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Companion Pass / DP

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Apr 7, 2014
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I hope this doesn't offend anyone, just a reach. My DP lost his job a few months ago and I really miss the ocassonal travel benefits. I also live about 15 minutes from CLT airport and am also entertaining the idea of taking a roommate in my 2bd 2ba home on Lake Wylie. If you or anyone you know would be interested please let me know. I am very familiar with the system and ID90 travel. Clean cut and know the rules. Feel free to message me.

Not sure what you are looking for on here. If you are asking someone to sell a pass, please don't. They will end up unemployed like your DP. Your best bet if your DP was formerly employed by AA is to have them ask their friends who still work for AA if they have any spare D3's to use per the rules established for D3 travel.

By the way, the payment system has changed so don't be surprised if they ask you for your credit card number. A credit card or debit card is now required in the listing anytime there will be charges and they will most likely ask you for yours. This just started last month.
Not sure what you are looking for on here. If you are asking someone to sell a pass, please don't. They will end up unemployed like your DP. Your best bet if your DP was formerly employed by AA is to have them ask their friends who still work for AA if they have any spare D3's to use per the rules established for D3 travel.

By the way, the payment system has changed so don't be surprised if they ask you for your credit card number. A credit card or debit card is now required in the listing anytime there will be charges and they will most likely ask you for yours. This just started last month.
Sounds like a scam
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, just a reach. My DP lost his job a few months ago and I really miss the ocassonal travel benefits. I also live about 15 minutes from CLT airport and am also entertaining the idea of taking a roommate in my 2bd 2ba home on Lake Wylie. If you or anyone you know would be interested please let me know. I am very familiar with the system and ID90 travel. Clean cut and know the rules. Feel free to message me.

Yes I’m offended you come here looking to get people to loose there career just buy a ticket for positive space are get a job with a airline .
This post should be deleted by a moderator, surprised that it hasn't been yet.
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