that Cheney meant it was the first time they met in a working environment.

Well, that is clearly not what he said.

Secondly, Cheney is known for rarely presiding over the Senate during working sessions. He does go to the hill every Tuesday, but he meets only with the GOP senators. When Senator Leahy teased him about this partisan habit, the was told to "F**k" himself (oh, I am sure that the Republican spinners will say that he meant something other than self fornication).