Delta Flight Attendants set to Vote!

Non Union employees in the aviation industry ride on the backs of Unions. They enjoy the "perks" of Unions with a FREE ride (no dues, no strikes, no lobbying Congress, no challenging airline management). They have what they have because of Unions. I do NOT support NON UNIONS in aviation and will NEVER support them. They work against everything Unions have fought for over the course of the last 100 years. It is a parasitic symbiosis.

And if there are people that find that acceptable that is their business. It is a FREE country...for now.

Delta offers an overall inferior pay when weighed pound for pound (lowest severace, lowest equity payout, lowest 401k, and many others). How else can one quantify the "lowest FA costs of all legacies", that is the nuts and bolts of payscale. Bidding has nothing to do with being non union, it has everything to do with PBS, which is a system that almost every major airline has. Most majors have or are adopting a no reserve or rotating policy.

Delta will find it a difficult road indeed if they are in hopes of merging with a Unionized carrier and de-Unionizing them. People seem to forget, NWA had arranged for the perfect storm to attack it's mechanics. It planned for BK when it faked it, it planned for George Bush to support it and NLB, it planned on outsourcing, It planned on the weakest moment of the other unions. They like to bragg about it being the best union breaking plan ever. They had outside help...LOTS of it.

I can say this with almost certainty...There will be a Union under a merger with NW, or United, or Amr, or US, or Cal.
The attempt to cut a side deal for pilots (some NW/Delta) speaks volumes about them and their Unionism...or should I rephrase that to read "Me-ism".
Very nicely said. Pilots are always looking out for themselves. Take a look at AA and NW while pilots always seem to have a yes vote on concessions, the NW and AA F/A's had voted no.
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  • #34

Nor'easta has Identified a EA..SCAB !

WHAT IS YOUR RESPONSE to "this", please. ???????????????????

These people forget, once a SCAB always a SCAB. You were a SCAB USAir757 at EA and think once at USAir or any other airline it goes away. Sorry, USAir757 I do have friends at USAir and they know who you are. I confirmed your SCABNESS and I have the proof to back it up.

So, quit avoiding the fact you are a SCAB. Answer NHBB's question!
Are "SCAB" and "KoolAide" the principal words in your vocabulary? I'm worrying about you! You might be what we called in the Navy an "ID Ten T".

Listen, winter is over, spring is here, I highly doubt we'll get another Nor'Ester, so run along, and come back next year; and while you are out, on your union break, watch "wheel of fortune" or "crosswords", and please expand your vocabulary.
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  • #37
Are "SCAB" and "KoolAide" the principal words in your vocabulary? I'm worrying about you! You might be what we called in the Navy an "ID Ten T".

Listen, winter is over, spring is here, I highly doubt we'll get another Nor'Ester, so run along, and come back next year; and while you are out, on your union break, watch "wheel of fortune" or "crosswords", and please expand your vocabulary.

Ah, you so funny
! Just a another typical person who knows nothing about labor relations in the airline industry. Do you know what a SCAB is? I will give you a hint...its not the nasty road rash looking thing on your arm. I think you need to check your spelling, oh funny one. Kool-Aide is spelled with no "e" on the end in our business. Oh and btw... Can I buy a vowel?
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='586201' date='Mar 26 2008, 10:04 PM']Ah, you so funny
! Just a another typical person who knows nothing about labor relations in the airline industry. Do you know what a SCAB is? I will give you a hint...its not the nasty road rash looking thing on your arm. I think you need to check your spelling, oh funny one. Kool-Aide is spelled with no "e" on the end in our business. Oh and btw... Can I buy a vowel?[/quote]

Darn, you right, looks like I need a schooling in kindergarten name calling , I mean, "Labor" relations! Please educate me OH ERUDITE ONE!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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  • #39
Darn, you right, looks like I need a schooling in kindergarten name calling , I mean, "Labor" relations! Please educate me OH ERUDITE ONE!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You said you're not WORTHY. There's only one Worthy and his name is James. Don't diss one of the best fowards in NBA history.
DL pilots were more than willing to take the cabin jumpseat and did they offer the F/A's the cockpit

It is Delta policy that restricts FA's from occupying a flight deck jumpseat. In fact, FA's are not even allowed on the jumpseat during empty leg charters. So what you are in fact proposing is that ALPA negotiate the jumpseat agreement for you. Once again, not their responsibility. If you want that right, it must be negotiated. An argument for organizing.

At some carriers they have asked for a higher boarding priority over all non-revs and if a F/C or B/C seat is available when deadheading that they should be given that regardless of seniority or time of gate arrival.

I hate to break it to you but that exists at DL. Deadheading crewmembers are supposed to be upgraded prior to nonrevs based on availability.

What would I expect of union groups? I expect that they work together.

In what way? Co-negotiating? Are you suggesting pattern based bargaining? You cannot argue for either of these because you have no union.
It appears from your posts that you are not in favor of unionization, however, your posts also recommend you should do just the opposite. The one thing I agree with NBNW about regards the practice of freeloading, and that is exactly what you are condoning. A number of rights you enjoy can be attributed to the union. If you want a jumpseat, negotiate for it. Quit blaming others for not doing it for you especially when you aren't contributing.
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='586367' date='Mar 27 2008, 11:49 AM']Hey NHBB,

I guess this answers your question!![/quote]

And here I thought you were going to explain to me what a SCAB is.

What a disappointment.