Delta, pilots reach contract deal early

Was 5 minutes fast enough, Kev?

Except that DL apparently has good strategic reason to have wanted this contract settled - and that was not necessarily the case for either the pilots a year ago or for other labor groups.

The big unanswered question is why DL is willing to throw money at the pilots EARLY since every expectation is that the pilots will be getting fat pay raises.
Key talking points include dumping a bunch of 50 seaters (as I have suggested) in return for a reduced number - but more than currently allowed - 76 seaters; bringing the 717s onboard; a potential widebody order; a transpac JV and revised JV language on the Atlantic (since it has been noted that DL is violating the terms of the current JV agreement due to its pulldown of Atlantic flying),... and a merger/asset acquisition since having open labor contracts is not conducive to convincing another company that you are a good candidate for a merger.

It is also possible that DL wants to put pressure on AA and UA, both of which are in contract talks or the 1113 process -and DL's current rates are already higher than either.

DL wants this contract settled. The question is why and how much they were willing to pay to get a contract - and if DALPA thinks it is enough.

Actually, the refinery, DL's industry leading RASM performance, and increased pilot productivity and the ability to dump a bunch of small RJs are more likely the basis for the DL pilot pay raise.
Thanks again for disrespecting my wishes. You just couldn't help yourself, could you? What makes you think it was directed at you, anyway?

What anonymity?
How about instead you might share your thoughts on the topic at hand other than believing that someone else's gain has to come at your expense.

No, I am not disrespecting your wishes.

You have posted on a public forum. You should not be surprised if you receive a response.
Was 5 minutes fast enough, Kev?

Except that DL apparently has good strategic reason to have wanted this contract settled - and that was not necessarily the case for either the pilots a year ago or for other labor groups.

The big unanswered question is why DL is willing to throw money at the pilots EARLY since every expectation is that the pilots will be getting fat pay raises.
Key talking points include dumping a bunch of 50 seaters (as I have suggested) in return for a reduced number - but more than currently allowed - 76 seatersSTOP. If this is the case vote NO. bringing the 717s onboardNo CBA needed a potential widebody order;ditto a transpac JV and revised JV language on the Atlantic (since it has been noted that DL is violating the terms of the current JV agreement due to its pulldown of Atlantic flying)STOP....VOTE NO,... and a merger/asset acquisition since having open labor contracts is not conducive to convincing another company that you are a good candidate for a merger.

It is also possible that DL wants to put pressure on AA and UA, both of which are in contract talks or the 1113 process -and DL's current rates are already higher than either.

DL wants this contract settled. The question is why and how much they were willing to pay to get a contract - and if DALPA thinks it is enough.

Actually, the refinery, DL's industry leading RASM performance, and increased pilot productivity and the ability to dump a bunch of small RJs are more likely the basis for the DL pilot pay raise.
If this TA contains any kind of negative, to labor, not management, changes to section 1 I hope they vote NO. If its anything like you say I hope they dump ALPA.
Jeesh. You really hate labor don't you WT?....don't answer that.
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Kinda lays waste to all the "contracts can take years to negotiate" fear mongering we saw last year, doesn't it?

Company apologist response(s) in 5...4...3...2...1

...absolutely. Not even DL can change history!
According to some DL Pilots, there is NO 717 pay rate in the TA.

You all are pipe dreaming.
WT...............I'm sure KEV directed that towards me !

Want to join a union at Delta ? Get yer Pilot's license !
It wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but feel free to weigh in just the same.

No interest in flying. Dispatch is much more interesting to me; you know they're union as well, right?