Customer reductions for Jun 9

The numbers that are floating around here in Pittsburgh is a loss of 22 full time ramp agents and an addition of 17 part time agents..if they offered a voluntary furlough package I would jump on it...I get tired of living on the edge...
I wish powers that be at USAir would wake up. If free term passes for life, for anyone on an employees term pass were offered to an employee to separate from the company, many would leave the company. At this point in time, there is really nothing to work here for other than a paycheck and flight benefits. By offering lifetime passes to leave, an employee can find still put in enough time on another job to receive a retirement. Wake up USAir, and offer this. You might find that you have more than enough takers, whereby less employees would have to be laid off. Wake up!
On 5/8/2003 12:08:09 PM Ramp Rogue wrote:

I wish powers that be at USAir would wake up. If free term passes for life, for anyone on an employees term pass were offered to an employee to separate from the company, many would leave the company. At this point in time, there is really nothing to work here for other than a paycheck and flight benefits. By offering lifetime passes to leave, an employee can find still put in enough time on another job to receive a retirement. Wake up USAir, and offer this. You might find that you have more than enough takers, whereby less employees would have to be laid off. Wake up!

Through in a years salary and I''ll take it!!
On 5/6/2003 10:28:55 PM carl71 wrote:

The numbers that are floating around here in Pittsburgh is a loss of 22 full time ramp agents and an addition of 17 part time agents..if they offered a voluntary furlough package I would jump on it...I get tired of living on the edge...

Just heard that 9 F/T ramp bumped to P/T in TPA.....1 F/T CSA is gone.....PHX to lose 1 F/T also.....
I have also heard of similar cuts for both Ramp and Customer Service in MIA and MCO.
Can someone in MIA, MCO, or TPA give some insight here? I don''t get it--are we actually cutting back service in Florida? I can''t believe these rumored cuts are due to "over-staffing".

On 5/8/2003 11:14:09 PM LGA777 wrote:

I have also heard of similar cuts for both Ramp and Customer Service in MIA and MCO.


actually they are suppose to be adding at least 1 flt to tampa in with the adding of approx 30 seats in coach to the 757 the available seats should increase...the rampers are now doing the work for 3 idea why they cut more unless they are going to farm out what remains of mail and freight...

lavman...the hubs never seem to lose many people, and yet from a work standpoint it is the place to be....

while we are on the subject of cuts....can any one explain why clp is still there when it seems that the local stations input most if not all the info for w/b....
On 5/9/2003 7:21:46 AM W:EXCH:INVOL wrote:

Can someone in MIA, MCO, or TPA give some insight here? I don''t get it--are we actually cutting back service in Florida? I can''t believe these rumored cuts are due to "over-staffing".


All three cities are labeled mainline....does this open the door to contracting out ramp?
On 5/9/2003 9:05:23 AM sdavis29 wrote:

while we are on the subject of cuts....can any one explain why clp is still there when it seems that the local stations input most if not all the info for w/b....


In my opinion, CLP exists solely so that stations can have low cost help. Think about it. If you don''t know anything but how to "throw bags", the company doesn''t have to pay as much. CLP covers what is required by Gov as far as quilified employees ACTUALLY CLOSING the flight... doing weight/balance. My guess is that sometime in the future 2 or 3 leads in a station (to be held accountable for any mistakes) and contract or inexperienced, non-qualified help will be dong the F/S job. And the job will still get done! If and when weight/balance/fuel/etc problems arise...between CLP and Leads, problem will be solved. Then lead can have conference call and explain how he/she let this happen in the first place. CLP just gets company a little closer to being able to outsource your job...and still be able to met FAA requirements.
SDavis tell 48 of my fellow utility workers who were abolished in CLT that the hubs don''t lose jobs
On the line a total of 188 including the leads, and yes we do lose people for flight adjustments. Over 261 utility were abolished in March system wide. 48 just from CLT line Utility and that does not count the over 30 people bumping causing more layoffs and displacements.
On 5/9/2003 2:16:19 PM LavMan wrote:

SDavis tell 48 of my fellow utility workers who were abolished in CLT that the hubs don''t lose jobs


lavman...they dont lose jobs like the outlying stations do...
if 2 daily flts from clt to tpa are cut....tampa loses all kinds of people...i highly doubt clt would even flinch.... many utes are there in clt.......